Mr. Bo-Bo Checking In


Just checking in to see how everyone is doing.

In my little bubble, Infusiasm is still getting a trickle of orders but hasn't taken off. It still might... I haven't been pushing it much lately, just sort of letting it do its thing.

I've started a YouTube channel, HCGinmyBelly. I'm doing a round of HCG to lose weight and chronicling my journey with a vlog. I'm going to tie in Infusiasm eventually, because about half the flavors would be allowed. But mostly it's to be part of the community and maybe help someone else along the way.

Tell you what - filming videos is awkward. It's not as bad when I use my camera, but if I do the webcam I think I distract myself with visuals.

Anyway, that's about it. Mike has a new job. Nice raise, cool boss, and he gets to be home for a week each month.Hopefully this one lasts a while. I'm ready to feel stable Aren't we all?

So let me know what you've been up to!

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Hi Kristy, nice to hear from you again, took an abonnement on your HCGinmyBelly:) have a nice day Kristy:)

I didn't realize you had a YouTube channel! I've subscribed to you as well.

Just trying things out:)

So proud of you!!! Will be watching all of your videos to see how it goes.

Thanks! It feels reeeeally weird to be talking to a camera and posting it. But people are pretty welcoming and I haven't had any mean comments yet so it's good.

Wish Mike could get closer to home but Congrats on the new job.

Will some of us ever be "stable"? Stable is relative, right? :-) My mind often leaves the station before my body does. :-)

Exciting that you're filming videos. Look forward to seeing some. Maybe you should add "Bo Bo's Book of Birds" to your list. :-)

See you on FB................

I started a bird book but got lost along the way. May go back to it at some point. To be honest, my next project will be refining and publishing the recipes I'm making for this round of HCG. I found several online and modified them to be on plan.

And yeah... stability, what a concept... maybe it's overrated. After a person has lived this way for so long it might even be boring - but I'm willing to be a guinea pig!

There you are, I wondered where you'd got to! Great news about Mike having a new job, you didn't get to see much of him in his last one.
Infusiasm is a great concept and I'm sure it'll do well. Nice to see you again! :)

Here I am! I see some of your FB posts.

Yes, so happy with this job. The money is better, and even though he's not paid for the week he's home, it still works out better all around.

Hello Kristy, so happy to hear you are still at it. Never give up, I know when you least expect it, everything will come together for you. I'm glad that Mike has a new job and you guys are doing good.

I'm starting over from scratch, new domain, new theme. I think I rushed it the first time so I'm going back and do it right this time. I started college a few months ago so now I really need to focus since my time is limited.

So nice to hear from you again Kristy, keep at it. You've worked so hard and continue to work hard and I really admire that about you:)

How exciting! You're so ahead of your time... I never would have thought to do this at your age (oh my god I just said that...). College is a great time, so stay focused, but also enjoy the experience!

LOL! thank you Kristy, I'll remember that:)

Yeah, so glad to hear you started college. :-)

Thank you Debbi:)

HI Kristy, nice to see you. I was just thinking about you and wondering how things were going with you.Seems like everything is going smoothly. Things will pick more. You have a great site. Give BoBo a big hug from me. :)

I don't know about smooth... but better, hahaha. I just keep plugging away at it so I don't lose my mind. Hope things are going well for you too! (and Bo-Bo has been hugged on your behalf) ;)

Hey Kristy
Great to hear from you, interesting blog by the way.
Say hi to Mr Bo-Bo Please
You guys have a great W/end

Hey Josie, good to see you. Mr. Bo-Bo says hello. Hope you have a great weekend as well.

Nice to hear how you are doing and that your husband has a new job that he likes. That's exciting to have videos going. Congrats on that. I'm still plugging along on my site and started a new one that isn't live yet.
You probably know Jay is doing a webinar on you tube tomorrow. Wishing you all the best. :)

Saw that! I'll have to tune in.

Good luck with your second site!

Hi Kristy (and Bo),

Good news about Mike, I know you've been missing him.

Congratulations on doing the videos, I've subscribed to your channel so I can keep up with how you're doing. I haven't added to my channel recently so that's going on my To Do list.


What's your channel? I'll subscribe to it.

I haven't named my channel yet - it's just letters and numbers. I think you'll like my positive affirmations video.

Cool, I have subscribed (now make more videos!) :)

A whole lot of affiliate marketing fun!!

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