How does your website look like above the fold?
Above the fold
What do your visitors see without scrolling the page?
Take a look at your homepage
See your website through the eyes of a visitor, what do they see? Which message do they get in the first 5 seconds?
Are they starting to scroll.
Are they leaving right away?
Are they clicking a link?
What would you do?
When you came to your own website?
What would be the first thing you would want to do?
Look at your website through the eyes of your visitor!
Don't scroll just look at the top!
Make it inviting, interesting, and activating!
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Great advice Loes.
I always have text at the top of my articles for at least the first two paragraphs unless I can create a great image with eye catching text within it to encourage the visitor to read on for further information.
Have a great Friday and the weekend to come.
I will certainly try to enjoy my weekend Loes.
Going to visit my youngest daughter and the youngest grand-daughter as well (9 months)
But of course you wont be spoiling her lol
Lots of babysitting in the future as well.
Now I'm off home for eats.
HI Loes,
I’m so pleased you brought this subject up! On my website, the area that you have labelled ‘Header 2’ I have a search box and nothing else! Its a space that I would love to fill with something but I am unable to find a way of changing it. I have been through all my menu’s and widget’s but cannot find a way to do anything with it! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
That's theme related, you have themes with only a logo, a logo + header, only a header, mine has only a header, and I paste the logo on the header
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I am always confused about featured images. They go to the top (maybe they don't have to?) so if I have a featured image, my above the fold content would be the 1, 2 and 3 you show above, and then a featured image. That is not the best way to catch everyone's attention. Some might like the image if it is relevant but otherwise if they don't scroll down they might not get to read anything! I am still confused why featured images are such a good thing?
For something like the large cat tree I review, I think an image of my cats on the cat tree in front of the window is good since it shows the product and shows that I use it and own it in real life...and cat people like cute cat pictures.
For other products or concepts this might not be effective however. I want to have images so they show up in search results though!
I choose not to have a featured image on my homepage, you can choose yourself if you want a featured image or not