No More PM's
One of the great things about WA is access to experts through the PM option. Well, thanks to a handful of knuckleheads the option to PM Jay has gone bye-bye.
What do I mean?
Well from time to time I will PM Jay for advice or resources and such, and without fail he comes through.
So I PM'ed Jay today asking a question and here's his reply:
Hey Leo,
Due to several asinine remarks and posts from a few WA members, I am no longer offering help beyond WA live classes and my own referrals.
It's lame that it's come down to this, but I feel it's necessary for the sake of my own training content here in WA.
I just wanted to send a shout-out to those people who forced Jay to make this decision. Well done!!
Recent Comments
Sorry to hear that, Leo! I'm right there with you in recognizing Jay's training as an invaluable resource. It'll make his training and contributions here that much more valuable, and who knows, maybe down the line he'll be available again. But given just how many people send him PMs I totally understand his position and respect it. I couldn't handle being that available for so many, lol.
Totally agree, I can't imagine how many PM's he must get. Has to be overwhelming at times.
And while it sucks and yep I will miss knowing he was there when needed.
I understand completely and support his decision 100%.
But I still have batman- lol.
There are always a few that have to screw it up for the lots ... yak ... when stuff like that goes down they should be banned from the group ... people are here for collaborative help why can we help each other instead of hindering the system! ... that's kinda of my take on that one ... cheers ...
I feel for Jay and many others. He puts out a lot of material. I’m sure he’s inundated with comments and requests. I’ve seen some of the good, the bad and the ugly threads here along with live chat. Not just to Jay.
It’s part of the way when you’re giving “One way to skin a cat” content to a bunch of cats! Lol. 😝
Jay is a content giving beast! ❤️
He has my respect for this decision all the way!
While is sucks. I completely understand why he has made this decision. Everyone has their limit.
Hi - I suspect that I am one of the guilty parties here.
I know that Jay was unhappy with a couple of my recent posts.
However, I believe I made it quite clear that I was not challenging his knowledge and experience.
One post offered my opinion on a technique that works for me, and the other post was a genuine question that I didn't know the answer to, and was seeking opinions.
I even sent a PM to Jay to offer my side of the story, and to reiterate that I wasn't doubting his advice.
If that makes me a knucklehead or asinine, so be it.
I know you and the experience and respect you have for people. By sending Jay a PM explaining things I doubt you contributed to his decision.
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This is really sad news, but I completely understand why Jay has taken that step, and he probably did so very reluctantly and after much soul searching.
I've asked Jay for help on a few occasions and he's always delivered.
I'm not one of his referrals so he was under no obligation to help me on a one to one basis, but he did so anyway of his own free will and - most importantly - in his own time.
There are always a few who let the side down. It's very sad that they also ruin it for eveyone else.
Rich :-(
I completely understand where Jay is coming from. And like you, I'm not one of his referrals, but he always helped when I reached out. I'll miss that. It's just a shame we have to pay for the sins of others.