Beer With Kyle: New Homepage Iteration + Streamlined Flow


Hey Everyone,

I hope you’ve had a great week, and today we’ve got a lot to cover, from updates to our homepage to enhancements in the starter experience for new members at Wealthy Affiliate.

Key Takeaways:

1. This Week's Beer: Stanley Park Brewing - Parklandia Hazy IPA

As always, before we jump into the updates, it’s time for the beer of the week! Today, I’ve got the Parklandia Hazy IPA from Stanley Park Brewing. It’s a sweeter take on a traditional IPA, with a smooth, fruity taste that’s a perfect end to the week. I’ve even got it poured in my Wealthy Affiliate glass from Las Vegas (as per usual).

2. Homepage Updates: A Streamlined Experience

Our homepage has gone through another iteration based on feedback and data we’ve collected. Here are the main changes:

  • Simplified Signup Process: Now, instead of immediately needing a business idea to create an account, users can sign up directly. This removes the hurdle of coming up with an idea upfront, making it easier to join and get started.
  • Business Hub Positioning: While previously, users could start building their business hub directly on the homepage, we’ve moved that down. Now, users first join Wealthy Affiliate, then get directed to set up their hub in a more structured way. This flow lets people focus on signing up before diving into business ideas, and so far, it’s converting better.

Note for Affiliates: If you’re driving traffic directly to our “start your business idea” module, you can still link to it with your affiliate link.

You an also leverage the "custom backdrops". Here is the list of the current ones:

This ensures that you have the flexibility to guide your audience, whether they’re entering their own ideas or choosing a preset option like “woodworking” or “fitness.”

4. Redesigned New Member Flow

When new users enter Wealthy Affiliate, they’ll now encounter an updated back office layout that emphasizes structure:

  • Personalized Onboarding: After sign-up, new members see a personalized welcome message and a simplified three-step process. This includes creating an account, setting up a business hub, and starting their business journey.
  • New Hub Dashboard Flow: We’ve redesigned the hub’s entry point, so members arrive at the Hub Dashboard—where they can see their hub, create additional hubs, or check on training. This creates a consistent flow that’s the same whether a member has one hub or ten, and helps keep navigation straightforward.
  • Accessing Community First: Instead of jumping straight into the hub, users are directed to the community dashboard first, allowing them to engage with the community. This way, newcomers experience the full scope of support, including live chat, community posts, and popular discussions.

Your Feedback is Key!

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on these updates:

  • What do you think of the new homepage design and the simplified signup process?
  • Are there any backdrop images or niche suggestions you’d like us to add?
  • How do you feel about the new flow of taking users to the community dashboard before the hub?

Your input helps us refine the Wealthy Affiliate experience, so drop your feedback in the comments. We are definitely listening and making changes based on your feedback.

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Great stuff Kyle. It's Sunday morning here in Melbourne, I've got my coffee in hand, little pug snoring at my feet, waiting for the rest of the family to get out of bed. That's when I love to catch up on your posts!
This is all looking so good. I think it's far better to not have to come up with a business idea first. I know that when I joined, I had absolutely no idea about any of that, and really just wanted to see what the platform was all about and see if it was for me. It wasn't until I started doing some training that I started thinking about where I could go with it.
Hope you have a great week ahead!

Good morning Kyle,

Thank you for your latest update, it's appreciated.

I must admit the brand-new home page looks nice and clean and straightforward, which I like. Once again, I know that you have been working hard to make the process as easy as possible.

I really do like the idea of being able to search for a business idea; I'm sure that's very helpful for people who do not know which niche to go into.

You have created some nice backdrops, Kyle, but even without the backdrop, the page looks nice and clean and straightforward.

I like the new module page, which once again looks clean and straightforward. The timer has to be a good idea! It helps members to take action.

I like the idea of having the community below the hubs. I didn't see the value of the community properly until after I joined the platform. So it's great that people can potentially reap the benefits of community experience in helping others, etc.

Once again, I can see that you are putting huge amounts of efforts into making the starter experience as smooth as possible, Kyle.

Have a great weekend.


Hi Kyle

I already wrote an article about readers exploring their business idea first. Therefore I want to continue with driving traffic directly to “start your business idea” module.

So I added my link to my article and when I go to my website and click on my link, instead of bringing up a blank for someone to type in their idea it's putting in my link.

See image below:

I think I suggested this on another one of your vlogs Kyle;

I would like to see a unification of how results appear between Business ideas search and the inch finder.

I would benefit more if I see the results and the information in the niche finder as seen in the business idea finder.

I hope that I am making sense..

The second point is regarding the affiliate links.. Is there somewhere permanent that those links are available at, or do I need to keep coming back here to this vlog for the affiliate links that are listed here?

Hi Kyle
I like the developments for new starters and have a couple of questions/comments.

1. In your video, you talk about being able to see the route that people are choosing to take on their way in. Is there a way that I can see the route that people take on their way in?
2. How can I tell if a new starter is active or not? Some clearly follow members but I don't know what effort they're putting into training or business building unless they ask questions. Have I missed something?
Thoughts appreciated..

Looks great now...

i made affiliate links in the past for the pages that dissapeared like community, hosting platform, ...

It would be a good idea to bring them back since they offer (seo wise) a different and more focused entry to the platform (like tools, ... sales talk per topic indeed)

Just my two cents
Great job so far

Hey Fleeky, how are you doing? Humorous you say, Catalyst you say... Three of my businesses work in synergy as a trilogy, and they catalyze one another. No lol-ing in this message. What kind of humor do you love to follow and practice? Mine are deadpan and sarcastic.

Thanks for asking Hein... past months have been in slow motion... Recovering needs time.

And WA has always been a ray of sunshine in my life with an awesome community of likeminded people, and a genius team here that allows it. So, nothing to complain.

Am rather on the sceptic side, without hurts

Take care you! And tell me how you catalyze 🤪

Hi, Kyle.

This all looks and sounds great, Kyle.

A thought came to me while watching this Vlog. What if for new members when they first get to the create your business step, instead of providing several options for them to look at? You asked them to list X number of things they like to do. Then have them rate those items to find what they like best, or the top 3 they like best. Then they can research through your provided tools to see the viability of each item. I realize this can be bulky, and that I might not be saying just right (sorry). This way you might be able to zero in better what the business they will love will be and build it.

Happy FRISatSu!


That is definitely an interesting concept here JD, simply asking people things that they love to do and then providing them a list of potential business ideas. The only problem with that is that people often times find it tough to think of things they like to do, believe it or not and find it much easier with a list.

I really do think there is some merit to your approach here though. :)

Thanks, Kyle.

Yeah. I also see the problem you mentioned previously of too many options: " But I love so many things!" I said it was bulky.

Ok. How about an option? If the new member can't think of a business idea right off the bat (one of the problems I had) and none of the ones on the provided list feels right to them, then have the option for AI-assisted (maybe AI?) questions to find out what they love and might be a Great Fit?

Happy FriSATSu!


I have joined so many programs that launch to 5 years later no change at all in front page or flow. Most of those companies failed every test for conversion optimization and 75% of them never had a 10th anniversary. WA keeps things fresh, relevant, and works tirelessly on conversions. Those promoting Wealthy Affiliate are benefitting big time from this change lifestyle.

Well we have to continue to evolve and innovate, that is what running an online business is and that is what we will continue to do. Companies that don't, simply get left behind.

We are always on the edge of what is next, and I think you are really going to like where we evolve our platform moving forward. :)

I think this should help with conversions getting people in the door. I would like to have an Image relevant to Affiliate Marketing on one of these custom links. One of the homepages in the past had logos or text for affiliate networks like Amazon, Clickbank, Rakuten, etc, etc. This page converted well for me.

That along with an image with the 4 steps of affiliate marketing. I think you had an image like this on your personal website WA review page that came from the training here at WA.
I also like the idea of giving them access to the community right away. This should help with those that might be a bit skeptical if this is legit or not.

That 3 steps, is listed right below the top fold of the homepage. (see attached)

And we could incorporate the logos of the some of the brands that people could promote somewhere into the page, so that is definitely something that we can consider.

We are going to continue moving forward based on what we see working, and we navigated away from past pages because they either could be improved upon, or they didn't represent our current platform.

So you will continue to see incremental changes and improvements moving forward. If you need a hand with your campaigns Kirk, reach out I would be happy to help you out with them.

This is really great, thinking of those coming in and give them a good beginning. That is what enthuses me Kyle, WA is really out there to help all of us to benefit and grow in a professional way to do good business with our customers. Thank you very much.

Yes, that is what we are all about. But it starts with us getting people immersed in the process as soon as we can, building trust with our audience, and actually helping them understand the process of building a business online.

So we are going to continue to polish this experience to best suit our audience, and you will see further changes moving forward in this respect. ;)

Thank you Kyle, I want to do my part for you as well. I really love being a part of the community. I am starting a new niche. It's all about music. Of course I will be continuing working on my other hubs. We just keep adding content and promoting. Again, I think you very much Kyle.

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