April 30th, Mother Natures Temper Tantrum
April 29th was just the beginning, the 30th she dropped 12 inches of snow. This morning I saw the damage that she caused.
Tree in front yard split in half.
Elm tree destroyed
Cherry tree half there
All that's left of the Peach tree
Apricot tree, some branches broke
Shade tree branches down
Large limb down
And the Iris can with stand anything.
We spent most of today cleaning up the yard, cutting down what's left of the fruit trees and shedding a few tears in the process. The fruit trees were planted in the early 80s by my dad and mom. I saved a bunch of the limbs and quite a few pieces of the trunks, will make them into crafts and some woodburning designs. I just don't have the heart to throw them in the dumpster.
Mother nature proved she still has the upper hand.
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I think winter is over in sunny Alberta. But we never know for sure. Its a shame what damage it does to the trees this time of year.
Hi, lovely pics. The snow looks beautiful. I am from Australia and it is hot in my area. Funny the little things Mother Nature can just throw at us.
You mentioned that you would turn the wood into craft, could you please put up a pic of some of your work in a post. I would love to see some.
thank you.
Spring snow is more heavy. Trees often can't support such heavy load. It's a pity for the fruit trees. It will take years to recover, if at all.
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Wow...sorry that I missed your weather challenges. I was dealing with simply try to take care of all my animals in the snow. Fortunately, I don't have a lot of trees, so they didn't cause too much problem.
This morning my Anugs bull demonstrated that he can walk over a fence if he uses the frozen snow piles as a ramp.
I'm sorry to hear about the fruit trees in particular.
Anugs is one smart bull, I hope you got some pictures of his escapade.
No, I've got damaged horse field fence to fix to remind me of his escapade.
Plus, I've still go the damage to photograph from day before where he decided to go under livestock panels by pushing up and breaking the clips that held to the rail road tie posts. He then went underneath it. Those panels are heavy enough I'll have to get help to pull them back down into position. When I discovered that, it took 30 minutes to catch him in a sleet storm and bring him back.
I am NOT happy with him.... I sent him off to go mate with a few more cows and then next stop is auction. When I got him, he had a history of escaping and tearing stuff up.
We had a bull like that when I was young, His name was Randulf. As soon as he did his duty he off to the auction to. LOL
Then we got one who didn't want to mate, just stood around like a dumb A**. I hope you get help to get everything done, If I was close I would help, but I think The bull and I would bump heads. I hope your weekend goes alittle bit smother.
Lol. Thanks. Fortunately, this bull knows what a bull's purpose in life is.
I hope you have a good weekend yourself.