Being Bold & Courageous


I am thinking of taking a bold and courageous step right now. Stepping out of my beloved IT industry into selling my favorite car brand Lexus. I need a change and an opportunity found me.

Challenge will be finding time to work my online business as well, I am committed to it.

I am interested in thoughts from my WA friends.

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To be honest Leon, I would stick to something you know is going to give you a check, people buying cars is not reliable income. I'm sorry to be a little negative, but I would rather be honest with you.

So you know I have always been in IT sales, and think I can overcome the risk.

I appreciate your concern Lori, so I will have a plan B to go to if selling Lexus doesn't work.

Best Regards,

Leon B.

I hope it does work for you Leon, I wish you tons of success. Now if you were selling old school cars I would be your first customer. Lets say like a 70-73 Dodge Charger. :)

That's a nice muscle car for sure.

I own a 94 Corvette ZR1 with 14K original miles, looks and drives like new and I absolutely love it.

See we think alike. We have a 1967 Chrysler Cordba, 1970 Chevy C10, And of course Sally the 26 Model T. They don't make cars like they used to. Have a great day Leon.

That is a bold step.
If you were going there to take care of all their IT issues, it would be an exciting move because two passions would be met in one environment.
But since you are going into the sales department, you do need at give that some serious thought.
Being a salesman is not an easy job. Just because you love what you are selling, does not mean you will sell lots.
Face to face sales can be hard on anyone.
If you have been a salesman in the past and loved it, then you know the challenges and the joys.
You are right, this would be a bold move.
I wish you all the best with whatever you decide.
You might just find your new niche!

I am going for it, plan to be the best and see where it takes me.

I very much appreciate your thoughts Susan, thank you.

If your plan is to be the best, then that is what you will be! All the Best in the world to you! Enjoy!

Make sure to have a plan B if Lexus doesn't work out as you expect.

Good thought, I will.

Always go with your passion and if you have a passion for Lexus then you have found your niche.

Always follow your dreams Leon. The disappointment later will always stay withy you.

Hey Leon I have thought about that at one point in time. As you stated, I believe, you are committed to it (Car Sales). I think that the experience you will gain from this will be a website that will benefit you later on. Best of luck.

Thank you for the encouragement.

Yes, we all need the change. Opportunity found me too and helped me get out of my dead-end office job.

Thank you for the encouragement.

Tally ho.

Thank you.

I know car sales.
I have been around it my whole life.
Not for me... But what I can say is I think they are both feasible.
With how the hours are and technology at hand it will be a matter of time management over anything.

For websites and such just remember... Your not nailed down. You can be anywhere and be working.

I have done direct sales for over 25 years and one thing I realize is that its always directly in front of you. If it isn't getting done even in the smallest increment... It isn't the business fault.

You got this. I wish you the best of luck.

(I can't wait to have my own car again. Never have I ever been where I am now... Moving on up.

Thank you for the encouragement Lori, very much appreciated.

You can sell me one, the CT200 hatchback, love them!

Would love that you're my first sale. I am on my second ES, first one lasted 15 years. Customer sat, service and support is the best I've found.

I don't know much about the CT200, surely will be knowing a lot more soon.

Thank you,

Leon B.

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