Beer With Kyle: Live Chat for All, How to Make You More Artificially Intelligent.


Hey Everyone,

Welcome to your Friday or perhaps it's your Saturday, depending on where you are in the world. I hope you have had an awesome week. We've had a busy week at Wealthy Affiliate behind the scenes.

want to share some of the releases that have taken place this week and start a conversation about artificial intelligence and how we can help you become more efficient through AI. I’m going to open the floor to you and get your feedback on that. So, let’s get into it.

Today’s beer is by Phillips, a local brewery. It’s Dino Sour, a popular sour ale. This one is a blackberry sour ale with a 4.2% ABV.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Update to Starter Membership:
    • In the third step, profile setup, you can now unlock chat by adding an image, description, and setting goals within Wealthy Affiliate.
    • This change helps newcomers become more immersed in the platform and community.
    • Previously, newcomers had immediate access to chat and often had basic questions like how to get started. Now, they are more educated when they reach this stage, having already launched their niche business and understanding the money-making process.
  2. Artificial Intelligence Integration:
    • AI is an integral part of the tech world, and Wealthy Affiliate is no exception. Within your hub, AI is integrated into affiliate program opportunity search, website content and structure, niche research, article designer, and author platforms.
    • We want to know what other AI applications you'd like to see to help streamline your business activities.
    • We aim to provide tools that speed up certain aspects of your business so you can focus on productivity and efficiency.

We have various AI integrations within Wealthy Affiliate, but we want to know what else you need. Are there specific AI applications you’re using elsewhere that you’d like to see integrated here? What tasks take up a lot of your time that AI could help streamline?

Your feedback is valuable. It helps us create more efficient tools and improve your experience. We have several projects leveraging AI that will be integrated into the hub’s environment and the content creation side of things. Your insights will guide these developments.

I appreciate your feedback and insights. Jump down into the comments and let us know your thoughts on AI integrations and what you'd like to see. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!

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I've been offline for a couple of weeks so late watching this video. I wanted to add to comments on here. Hope I'm not too late to the conversation.

I'm using a few AI tools within my business but mainly ChatGPT/Make/Canva/Opus

Some of the things I use AI for are
- Meta Description for blog
- Excerpt for blog
- generating a FAQ section
- create tables and graphs
- image ideas

Social Media Marketing, I use AI to
- create social media posts specific to a blog
- create a script based on the blog for recording videos

While I use AI for a lot of tasks, I think the above could be integrated into WA to support SEO and Social Media Marketing both of which help drive traffic.


I would like to add a little input, more from a beginner's point of view I suspect. I have spent days not hours trying to find the right web page design that suits me and how I envision it to look.
Not understanding the code type designs when you click review does not help, that's for sure. But I think if something could be done here, somehow cross-linked from niche chosen, etc , wouldn't this slow down the input of questions that I have seen in chat and create a more successful environment earlier for people lacking skills at that junction, a greater number of people that move forward a little faster has to be a winner for WA as it buts more people out there promoting WA in a better quality way.

My 2nd sticking point has to be Jaxy, and finding something that works for me with numbers that I think are good, my niche is very small in one way but broad in another, For me I also use other AI apps on several devices, I have not run out of the free options on any day yet, I did this because of comments I received how it was so obvious that I had used it, which I now see in an awful lot of other posts and reviews of websites, and reviews I receive, I have taken Abiee's advice and I just write then give it to one of the outside AI's to tidy up and then I go through it again to check and tidy up, so any improvements there would be a real help

The thing is, designs are not niche specific. They are personal preference, but one thing we can do is make suggestions as to some of the top themes that people use. But that is discretionary and theme design is chosen based on what appeals to someone (there are 6,000+ different themes).

As for Jaaxy, we are going to offer further integration of Jaaxy into the content ideas, but keyword "data" is becoming a little less important as time goes on, and the long tail nature of your content (which the content ideas are based on within your hub) are becoming more and more important. So you will see this evolve on the SEO side of things, as time goes on.

I appreciate your feedback here Robby, all great insights into how you are using the platform here and ways we can improve. I really do appreciate it. :)


For your first question, there are thousands of themes. I lost several days in an attempt to find the theme that I was happy with and fit my style.

With that said, many of the themes are "heavy", and packed with ad-ons. These "heavy" themes are also page speed killers. GnereatePress is the default. Which is why I went "In Search of..."

My shortlist was Astra, Kadence, Blocksy, and Neve. From here I looked for online video training. I am a visual learner, so I took to YouTube to see what training was available.

I almost went with Astra but settled into Blocksy. Blocksy and the block editor, fit perfectly with my style.

Others may have different opinions, but this was my process.

I believe that Kyle has your Jaaxy question answered.

Hope this helps.


Hi Don,

Exactly what you have said is what I have been finding out, and I would have loved those pieces of information as a warning earlier on if that makes sense, and I know there must be a lot of others too, going through the slow painful process, but how many are making the wrong choices. I went with generate press, not knowing, and then went with a Superb Theme add-on to clear what I thought was a problem that required that upgrade.

I just think more advice, like yours, would avoid a lot of lost time and make future newbies a lot more satisfied.

Thanks for the info, it does help, I will check the names of my latest shortlist.
I have copied and pasted your advice in to my files

Thanks, Rob, I may create a post about the process.

Hi, Kyle. I'm here late to the game. It's Sunday evening. I read the entire thread, and I have to say some fabulous ideas have been put forth.

I'm not sure if this was suggested, so I think it would be helpful if the writer could suggest, in list form at the end of the post:

Where would the best placement be for images or tables, etc?
Relevant imagery.
Additional topic suggestions
Product placement
And so on...

Sometimes, I ask ChatGPT4o to do this for me with little success. Maybe it's asking too much.

That's all I have.


Thanks, all great ideas here Dave and the platform can definitely include all of this moving forward. We are going to be considering all of your feedback as well as what others said with future updates, and to be honest it ALL is very much in line with what we are thinking.

I have a couple of suggestions here. This response is not meant to upset anyone. It meant to open a discussion into these suggestions to improve our community and the tools we use.

To begin, I do not rely on the in house article writer beyond outline creation because of the output of fluff it creates.

I would love to see it more prompt friendly beyond content suggestions. I currently use an outside writer that is adapted to my tone that was added by prompt from an article I wrote.

Every article created by AI needs to be edited and corrected to add a bit of yourself, but the model I use lessens this and speed up creation with the "My Voice" feature.

Basically, please make our model more prompt friendly.

Secondly, and again, this is not meant to upset. It is meant to open discussion within our community to improve user experience.

I use a competition scraper for content ideas. It is called a Smart Suggestion Tool. Here we have the "Add an Article" feature that works great, but beyond that the smart suggest tool scans a competitors site and provides suggestions for articles and topics. This allows you to do your research on it's output for content ideas. I will share images below to show you what it does using the URL from within WA for an article I created about Peanut Butter and Jellys. The link to the main article is below. Images are from the actual tool I use. I am open to receiving thoughts on this suggestion. It is my belief a tool such as this will be helpful to our community for content ideas.

All great ideas, and feedback. In line with a lot of our ideas in terms of the evolution on the writers side of things, so thanks for that Michael. And you never need to apologize for any type of feedback, this is how we improve and evolve as a platform and community!


Hi Michael, RightBlogger also can add external links which is a big help

At 75 AI Tools, there are some I do not even know how to use.. For instance the Regex Generator. Makes no sense to me.

Yeah that’s wayyyy over my head. lol

Hi Kyle!

Thanks for the updates! It is great that the starter members have access to Live Chat after they have done some initial setting up of their businesses.

Additionally, I do like the AI authors her at WA. As mentioned by some members, I will like to have access to the outlines created for the blog posts so that I can use another author to write additional posts then be able to combine the posts with my own personal content to create my posts. I sometimes copy the outlines and post them in ChatGPT and create posts using ChatGPT.

Also, the ability to create social media posts from your blog posts as mentioned by some members. However. I am grateful for all the updates that you guys roll out ever so often. You are always ahead of the game and I am truly appreciate that.

Have a fantastic Sunday and a productive week ahead! Wishing you the very best! I hope you enjoyed your beer!

Kind regards,

Awesome, thanks for your feedback here and insights into the work flow and how you use the Designer and Author platforms. We want to evolve this tool to make it more functional based on how people use it, and speed up processes.

You are going to see a lot of updates that are in line with this on the content creation side of things here at WA, and I really appreciate you reaching out with your thoughts and ideas here.

You have a wonderful weekend as well! :)

Simply awesome! Thank you! 👍🙏😃😍

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