About kevin928
Rank 4551
492 followers Joined October 2018
Hi I'm Kevin I'm English but now live in a little village in the North of Gran Canaria with my crazy old chocolate labrador called





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Well a long time without logging in here or working on my sites. Lots of other projects have taken a priority. As such its really not worthwhile me paying for another year as I

Yes, you can set up hosting at a cheaper service provider and keep renewing the registration of your domain name.

I have full instructions on my website but I can't give you the link here as it would violate WA's policies. Search Google for "move website from wealthy affiliate" (without the quotes) and you'll find the article with my name on it near the top of the results page.

And you'll need to cancel your membership before the next payment is due or you will be charged automatically.

Best way to save a dormant site an domain name?

Best way to save a dormant site an domain name?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Well a long time without logging in here or working on my sites. Lots of other projects have taken a priority. As such its really not worthwhile me paying for another year as I

Yes, you can set up hosting at a cheaper service provider and keep renewing the registration of your domain name.

I have full instructions on my website but I can't give you the link here as it would violate WA's policies. Search Google for "move website from wealthy affiliate" (without the quotes) and you'll find the article with my name on it near the top of the results page.

And you'll need to cancel your membership before the next payment is due or you will be charged automatically.

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Well a bit of good news this morning. For various reasons, I've not been able to do a great deal over the past 6 weeks so when I have I've been focusing on my new site. However

It's good to have surprises. Congratulations.

Congrats on your sale. I wish you many more.

Thanks Mick

I really like Shareasale and I have direct deposit set up with them. It’s so much easier for me then waiting for a check. I’m in the US though. Congratulations! 🎉😁

Just wanted to congratulate you! I have no experience with direct deposit and shareasale so can't tell you anything. :)


I'm with Shareasale, but have not made any sales with them yet, in fact I have not started promoting any of their merchants yet.

Just wanted to say Yay!! Congrats on your commission! Happy for you!

Thanks so much Joo

Yes I only have one article on my niche site with shareasale merchants (3 of them) and not really been pushing that site at all.

However its just now 9 months old and although only has 55 posts the traffic has doubled over the past 2 months so now averaging just over 100 organic visits per day.

I need to look at a few more ways of monitising it and finding appropriate products. Out of 55 posts only 5 have affiliate links!!

I saw your post about ads on your site so may come back and pick your brains at a later date!

At the moment I'm focusing on contenet on my new mmo site

Have a great week

Your niche site traffic is doing REALLY WELL!!!
In fact, it's better not to have affiliate links all over the place. I find them easier to manage when affiliate links are placed only on product review posts.
Do more internal linking from your other 50 posts, to point to these 5 posts with affiliate links, wherever relevant.

You can also get banners from merchants to place on your sidebar, to feature certain products that are core to your niche. So they look rather like ads, but are in fact just your affiliate banners.

Thanks Joo

I was thinking of adding some banners to the sidebar but with my theme its all or nothing so in other words the sidebar shows on all posts or none.

I was worried that if I did what you suggested it would in essence mean that every post had an affilaite link all be it in the sidebar and I didnt want that to have a negative effect on how Google sees me.

Ahh... you have a point. Better don’t, then.

At least I'm assuming thats the case. I do see quite a few sites with banners in the sidebars on every post and I wonder if it actually affects it in any way.

I think there may be a plugin that will allow me to be selective as to which posts I add a sidebar but need to check it out.

I tried to read up on whether affiliate banners on sidebar will affect ranking, but there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward answer for this. There are people who say it can negatively impact.

Maybe you can use Canva to create your own images, looking like banners but actually link to your review posts. So they are featured prominently.

Good idea Joo, I was thinking along similar lines

Hi - I have only just joined, so have no sales, but it let me add my UK bank account, requiring sort code, account number and where (which city), it is.

Good to know Diane thanks

I've used bank deposit on ShareASale and it has always worked well. I'm using a Finnish bank account.

Thanks Roope. will set it up then

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Shareasale payment options - do you use direct deposit?

Shareasale payment options - do you use direct deposit?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Well a bit of good news this morning. For various reasons, I've not been able to do a great deal over the past 6 weeks so when I have I've been focusing on my new site. However

It's good to have surprises. Congratulations.

Congrats on your sale. I wish you many more.

Thanks Mick

I really like Shareasale and I have direct deposit set up with them. It’s so much easier for me then waiting for a check. I’m in the US though. Congratulations! 🎉😁

Just wanted to congratulate you! I have no experience with direct deposit and shareasale so can't tell you anything. :)


I'm with Shareasale, but have not made any sales with them yet, in fact I have not started promoting any of their merchants yet.

Just wanted to say Yay!! Congrats on your commission! Happy for you!

Thanks so much Joo

Yes I only have one article on my niche site with shareasale merchants (3 of them) and not really been pushing that site at all.

However its just now 9 months old and although only has 55 posts the traffic has doubled over the past 2 months so now averaging just over 100 organic visits per day.

I need to look at a few more ways of monitising it and finding appropriate products. Out of 55 posts only 5 have affiliate links!!

I saw your post about ads on your site so may come back and pick your brains at a later date!

At the moment I'm focusing on contenet on my new mmo site

Have a great week

Your niche site traffic is doing REALLY WELL!!!
In fact, it's better not to have affiliate links all over the place. I find them easier to manage when affiliate links are placed only on product review posts.
Do more internal linking from your other 50 posts, to point to these 5 posts with affiliate links, wherever relevant.

You can also get banners from merchants to place on your sidebar, to feature certain products that are core to your niche. So they look rather like ads, but are in fact just your affiliate banners.

Thanks Joo

I was thinking of adding some banners to the sidebar but with my theme its all or nothing so in other words the sidebar shows on all posts or none.

I was worried that if I did what you suggested it would in essence mean that every post had an affilaite link all be it in the sidebar and I didnt want that to have a negative effect on how Google sees me.

Ahh... you have a point. Better don’t, then.

At least I'm assuming thats the case. I do see quite a few sites with banners in the sidebars on every post and I wonder if it actually affects it in any way.

I think there may be a plugin that will allow me to be selective as to which posts I add a sidebar but need to check it out.

I tried to read up on whether affiliate banners on sidebar will affect ranking, but there doesn’t seem to be a straightforward answer for this. There are people who say it can negatively impact.

Maybe you can use Canva to create your own images, looking like banners but actually link to your review posts. So they are featured prominently.

Good idea Joo, I was thinking along similar lines

Hi - I have only just joined, so have no sales, but it let me add my UK bank account, requiring sort code, account number and where (which city), it is.

Good to know Diane thanks

I've used bank deposit on ShareASale and it has always worked well. I'm using a Finnish bank account.

Thanks Roope. will set it up then

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I'm just starting to build a landing page for my newer site that promotes WA. At the moment all of my posts are directed to my WA review but I am going to change that and direc

You have good answers below.

Thanks for asking Kevin, it is good to know this for future reference.

As far as I know, you can share openly the blog posts that have been shared here at Wealthy Affiliate.

They are public here on the Internet so you're free to share.

Thanks Roope, thats what I thought. I just want to put some examples on a landing page.

Hi Kevin. Remember that every success story that has been published on the WA blog is available for the whole world to find and read.
We recently did a 'success story' post for our website and while we did include links to each success story we did not include an image or even the full WA name of the author (just their first names) and so we didn't feel the need to check with them first. Had we wanted to include an image we would have got their approval first.
That was our thinking.
Good luck with your new website.
Colette and Philip

Thanks guys, long time no speak how are things?

Yes that was very much my thought process. I'm still deciding how best to lay things out as I think the landing page is super important but would like to have 3 or 4 diverse examples of succesful members.

Not yet decided whats best!!

Speak soon


We recently completed a move from Ecuador to the Caribbean coast of Mexico which is the main reason we have been quiet on the WA front. Having said that, we have decided to spend less time on the WA blog anyway and focus more on our websites, particularly as the move has taken up a lot of our time and we now have some catching up to do.
Colette and Philip

*** you need pre-authorization and permission in writing from the originator / owner of the content ... copyright laws are in full effect ... it is prudent on your part to ask questions ... and just so you know, it is always correct to give credit where credit is due ....and it is vital to ask and to obtain the written approval of the originator / owner of any content prior to use (includes both text, images, ideas)

yes, you need to ask each person for their permission beforehand ---

ok, hope it all works out for you .... :)

Thanks agree with what you are saying although of course success blog posts here are in the public domain and can be shared with the embeded affiliate link. I'm not talking about taking anything from anywhere else (individuals sites for example)

I only really want to give examples of 3 or 4 succesful but diverse members to show we come in all shapes and sizes!

I guess I could do so by just sharing some of their sucess blog posts but feel its best to check with them first.

Thanks for the response.

Just got to decide who to approach now!

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Using wa members as success stories - whats the protocol?

Using wa members as success stories - whats the protocol?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I'm just starting to build a landing page for my newer site that promotes WA. At the moment all of my posts are directed to my WA review but I am going to change that and direc

You have good answers below.

Thanks for asking Kevin, it is good to know this for future reference.

As far as I know, you can share openly the blog posts that have been shared here at Wealthy Affiliate.

They are public here on the Internet so you're free to share.

Thanks Roope, thats what I thought. I just want to put some examples on a landing page.

Hi Kevin. Remember that every success story that has been published on the WA blog is available for the whole world to find and read.
We recently did a 'success story' post for our website and while we did include links to each success story we did not include an image or even the full WA name of the author (just their first names) and so we didn't feel the need to check with them first. Had we wanted to include an image we would have got their approval first.
That was our thinking.
Good luck with your new website.
Colette and Philip

Thanks guys, long time no speak how are things?

Yes that was very much my thought process. I'm still deciding how best to lay things out as I think the landing page is super important but would like to have 3 or 4 diverse examples of succesful members.

Not yet decided whats best!!

Speak soon


We recently completed a move from Ecuador to the Caribbean coast of Mexico which is the main reason we have been quiet on the WA front. Having said that, we have decided to spend less time on the WA blog anyway and focus more on our websites, particularly as the move has taken up a lot of our time and we now have some catching up to do.
Colette and Philip

*** you need pre-authorization and permission in writing from the originator / owner of the content ... copyright laws are in full effect ... it is prudent on your part to ask questions ... and just so you know, it is always correct to give credit where credit is due ....and it is vital to ask and to obtain the written approval of the originator / owner of any content prior to use (includes both text, images, ideas)

yes, you need to ask each person for their permission beforehand ---

ok, hope it all works out for you .... :)

Thanks agree with what you are saying although of course success blog posts here are in the public domain and can be shared with the embeded affiliate link. I'm not talking about taking anything from anywhere else (individuals sites for example)

I only really want to give examples of 3 or 4 succesful but diverse members to show we come in all shapes and sizes!

I guess I could do so by just sharing some of their sucess blog posts but feel its best to check with them first.

Thanks for the response.

Just got to decide who to approach now!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

As many of you who know me know I am not very "techie", hence the amount of questions I ask!

Anyway today I was talking to a very good friend who actually bought my small

w00h00 .. Send me “All The People” you have, who want to pay £ 100 per month, for hosting an essentially Static website, and I will take care of all the pesky details for you .. ;-)


do a search in google for what theme is that and enter the site address - you will soon find out whether it is wordpress or not.
if it is then you change the nameservers to the wa ones and then go into your sitecontent and enter the site url and it should be listed in your list of sites.
make sure you backup the entire site before moving it - just in case or ask them for a backup an what they used to back it up - then you can see what is there on a test siterubix site.
they may be a bit narked at losing a good earner so he may have some pushing to do.
good luck with the transfer

That's a great tool...At the very least it will tell you if it's WordPress, even if it can't figure out the theme...

Cheers Phil, I'll have a look now

No not WP unfortunately

what about translating it into wordpress - ok he will temporarily lose rankings but will climb back up - but at 450 per month.....
is it a design that could be easily translated?
you could copy the site as a staging site ( offline) then move it to the domain name after transferring the hosting here.
as long as the url structure is a direct copy ( screaming frog to get the info) - might be worth having a look.
watch out for backlinks to assist ranking.
good luck

Thing is Phil I'm really not teccie at all. Its just knowing the little that I do now know is that he is being ripped off but i wouldn't want to harm his business as the site does rank well.

First question...Is the site based on WordPress? If so, you can move it here under your WA account as one of your 25 sites...

Guessed that might be the case! Easiest way to ask or can I just take a look at the site?

Do you have access to the back end of the site? I suppose it may show the theme if it's a WP based site if you look at it and scroll to the bottom.

Had a look at the site and went in to source codes. Looks like its still built with Dreamweaver? but hey what do i know!

Just think he is being ripped off at that money.

I'll send you a PM to his site but dont worry Scott I'm sure you've got loads on your plate. It was just if it was something easy to do



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Hosting and managing sites - techie people can you help?

Hosting and managing sites - techie people can you help?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

As many of you who know me know I am not very "techie", hence the amount of questions I ask!

Anyway today I was talking to a very good friend who actually bought my small

w00h00 .. Send me “All The People” you have, who want to pay £ 100 per month, for hosting an essentially Static website, and I will take care of all the pesky details for you .. ;-)


do a search in google for what theme is that and enter the site address - you will soon find out whether it is wordpress or not.
if it is then you change the nameservers to the wa ones and then go into your sitecontent and enter the site url and it should be listed in your list of sites.
make sure you backup the entire site before moving it - just in case or ask them for a backup an what they used to back it up - then you can see what is there on a test siterubix site.
they may be a bit narked at losing a good earner so he may have some pushing to do.
good luck with the transfer

That's a great tool...At the very least it will tell you if it's WordPress, even if it can't figure out the theme...

Cheers Phil, I'll have a look now

No not WP unfortunately

what about translating it into wordpress - ok he will temporarily lose rankings but will climb back up - but at 450 per month.....
is it a design that could be easily translated?
you could copy the site as a staging site ( offline) then move it to the domain name after transferring the hosting here.
as long as the url structure is a direct copy ( screaming frog to get the info) - might be worth having a look.
watch out for backlinks to assist ranking.
good luck

Thing is Phil I'm really not teccie at all. Its just knowing the little that I do now know is that he is being ripped off but i wouldn't want to harm his business as the site does rank well.

First question...Is the site based on WordPress? If so, you can move it here under your WA account as one of your 25 sites...

Guessed that might be the case! Easiest way to ask or can I just take a look at the site?

Do you have access to the back end of the site? I suppose it may show the theme if it's a WP based site if you look at it and scroll to the bottom.

Had a look at the site and went in to source codes. Looks like its still built with Dreamweaver? but hey what do i know!

Just think he is being ripped off at that money.

I'll send you a PM to his site but dont worry Scott I'm sure you've got loads on your plate. It was just if it was something easy to do



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