Let's Take a look at Claude Pro Creating a Course for me.

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Hi Everyone,

Happily Multi-tasking today. I received an email about Claude Pro upgrading things including I can now upload documents for it to use in our projects.

Over 20 minutes, it continued to provide more info until I was informed I have to wait 4 hours before I can msg again. haha Ok, let's take a little peak at what I got.

The Project was for creating a Think and Grow Rich Success Course.

The 1937 Think and Grow Rich book is in the public domain, because they allowed the copyright to expire. It could have been renewed and extended. So I used that book to upload to Claude.

Here is the beginning of Claude's work:


Let's start by creating an outline for the Think and Grow Rich Success Course based on the book's key principles. We'll then develop materials for each module.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Success Principles
  2. Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement
  3. Faith: Visualizing and Believing in the Attainment of Desire
  4. Auto-Suggestion: The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind
  5. Specialized Knowledge: Personal Experiences or Observations
  6. Imagination: The Workshop of the Mind
  7. Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire into Action
  8. Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination
  9. Persistence: The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith
  10. Power of the Master Mind: The Driving Force
  11. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
  12. The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
  13. The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
  14. The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom
  15. How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear

Let's start with the first module:

Module 1: Introduction to Success Principles

Lesson 1: Understanding the Philosophy of Achievement


  • Overview of Napoleon Hill's research and methodology
  • The power of thought in achieving success
  • Introduction to the 13 principles of success

Exercise 1: Personal Success Inventory

  • Participants assess their current situation in various life areas (career, finances, relationships, personal growth)
  • They identify their top 3 areas for improvement

Exercise 2: Success Mindset Journaling

  • Daily journaling prompts to cultivate a success-oriented mindset
  • Example prompt: "Describe a time when you overcame a significant obstacle. What personal qualities helped you succeed?"

Worksheet 1: Setting Your Definite Chief Aim

  • Guide participants to define their primary goal or purpose
  • Have them write a clear, concise statement of their aim
  • Encourage them to review and refine this statement daily

Quiz 1: Key Concepts of Think and Grow Rich

  • Multiple-choice questions to test understanding of the basic principles
  • Example question: "According to Hill, what is the starting point of all achievement? a) Knowledge b) Desire c) Luck d) Connections"

Action Plan:

  1. Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Think and Grow Rich
  2. Complete the Personal Success Inventory
  3. Start the Success Mindset Journal (commit to 7 days)
  4. Create your Definite Chief Aim statement
  5. Take the Key Concepts Quiz

This first module sets the foundation for the entire course. It introduces the core ideas and gets participants actively engaged in self-reflection and goal-setting.

Shall we move on to developing materials for the next module, or would you like to refine or add anything to this first one?


That took just seconds. I'll show the 2nd module it produced and then stop.


Let's move on to the second module, which focuses on Desire.

Module 2: Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement

Lesson 1: Understanding the Power of Desire


  • Explanation of desire as the starting point of all achievement
  • The difference between wishing and burning desire
  • How to develop a burning desire for your goals

Exercise 1: Burning Desire Visualization

  • Guided visualization exercise to help participants vividly imagine achieving their chief aim
  • Encourage engaging all senses in the visualization

Worksheet 1: The Six Steps to Turn Desire into Gold Based on Hill's method, have participants:

  1. Fix in mind the exact amount of money/achievement desired
  2. Determine exactly what they intend to give in return
  3. Establish a definite date for achievement
  4. Create a definite plan to achieve the desire
  5. Write a clear, concise statement of this plan
  6. Read the statement aloud twice daily (morning and night)

Exercise 2: Desire Intensity Scale

  • Participants rate the intensity of their desire for their chief aim on a scale of 1-10
  • If below 8, they brainstorm ways to increase their desire's intensity

Lesson 2: Overcoming Obstacles to Desire


  • Common obstacles that dampen desire (fear, doubt, procrastination)
  • Strategies to maintain and strengthen desire in the face of setbacks

Exercise 3: Desire Reinforcement

  • Create a vision board or digital collage representing their chief desire
  • Write a letter to their future self who has achieved this desire

Quiz: Understanding Desire

  • Multiple-choice and short answer questions to test comprehension of the role of desire in achievement

Action Plan:

  1. Read Chapter 2 of Think and Grow Rich
  2. Complete the Burning Desire Visualization daily for a week
  3. Fill out the Six Steps worksheet and commit to reading it twice daily
  4. Create a vision board or write a letter to your future self
  5. Identify and list three potential obstacles to your desire and strategies to overcome them

Reflection Questions:

  1. How has your understanding of desire changed after this module?
  2. In what ways can you fuel your desire for your chief aim daily?
  3. How does your desire align with your personal values and long-term vision?

This module aims to help participants transform vague wishes into burning desires and provide them with tools to maintain and strengthen those desires. It emphasizes the importance of clarity, intensity, and persistence in desire as the foundation for achievement.


What do you think? I think its awesome!

It has 5 more modules to create for me. Then I will take each module and build more into it so when its all completed, I have everything I need to conduct this course online over Zoom, I am thinking.

The other thing with the details I am seeing is that I am going to implement this into my life immediately which will only make it easier to share with others when teaching this Course.

Oh, something funny. haha

Claude and I got into an argument of sorts and I won. hahaha Claude was not communicating effectively so there was miscommunication.

Here was Claude's response: "I apologize for the confusion. You're right that there seems to be a miscommunication here. I can indeed see and access the full content of the "Think and Grow Rich" book by Napoleon Hill that you uploaded. I reviewed that entire document in detail before responding to you."

So don't let those AI's push you around! haha

Ok, back to Book Publishing!

To Our Success!

Mel Waller

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Recent Comments


Sounds great, Mel. :)


Thanks Jay!


welcome, Mel


Quite impressive Mel. After you finish your course you can probably market it for significant dollars and then you can consider turning it into a seminar program making thousands like Tony Robbins does

I'll make something happen, Mark. :-)


That's awesome, Mel! Great find!

Tim 🎼

Thanks Tim!


Thats great, Mel!

I've had great success with creating courses with ChatGPT!

Had to laugh when after 20 minutes you have to take a 4-hour time out...grin.


I guess that's supposed to allow me time to catch up on reading everything it sent to me, Rudy. haha


Maybe!! Grin. While using the free version of ChatGPT, there is either a time limit or inquiry limit when the alert appears asking if you want to continue as a guest or to login.

If you continue as a guest you can keep whatever content was provided, if you log in, you start fresh!!


They always seem to have to complicate things Rudy. Where do you sell your courses if you don't mind my asking?


I will be selling them through my website, directly.


Pretty awesome, Mel!


Thanks Jeff!


You bet Mel!


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