About meal2468
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425 followers Joined June 2015
I am a 62 yr old, with very little training on web building, I have a web store and this is why i am here





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

how to get new password?

Looks like they have yo covered here

Hi, I know how you feel. I passed through something similar. So please see this WA blog where I gave some instructions, perhaps it may help:

thanks I try to get a rest yesterday no response so I will try that, thanks

Hi, last time when i tried to retrieve password, i didn't get the retreive password email. I think you may send and email to Kyle or Carson for help.

Can't remmber my password to wa how to get new password?

Can't remmber my password to wa how to get new password?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

how to get new password?

Looks like they have yo covered here

Hi, I know how you feel. I passed through something similar. So please see this WA blog where I gave some instructions, perhaps it may help:

thanks I try to get a rest yesterday no response so I will try that, thanks

Hi, last time when i tried to retrieve password, i didn't get the retreive password email. I think you may send and email to Kyle or Carson for help.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

how do I log in a person who will work with me on my web site if they are not a member

You can create a new user for your website with whatever role you want to give them. That way if you ever want to lock them out you can delete them as a user. You stay in complete control. ~Marion

Can that user also have access to the training system Marion?

We're talking about websites not membership to WA so they won't have access to the training.

Thanks for the question and the answer, good to know.

Send him/her your admin - and password
and activate Meta widget on your website

What are Meta Widgets? Loes

Go to customize site, then to widgets, then add new, then you see
Site Admin
Log out
Entries RSS
Comments RSS

You can login and logout your WP website then
But you can also give someone else access to help you

Thanks Loes, now in my case I have a number of websites - so this system of access could you please elaborate would that give the person full access to the entire system as I do - operating as 'Me" or would they have their own 'persona' and have access to only the sites they are permitted to have access to? Also would they have access to the training and communication? and full access to the back office as well?

Really good to know as I have my very young son (6 yrs ) set up with his own website and login to create his own posts - but he has limited access to the back office and no training.
But my older daughter only 17 and no real income yet. I would like her to have full access to the training as well so she can run with her own website and build up a business in time.

Can we access at the same time on different devices?
cheers Tracey

This has nothing to do with the access to WA, it's the access to the dashboard on the wordpress website.
Sorry, the training isn't in this deal:(

Thanks for the clarification Loes,

I guess adding a new user via SiteRubix is the way to access the training as well then?

No, that will not work either, that's also only for the website dashboard

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How do I log in a person ?

How do I log in a person ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

how do I log in a person who will work with me on my web site if they are not a member

You can create a new user for your website with whatever role you want to give them. That way if you ever want to lock them out you can delete them as a user. You stay in complete control. ~Marion

Can that user also have access to the training system Marion?

We're talking about websites not membership to WA so they won't have access to the training.

Thanks for the question and the answer, good to know.

Send him/her your admin - and password
and activate Meta widget on your website

What are Meta Widgets? Loes

Go to customize site, then to widgets, then add new, then you see
Site Admin
Log out
Entries RSS
Comments RSS

You can login and logout your WP website then
But you can also give someone else access to help you

Thanks Loes, now in my case I have a number of websites - so this system of access could you please elaborate would that give the person full access to the entire system as I do - operating as 'Me" or would they have their own 'persona' and have access to only the sites they are permitted to have access to? Also would they have access to the training and communication? and full access to the back office as well?

Really good to know as I have my very young son (6 yrs ) set up with his own website and login to create his own posts - but he has limited access to the back office and no training.
But my older daughter only 17 and no real income yet. I would like her to have full access to the training as well so she can run with her own website and build up a business in time.

Can we access at the same time on different devices?
cheers Tracey

This has nothing to do with the access to WA, it's the access to the dashboard on the wordpress website.
Sorry, the training isn't in this deal:(

Thanks for the clarification Loes,

I guess adding a new user via SiteRubix is the way to access the training as well then?

No, that will not work either, that's also only for the website dashboard

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