About MarlaineB
Rank 6284
779 followers Joined August 2016
Hey WA people, So several years back I tried out affiliate marketing, made a few websites, made a few sales, learned a LOT, and then let





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi all,
I think I've figured out how to use the Amazon API to get images using the Scratchpad, but from what I can see, I can't add any tracking ids anywhere. I'm assuming I

Hi Marlaine:)
I wish I knew the answer, so that I could help you. Followingā€¦

How to add tracking ids in the new amazon api scratchpad?

How to add tracking ids in the new amazon api scratchpad?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi all,
I think I've figured out how to use the Amazon API to get images using the Scratchpad, but from what I can see, I can't add any tracking ids anywhere. I'm assuming I

Hi Marlaine:)
I wish I knew the answer, so that I could help you. Followingā€¦

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm struggling with doing effective keyword research and don't want to be wasting my time writing product reviews and articles that will never see the light of day.

On J

Hey Marlaine,

Me again!!! LOL!! Once more, I wrote these blog posts a couple of years ago, but this is how I do keyword research.

Plus, I have made some more updates to this in my recent blog posts from last year and this year (you'll have to go through my WA blog roll to find them). Partha

Yay! You steered me right the first time... I'll absolutely give these a good read.
Thank you again!

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How do I do keyword research in the days of lsi algorithms?

How do I do keyword research in the days of lsi algorithms?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm struggling with doing effective keyword research and don't want to be wasting my time writing product reviews and articles that will never see the light of day.

On J

Hey Marlaine,

Me again!!! LOL!! Once more, I wrote these blog posts a couple of years ago, but this is how I do keyword research.

Plus, I have made some more updates to this in my recent blog posts from last year and this year (you'll have to go through my WA blog roll to find them). Partha

Yay! You steered me right the first time... I'll absolutely give these a good read.
Thank you again!

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm really trying to improve traffic to my website, but seem to be struggling with getting clicks! My posts are showing up in the search results... getting people to click on t

Hi - just to clarify something that Partha has mentioned, as regards what position you are ranking in.

Remember, just because Google reports an Impression doesn't actually mean that people have even seen your post.

If Google has included you in the top 10 results on page 1 but, say, for example, you are at number 7, then people may not scroll that far.

Typically, we all tend to click on the top 3 results.

So, if somebody gets their answer from the first post they click on, they won't go back to Google, and consequently, your post won't have actually been seen.

It's not necessarily that your post title or meta description is not enticing enough; it's just that your post might not even have been seen.

So if it's on the results page, even if people don't scroll down and physically see it, it's still included as an impression...? Strange. But that does make sense.

Between your and Partha's response I'm getting a better picture of what's going on, and am formulating a game plan to attack it.

Always something to do! :)

Yes, that's correct, Google has no way of knowing how far people have scrolled.

It has simply decided that your post has the potential to match what they are searching for.

But it could be ranked a long way, not even on page 1.

Thanks for the clarification, Diane!

Hey Marlaine,

I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago now: It's about using Google Search Console to increase your clickthrough rate to already written articles.

The main idea is to use GSC to see which "LSI keywords" are getting the most impressions, but not many clicks, and then finding ways to include these within your articles in order to improve rankings for those LSI keywords.

The reason that you're getting so many impressions, but not many clicks will be due to the ranking position of those LSI keywords.

Have you checked the indivudal ranking positions of your LSI keywords?

If you click on the Google Search Console graph at the the top where it says AVERAGE POSITION, then change the date to the last 28 days you can see exactlky where you are ranking for those keywords.

Personally, anything ranking position 7-20 has a great chance of hitting those top 3 spots in Google, by simply including those "keywords" in your text, as a heading/subheading, or even as Alt Text for images.

I also note that your Premium Plus, I believe Vitally has recently created a class about using GSC to improve rankings.


Thanks Partha - yeah, I just finished watching Vitally's class and doing my own research to apply what he taught there led me to this question.

I plan to spend time going through a bunch of posts to try to improve the rankings for those LSI keywords as he discussed (and you here), but I don't know why no one is CLICKING...

Are you saying that no one is clicking because it's possible that all of them are not in top 3 positions? Hmm.

A mystery...

THat will be due to the "average ranking position" of those LSI keywords.

As I say, click the "average position" box in Google Search Console, lower the search criteria to "Last 28 Days" and you'll be able to see where those individual keywords are ranking.

You could potentially be getting 1,000s of impressions for a particular keyword every month, but it's currently ranking at position 12. Therefore, no-one's really ACTUALLY "seeing it".

Yes, the impressions mean you are included in the search results, but perhaps people aren't scrolling that far down the page.

However, if you can integrate some of those keyword NATURALLY into your content, this can certainly give those particular keywords a boost in rankings.

Awesome. Thank you so much for the clarification! I've been looking into the average ranking on SC since I got your first response and it totally makes sense now!
Much appreciated!

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How to improve ctr - google sc says 1000s of impressions, yet 0 clicks on all lsi keywords?

How to improve ctr - google sc says 1000s of impressions, yet 0 clicks on all lsi keywords?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I'm really trying to improve traffic to my website, but seem to be struggling with getting clicks! My posts are showing up in the search results... getting people to click on t

Hi - just to clarify something that Partha has mentioned, as regards what position you are ranking in.

Remember, just because Google reports an Impression doesn't actually mean that people have even seen your post.

If Google has included you in the top 10 results on page 1 but, say, for example, you are at number 7, then people may not scroll that far.

Typically, we all tend to click on the top 3 results.

So, if somebody gets their answer from the first post they click on, they won't go back to Google, and consequently, your post won't have actually been seen.

It's not necessarily that your post title or meta description is not enticing enough; it's just that your post might not even have been seen.

So if it's on the results page, even if people don't scroll down and physically see it, it's still included as an impression...? Strange. But that does make sense.

Between your and Partha's response I'm getting a better picture of what's going on, and am formulating a game plan to attack it.

Always something to do! :)

Yes, that's correct, Google has no way of knowing how far people have scrolled.

It has simply decided that your post has the potential to match what they are searching for.

But it could be ranked a long way, not even on page 1.

Thanks for the clarification, Diane!

Hey Marlaine,

I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago now: It's about using Google Search Console to increase your clickthrough rate to already written articles.

The main idea is to use GSC to see which "LSI keywords" are getting the most impressions, but not many clicks, and then finding ways to include these within your articles in order to improve rankings for those LSI keywords.

The reason that you're getting so many impressions, but not many clicks will be due to the ranking position of those LSI keywords.

Have you checked the indivudal ranking positions of your LSI keywords?

If you click on the Google Search Console graph at the the top where it says AVERAGE POSITION, then change the date to the last 28 days you can see exactlky where you are ranking for those keywords.

Personally, anything ranking position 7-20 has a great chance of hitting those top 3 spots in Google, by simply including those "keywords" in your text, as a heading/subheading, or even as Alt Text for images.

I also note that your Premium Plus, I believe Vitally has recently created a class about using GSC to improve rankings.


Thanks Partha - yeah, I just finished watching Vitally's class and doing my own research to apply what he taught there led me to this question.

I plan to spend time going through a bunch of posts to try to improve the rankings for those LSI keywords as he discussed (and you here), but I don't know why no one is CLICKING...

Are you saying that no one is clicking because it's possible that all of them are not in top 3 positions? Hmm.

A mystery...

THat will be due to the "average ranking position" of those LSI keywords.

As I say, click the "average position" box in Google Search Console, lower the search criteria to "Last 28 Days" and you'll be able to see where those individual keywords are ranking.

You could potentially be getting 1,000s of impressions for a particular keyword every month, but it's currently ranking at position 12. Therefore, no-one's really ACTUALLY "seeing it".

Yes, the impressions mean you are included in the search results, but perhaps people aren't scrolling that far down the page.

However, if you can integrate some of those keyword NATURALLY into your content, this can certainly give those particular keywords a boost in rankings.

Awesome. Thank you so much for the clarification! I've been looking into the average ranking on SC since I got your first response and it totally makes sense now!
Much appreciated!

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asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out PPC, how the keyword rules from companies actually work.

Each of my merchants over at Share-a-sale (and CJ or the like) lists

You ,may also see here


Level six and seven of the Affiliate Bootcamp covers PPC in great detail.

Thanks Abie. Iā€™ll check them out againā€¦ maybe I missed something that answers my question.

No worries, and most welcome! I hope you find what you are looking for.

don't you just add curiosity about what the product is rather than telling them exactly what it is...
so - parents find the best present for your child - a learning : doing present that will fill the room with smiles....
or whoever the target market you are going after...
so you don't need ot mention the name of the subscription at all at this stage- on the landing page maybe..so they are not suprised when they click to go over to there...

Thanksā€¦ I am actually hoping to find out how to do a PPC adgroup targeting a very specific product review, without using the company name if itā€™s not allowed.

Maybe Cratejoy was a bad example!

Hmm. How do I do an ad group (PPC) for a specific Weber gas grill if I canā€™t say ā€œWeber (model xyz) reviewā€ because Weber doesnā€™t allow ā€œWeberā€ used in PPC? (Just pulled Weber as an exampleā€¦ not sure on their rules). I guess thatā€™s more my question.

sell the future...the benefits of the grill ...
convenience ( gas powered) ,heating control, size ( enough room for a family meal), etc...

The review part I getā€¦ thanks though!
Itā€™s the PPC part Iā€™m curious about. If I canā€™t use the brand name in the ad group, how do I target people who want to review that specific grill?

you don't need to use the name - use the features - target people wanting a new grill rather than a weber grill...
what is the unique selling point of the weber grill....
how do the features become benefits and use them as your ads...
write out bullet points of the benefits and then try to take them one stage further by saying 'so what' why would i want that benefit...

Again, thanks. I appreciate the tips on writing reviews but my question is re PPC keywords :)

i take it you have gone therough this

Working my way through a bunch of them! Thanks! :)

Based on their note: Affiliates may not bid on any version, variation or extension of our trademarks

It looks like you cannot use any keyword with their brand in it for PPC.

Okā€¦ makes things a bit more complicated but good to know.

Hi, Marlaine

Iā€™m not sure about the answer to your query, but I recommend you watch Vitaliyā€™s premium plus classes on Bing and Google PPC.

They have absolutely everything you need to know and then some. He has really mastered the process!

You can ask him your keyword questions in the class comment area.

How is it going with your site ranking on Google? Has that improved?


Haha... funny! I JUST finished watching the first one in his series! :) On to the next then.

No change. But I haven't done anything really since last week. Mostly spinning my wheels a bit, trying to get a better idea of which approach to take to spark life back into the site. Considering PPC but I want to make sure I do a good amount of research before jumping into that.

Ask Kyle to weigh in on your site ranking problem and Vitaliy is a great PPC resource!

Iā€™m sure a lot of people with excellent websites are in your predicament so itā€™s just a matter of getting some expert input.

Good Luck, šŸ˜Š

I did send Kyle a message a few days ago but havenā€™t heard back yet. I know heā€™s pretty busy though, so Iā€™m being patientā€¦ but also researching and learning what I can. :)

Great Plan! šŸ‘

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Ppc keyword rules - how do they work?

Ppc keyword rules - how do they work?

asked in
Pay Per Click Marketing

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to figure out PPC, how the keyword rules from companies actually work.

Each of my merchants over at Share-a-sale (and CJ or the like) lists

You ,may also see here


Level six and seven of the Affiliate Bootcamp covers PPC in great detail.

Thanks Abie. Iā€™ll check them out againā€¦ maybe I missed something that answers my question.

No worries, and most welcome! I hope you find what you are looking for.

don't you just add curiosity about what the product is rather than telling them exactly what it is...
so - parents find the best present for your child - a learning : doing present that will fill the room with smiles....
or whoever the target market you are going after...
so you don't need ot mention the name of the subscription at all at this stage- on the landing page maybe..so they are not suprised when they click to go over to there...

Thanksā€¦ I am actually hoping to find out how to do a PPC adgroup targeting a very specific product review, without using the company name if itā€™s not allowed.

Maybe Cratejoy was a bad example!

Hmm. How do I do an ad group (PPC) for a specific Weber gas grill if I canā€™t say ā€œWeber (model xyz) reviewā€ because Weber doesnā€™t allow ā€œWeberā€ used in PPC? (Just pulled Weber as an exampleā€¦ not sure on their rules). I guess thatā€™s more my question.

sell the future...the benefits of the grill ...
convenience ( gas powered) ,heating control, size ( enough room for a family meal), etc...

The review part I getā€¦ thanks though!
Itā€™s the PPC part Iā€™m curious about. If I canā€™t use the brand name in the ad group, how do I target people who want to review that specific grill?

you don't need to use the name - use the features - target people wanting a new grill rather than a weber grill...
what is the unique selling point of the weber grill....
how do the features become benefits and use them as your ads...
write out bullet points of the benefits and then try to take them one stage further by saying 'so what' why would i want that benefit...

Again, thanks. I appreciate the tips on writing reviews but my question is re PPC keywords :)

i take it you have gone therough this

Working my way through a bunch of them! Thanks! :)

Based on their note: Affiliates may not bid on any version, variation or extension of our trademarks

It looks like you cannot use any keyword with their brand in it for PPC.

Okā€¦ makes things a bit more complicated but good to know.

Hi, Marlaine

Iā€™m not sure about the answer to your query, but I recommend you watch Vitaliyā€™s premium plus classes on Bing and Google PPC.

They have absolutely everything you need to know and then some. He has really mastered the process!

You can ask him your keyword questions in the class comment area.

How is it going with your site ranking on Google? Has that improved?


Haha... funny! I JUST finished watching the first one in his series! :) On to the next then.

No change. But I haven't done anything really since last week. Mostly spinning my wheels a bit, trying to get a better idea of which approach to take to spark life back into the site. Considering PPC but I want to make sure I do a good amount of research before jumping into that.

Ask Kyle to weigh in on your site ranking problem and Vitaliy is a great PPC resource!

Iā€™m sure a lot of people with excellent websites are in your predicament so itā€™s just a matter of getting some expert input.

Good Luck, šŸ˜Š

I did send Kyle a message a few days ago but havenā€™t heard back yet. I know heā€™s pretty busy though, so Iā€™m being patientā€¦ but also researching and learning what I can. :)

Great Plan! šŸ‘

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