I Bid You A Sweet Adieu

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I have not been very active within the community for a month or so and it hurts to say this but, with a very heavy heart, I bid you a sweet adieu WA and your awesome community.

I have tried to find legitimate online jobs with no success. Since I need money NOW I took my search into the brick and mortar side.

I have placed several applications with a small variety of jobs. My focus was to get back into the medical field as I loved it and had been in it for years before moving.

Life Happens

I have been here a year and have had no referrals to upgrade to premium. No, I didn't expect to have an income yet.

Life happens and has happened to me. My husband had issues with his heart. My mom and sister have been in the hospital which took me away from my website as they were both serious conditions.

Now, we have been struggling financially due to my husband having to be off of work due to his heart.

When you live on one income, it is hard to catch the bills back up. my husband never asked me to go back to work, nor did he ever criticize WA or my website.

I took it upon myself, as most loving wives and mothers would do for their family, and started looking for a J O B. I have started with the interviews as of this week.

I Still Believe

I haven't necessarily given up on WA. I do have a family and need to stop putting all of our financial issues on my husband.

I took advantage of the Black Friday deal (thanks to a wonderful members posting about PayPay credit which also allowed me to get Christmas gifts).

This means that I can still work on my site if and when I have the time. I just will not be as focused on it anymore.

I know I could have been successful here, just as I know YOU can be successful here. As long as you can put the time into it, it is very possible.

I just will not have the time to put into it now. This was my Volunteer Job. I volunteered my time for my business.

Being a slow learner, means I am not at the point that I should be at with my business. I don't blame WA at all.

WA has given me so much more knowledge and a stronger belief that there is success online. I hope to one day have my own success online.

I hope that by me also bringing home a paycheck, we will get caught back up. my plan is to eventually be able to hopefully find a good writer so that I can at least have post published to my website again.

Kyle, Carson, and all of you awesome friends and members here, Thank You.

It has been awesome being a member here and I couldn't have found a better platform or community at a better time in my life.

I just wish life had been more accepting.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and all the success that you can handle.

Take Care

Wishing you all the best in all you do

Lee Ann

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Hi Lee Ann, I understand how difficult this decision must be for you as you have a year of hard work and dedication invested, but the real life struggles require your immediate attention. I wish you and your family the best and because you have the yearly membership it does not need to be the end of your time here. Hope to see you around. All the best, cheers, Cass

Hi, Lee Ann,

I am devasted you are leaving you have worked so hard here and you have always Pm'd me to check up to see if I am ok.

I am totally sorry to see you go. If there is anything I can do you know where to find me.

Please take care and please come back soon. Your going to be truly missed.

Sending you a Big E hug. xoxo

Please take care sweetie. Have a wonderful Christmas. Come back soon.

Debs :( xoxo

Hi Lee Ann,
I’m deeply sorry to hear about your current struggles.
You have your priorities right, your family’s physical and financial health must come first.
Isn’t there a way to put your account on hold until you return? Seems like I saw that somewhere, hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me will jump in to confirm or deny.
Know that you are loved and respected here, and that we pray for a positive outcome for you so that you can return to the community.
Wishing you Blessings,

Lee Ann

Sorry to hear about your Husband health issues and the challenges that you are dealt....

This World of Affiliate marketing and Community will be here for you when you are ready to come back.

Just do what you must to take care of you and yours

Have a great holiday season and a prosperous and healthy 2019


Lee Ann,

Ultimately, our meeting our family's present needs is the best gift we can give them and ourselves. I hope that everyone's health improves in 2019.

Your website and online business can wait for your return when the time is right.

Wishing you the absolute best in the adventure that we call life.

First off, I am sorry for all struggles and pray for your husband heart condition gets better and that it doesn't get worse.

You are a strong woman, and you will get through this. Maybe once you do, and you get caught up on your bills, as well as possibly freeing up some time, you could come back in the future.

Until then, may you have a Merry Christmas, and the very best of a New Year, to you and yours

Lee Ann having a job does not need to be the end of your online dreams. I work full time and envy those who have all day to work on their business, but we all need money and I will not put my family in financial crisis by giving up my day job to chase my dream.

It just means for those of us who have to work to support ourselves that our online business grows slower. Your site will continue to age while your focus is elsewhere. I have been assure that not posting for a while doesn’t mean the end of all your work.

I wish you all the best with your new endeavours. Your WA family will be here when you want to chat, and your dreams will be too :)

Good luck to you in dealing with the J O B and your monetary needs. We all do what we have to do. We here will miss you; know that you can drop by and let us know how it goes with you at any time.

Have a great holiday!

Good morning my friend
It is with a heavy heart I read this and I am going to pm you soon.
Life deals us some real hard blows LeeAnn and to read this is so hard as you have been here for over a year.
I understand your predicament and wish I had the magic solution for you, my friend
Don't give up on your dream- Just do what you can when you can
I am here for you

Sorry to see you go Lee Ann. You have a loving, lovely family and I will put you in my prayers for the coming year. Good things come to good people, so better times will return. Just like you will to WA.

As the commercial says, "we will leave a light on for ya".

Best wishes and best of luck.
Happy Holidays.


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