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Hello! Nice that you're checking out our profile. We're Mark & Bryan. We both work full time jobs at the moment and we are very





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I was wondering, do I need to include a Amazon affiliate notice at the end of each post where I have amazon affiliate links? Something that says that the article inlcludes link

Hey Mark,

Here's what I use: in case this will help you.

Thanks, will watch the video!

you could always put it at the top of the sidebar - then it is on each post .
goodl uck

The FTC says all posts that have them must include an affiliate link disclosure on the post itself. BEFORE the actual affiliate link, not hiding at the bottom.


This applies for affiliate links in general and not just amazon right?

Correct. All affiliate disclosure rules are because of the FTC, not individual program rules. They all require disclosures on anything you create with affiliate links, each blog post, every social media post, every email you send with affiliate links (though Amazon doesn't allow affiliate links in email).


I am not sure wish I knew the correct information. To be on the safe side I had mine all post but again I dont know.

I just have an affiliate disclosure on my website for Amazon. I know for some affiliate programs like AWeber and Bluehost an affiliate disclosure needs to be on the specific post or review.

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Amazon affiliate notice in each post?

Amazon affiliate notice in each post?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I was wondering, do I need to include a Amazon affiliate notice at the end of each post where I have amazon affiliate links? Something that says that the article inlcludes link

Hey Mark,

Here's what I use: in case this will help you.

Thanks, will watch the video!

you could always put it at the top of the sidebar - then it is on each post .
goodl uck

The FTC says all posts that have them must include an affiliate link disclosure on the post itself. BEFORE the actual affiliate link, not hiding at the bottom.


This applies for affiliate links in general and not just amazon right?

Correct. All affiliate disclosure rules are because of the FTC, not individual program rules. They all require disclosures on anything you create with affiliate links, each blog post, every social media post, every email you send with affiliate links (though Amazon doesn't allow affiliate links in email).


I am not sure wish I knew the correct information. To be on the safe side I had mine all post but again I dont know.

I just have an affiliate disclosure on my website for Amazon. I know for some affiliate programs like AWeber and Bluehost an affiliate disclosure needs to be on the specific post or review.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I just read about this concept but people seem to be in the middle of this.

Do you No follow affiliate links? If Google does not follow them they wont penalize you for i

Affiliate links are basically paid links, because you are earning from them, so they SHOULD have the nofollow tag attached to them.

Interesting question. I'll be checking out aeartga's link. Jim

It is something that I have always done myself. I'm still not certain if it helps/doesn't help. You can read a discussion about it below:

Thanks for that training, however it is pretty old. Is it still relevant?
I mean for some links you don't want a "NoFollow" right as on page SEO needs to have some external linking?

Like if you would link to Wikipedia then why would you want to "NoFollow" this?

So only for affiliate links?

Affiliate links are really the only links I add the nofollow to. At this point, it is best practice for me. I couldn’t find an updated discussion about it. It is definitely a question you can ask Jay to receive more clarification.

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Should I no follow affiliate links?

Should I no follow affiliate links?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I just read about this concept but people seem to be in the middle of this.

Do you No follow affiliate links? If Google does not follow them they wont penalize you for i

Affiliate links are basically paid links, because you are earning from them, so they SHOULD have the nofollow tag attached to them.

Interesting question. I'll be checking out aeartga's link. Jim

It is something that I have always done myself. I'm still not certain if it helps/doesn't help. You can read a discussion about it below:

Thanks for that training, however it is pretty old. Is it still relevant?
I mean for some links you don't want a "NoFollow" right as on page SEO needs to have some external linking?

Like if you would link to Wikipedia then why would you want to "NoFollow" this?

So only for affiliate links?

Affiliate links are really the only links I add the nofollow to. At this point, it is best practice for me. I couldn’t find an updated discussion about it. It is definitely a question you can ask Jay to receive more clarification.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hello all,

Reading some things about alt text in images and it confuses me a bit.
Should I just use the keyword there that I use for my article?

Or some relevan

Hey Mark,

Here is a blog to help you: Hope you find this helpful.

It was thanks, will use relevant ALT text descriptions for my images from now on.

The image title itself.... do you recommend putting the article keyword into it?

The title text box is made for using proper keywords... not stuffing them, yes.

If the image isn't your keyword phrase then you will need to describe it just like you would in telling somebody a story.

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Image alt text, should I use the article keyword?

Image alt text, should I use the article keyword?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hello all,

Reading some things about alt text in images and it confuses me a bit.
Should I just use the keyword there that I use for my article?

Or some relevan

Hey Mark,

Here is a blog to help you: Hope you find this helpful.

It was thanks, will use relevant ALT text descriptions for my images from now on.

The image title itself.... do you recommend putting the article keyword into it?

The title text box is made for using proper keywords... not stuffing them, yes.

If the image isn't your keyword phrase then you will need to describe it just like you would in telling somebody a story.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hello all!


Im looking at the settings of the "all in one SEO plugin" on the WordPress Editor dashboard.
There is a tab called "Content Type Editor" a


I guess it makes sense to just activate it.
Generating traffic trough media is a way right?

Should the article keywork be included in the media or is it better to use a different keyword for media (but of course related to the niche/article)?

Yes check them.
Yes use your Main Keyword.
You can also use good secondary keywords within your articles but no more than five per article.

Thanks for the feedback, this answers my question :)

happy to help when I can
enjoy your Monday

SEO Your media. Why not?

Good question...although you'd think it should be checked, according to the video in lesson 1, No, we don't need to check the box for Media...this is under the All-in-One SEO "General Settings" for your website. I took a screenshot of the video, hopefully it will be large enough to see, lol.

Otherwise, here's a link to the video as well... Hope this helps you out!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry


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Should I check "media" in the seo plugin settings?

Should I check "media" in the seo plugin settings?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hello all!


Im looking at the settings of the "all in one SEO plugin" on the WordPress Editor dashboard.
There is a tab called "Content Type Editor" a


I guess it makes sense to just activate it.
Generating traffic trough media is a way right?

Should the article keywork be included in the media or is it better to use a different keyword for media (but of course related to the niche/article)?

Yes check them.
Yes use your Main Keyword.
You can also use good secondary keywords within your articles but no more than five per article.

Thanks for the feedback, this answers my question :)

happy to help when I can
enjoy your Monday

SEO Your media. Why not?

Good question...although you'd think it should be checked, according to the video in lesson 1, No, we don't need to check the box for Media...this is under the All-in-One SEO "General Settings" for your website. I took a screenshot of the video, hopefully it will be large enough to see, lol.

Otherwise, here's a link to the video as well... Hope this helps you out!
Best wishes :) ~Sherry


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