Beer With Kyle: Time Sensitivity Feedback, New Upgrade Page, Big Release Tuesday!
Hey everyone,
Today we have some stuff to discuss, and I want to let you in on a big release schedule that is going to take place early next week.
First, I want to discuss your experience here at Wealthy Affiliate, particularly the timer for starter members. I also want feedback from the entire community—starter, premium, or premium plus—about the timer and your perception when you joined Wealthy Affiliate. We’re weighing different ideas and want your insights.
Next, we'll discuss the new upgrade page. It’s a lot better designed than the last one, and we’ve introduced a new accelerated membership—premium plus with more word credits and businesses for our power users. I’ll explain that as well. Finally, I want to discuss the busy week we have ahead with multiple launches slated for Tuesday.
First things first though, let’s crack open this week’s beer. Today, I’m featuring "Long Hop" by a brewery located in Calgary, Alberta. It’s a New England IPA (NEPA) with Galaxy hops. I haven’t had this one before, but Alberta is a craft beer hub, so I’m excited to try it.
Key Takeaways:
(1) Timer Feedback: We want your feedback on the timer for starter members. Some people join during a busy time and might miss the seven-day upgrade offer. We’re considering changes and want to know if the timer feels too pressuring or if it encourages timely action.
(2) New Upgrade Page: We’ve redesigned the upgrade page, making the monthly and yearly billing options clearer. We’ve also introduced the Premium Plus Accelerated membership, geared towards power users needing more word credits and the ability to build more businesses.
(3) Upcoming Releases: We have several launches scheduled for next week, including the affiliate program revenue opportunities platform and updates to the niche research area. These updates aim to provide more organized and efficient tools for building your business.
(4) Starter Member Experience: We’re changing the onboarding process for starter members. Instead of forcing a niche decision immediately, we’ll provide training to help new members choose a niche that excites them and ensures long-term success.
I hope you have an awesome weekend ahead and as always, your feedback on these updates and any other topics discussed today is invaluable to us! Drop your comments below!
Recent Comments
I love what you have done! It's all pretty cool to me right now, lol.
Maybe give 2 weeks for the timer?
The upgrade page looks great. There's not too much to say here. :) I've upgraded as much as I can handle, lol. Managing/updating four sites is a lot, especially if you have serious health concerns. But I just keep at it!
I like the looks of the niche upgrades. I'm going to use them now - yea!
Thanks so much, Kyle for all of your hard work (and Carson!)
Thanks for your feedback here, and we definitely are going to have further updates to the Niche section to make them more flexible based on your research and directions that you want to head in your niche (allow for your input).
As for the two week timer, I do think that is too long for many, but one week is not long enough for some. What we are doing now is giving people a week once they build their actual hub, so after they go through some of the training they are presented with the timer.
We will continue working towards the perfect solution, sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error. ;)
just throwing this out there. what about a EASY button that will create the shell of a website so that they have something they can say is theirs. and then start training them on all the other stuff... you guys might already have this, but its what's running through my mind.
Yeah, when they build their hub, they already have their website in place. And then we teach them how to build out their website. So this is something that we are already doing here, but definitely a good idea and perhaps we can add "more" to their website on build.
Hi Kyle - with the release of the new "Affiliate Program Revenue Opportunities" in Hubs, and even the old list under the Promote menu, is there any way to report or flag programs that no longer exist or are not valid? In the new tool under my Hub, every one I've looked at so far is either a company/site that doesn't exist, or they do not have an affiliate program.
Not yet, but this is something that will likely come...and something that we will likely deal with naturally within the platform. After we get the results, we can cleanse them so people don't get that in the future. There will definitely be some that don't exist, but most will.
My experience was that if you want to go into affiliated marketing and your serious about it - means putting some time in it - you very quick come to the ascertainment that you have no other way out then making yourself a member, if not so you are 'stuck'.
Actually nothing wrong with that and logic, at the end we deal with a business.
I think fifteen days is a reasonable timing to come to conclusions.
We look forward to all the goodies coming up to us ;-)
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I will share with you what my impression was when I saw that timer prior to my joining. So it was fine. I just felt perhaps 7 days was not enough time to decide. I ended up not signing up in the first 7 days and noticed after that the promotion offered still did not expire. So I took my time before joining. Perhaps another couple of weeks.
But I remember feeling that it seemed a bit pushy to require signing up within 7 days. Still, I joined and happy I did. But perhaps there are others who are pushed off by this and end up not joining because of it.
I think there needs to be a happy medium. Perhaps allow some more time. Alternatively, perhaps change the promotion. for example, you could still include the domain but offer extra AI writer credits if they sign up within 7 days.
Maybe the best approach would be to have a message somewhere that we know that some may need to take some time before upgrading and that is okay, you will still get the free domain. However, we are so sure you will love the platform and opportunity that we are offering 5000 (or whatever) extra AI writer credits to start you off if you sing up within 7 days because we want you to get your business off to a great start. But if you decide you need more time we still offer plenty of AI write credits per month for you to be a success.
Perhaps something like that would be a good idea.
What do you think about that?
Thanks for the feedback Mark, you like others feel that a bit more time would be better to make a decision. Though there is no "end" to the Starter date, people operate as though it is a trial simply because there is a timer there.
And we do have some messaging that goes out to let people know they will still get a free domain, we send that down the road and we get a lot of people upgrading after the 7 days. We just don't want to alienate those that come in and are unable to work on their business within the first 7 days (and may leave and never come back).
Some great feedback and ideas here. :)