Does Success Require Luck?


Hey Everyone,

Today, I want to open up a discussion on a topic that gets brought up a lot when it comes to success, and that’s the idea of LUCK.

Key Takeaways:

1. Is Luck Involved in Success?

Let’s get straight to it, do you need luck to achieve your biggest goals? In my experience, the answer is no. When I look at the things I’ve accomplished over the years and the successful people I know, luck hasn’t played a big part. What I do see is hard work, dedication, and a commitment to learning and growing.

People often look at success stories and assume luck was involved, but when you dig deeper, you find that most of it comes down to consistent effort. Sure, there are instances where someone wins the lottery or gets handed a company, but those are exceptions and not the rule when it comes to building a long-term, thriving business.

2. What Drives Success?

Here’s what I believe drives success:

  • Hard Work: It’s the foundation of any achievement. Without putting in the time and energy, success isn’t going to come knocking on your door.
  • Ongoing Education: The most successful people I know are always learning. They’re constantly improving themselves and staying ahead of the game.
  • Taking Chances: You’ve got to be willing to take risks and make decisions based on intuition. Calculated risks often lead to breakthroughs.
  • Failure and Perseverance: Everyone fails. What matters is how you respond. The most successful people are those who see failure as part of the journey and keep moving forward.

Luck doesn’t enter the equation here—it’s all about mindset, action, and staying focused.

3. Success Isn’t About Windfalls:

Sometimes people inherit money, win the lottery, or stumble upon a lucky break. But let’s be real—that’s not what defines the process of building a successful business. Long-term success comes from putting in the work, staying resilient, and continuously improving your craft.

Your Feedback

Now, I want to hear from you! What do you think?

  • Do you think luck plays a role in success?
  • How do you view the connection between luck and achieving your goals?

Jump into the comments below and share your thoughts! I know this is a topic that generates a lot of different opinions, and I’d love to hear your perspective.

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Hi Kyle:

Thank you for sharing this video blog to help keep us focused on the reality of achieving success. I agree with you that it takes hard work, dedication, and commitment to learn and grow.

Everything may not go smoothly at any stage of building and managing a business. However, it makes sense to be persistent to experience the fruit of your labor.

Some people may be lucky by being in the right place at the right time when an opportunity opens up. Others may have a legacy handed down to them.

In any case, it takes commitment and other factors mentioned above to maintain success. Luck, within itself, is not a sustainable strategy!


Yeah, very few things go smoothly the first time around. That is where we get to learn from the feedback loop that comes with trying new things, being creative, and stepping into the unknown. It doesn't take long to go from that stage to being proficient and everything becoming a "known".

I don't believe in lucky timing, because if you are persistent and willing to be creative, work hard, and take on any challenge, your time will always come. :)

Hi Kyle:

I love what you said quoted below. It makes sense!

"I don't believe in lucky timing, because if you are persistent and willing to be creative, work hard, and take on any challenge, your time will always come. :)"


I know Kyle's advice comes from a kind and well-intentioned place, but I felt like the role of luck, life circumstances, and chance was largely downplayed. It's important to acknowledge that not everyone can cope with life's demands in the same way or has the same capacity to overcome obstacles, even if they’re technically within their control. For those who find themselves facing these kinds of challenges, it can feel disheartening to have that struggle minimized. If you're trying to build or rebuild and feeling stuck, I've written a post that I hope you'll find helpful. I wrote it primarily for myself, but I hope it resonates with you too.

Thanks for sharing David. I would never downplay the fact that we ALL have obstacles of differing levels. We all have different ways of approaching these obstacles, and the intent of my post was exactly what you are saying here.

We differentiate based on our ability to deal with these events, some of us chalk it up as "bad luck", whereas others use it as motivation to change, evolve, and get better as a result.

We are all in the same battle so to speak, we have different variables at play in all of our businesses, everyone is unique. One thing is not unique, and that is our ability to learn, to push forward, and to look forward (not back). If we can all become aware that this is the path that will eventually lead to success (or at least a positive outcome), it will happen at a much higher rate.

Your dental practice may have just been a stepping stone to much bigger and better things. Dwelling on it, versus looking at it as an incredible learning experience will never be a constructive exercise for the future YOU.

You got this man!

Thank you Kyle. That helps me to hear and I definitely need to spend more time looking forward. I think Tony Robbins said we need to spend 80 of our time on the solution to our problems and only 20% on the problem itself. Now that I think of it, 20% might be too much still!

Yeah, 10% on thinking about the problem and coming up with a game plan for the solution. The other 90% the solution.

The issue is that many of us think too much about problems of the past, and often times ones that have already been resolved.

I don't think luck is involved - which, in my case, is a good thing lol.
Hard work, dedication, and commitment, always keep learning and growing and never give up, are more likely to get you where you want to go. We were raised if you want something you work for it, don't depend on anyone but yourself to get it.

Thats my two cents anyway :-)

Always keep learning, that is the rule of the day. You can learn in several ways too, it is learning from other, through text/video, through failures and experiences. Keep learning, you will only get better at anything you want. ;)

I was always taught the value of hard work. I also realized I was not a very lucky person when it comes to things that lead to "easy money". So I do not play the lottery and I hardly ever will buy raffle tickets. I have never won anything... I do believe in following your intuition. I believe our intution can put us in places that put us in better financial situations. However, that takes us back to how hard we want to work at the situation we find ourself in .... kind of like a ripple effect I guess

Well said Letina, the hard work will lead to progress and events of "bad luck", meaning failing at something and learning how to efficient succeed at it moving forward.

Those that sit around waiting for luck to happen will never experience any level of success. Those that are thriving in business encourage events that are negative (small failures) as they lead to improvements and more future improvements and success. ;)

G'day Kyle,

Nicely said, thanks for emphasizing that luck really is not the foundation for building businesses.

I feel that luck has it's place and I am for sure one person that loves being lucky, especially being a winner in some situation.

But in saying this being an authentic all time winner, usually boils down to being focused and determined and never giving up.

Relying on luck to just happen right out of the blew, is a more risky than taking real risks in judgements of business dealings and projects moving forward.

And I do like how you mentioned using intuition for analysis of situations. This is a must and too many people have their intuition crushed from limiting environments.

Keep up the great work :)

Happy Monday now it is Wednesday evening here.

Kind regards

I enjoy being lucky too. But i know first hand that there wasn't much luck involved in building my business, if anything, bad luck and negative events is what led to me improving, finding ways that worked, and ultimately being able to reach success.

The process of building success takes time. Luck is an event. So the two don't go hand in hand, but you are going to have fortune and misfortune naturally as you build out your business.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Happy Wednesday to you as well. I don't mind at all when you jump in here and share your thoughts and feedback Erica, it is always great!

Thanks so much Kyle,

Yes, you do set a very important critical role in your business, showing dedication, persistence, confidence and and an utmost consistent awesome attitude that is not found in many places.

Thanks again


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