Crazy Summer
Just wanted to apologize for not being on these past few days. I've been in and out of the hospital lately. They're figuring out what's going on, but it got pretty scary there for a little while.
Actually, it's been going on all summer long, but I thought things were kind of calming down a bit. Then my system really seemed to break down. It got a little crazy. And it looks like it's going to continue for a little while longer, but the doctors are starting to understand what's happening to my system now and they know where to look and have a better idea of what to do.
So, now that I'm back at home, I'm just trying to play catchup without doing too much that might get me into trouble. Thankfully, things are starting to look quite a bit better now.
Thanks :)
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I spent time in the hospital too, for planned surgery. So I know the feeling a bit. Not as scary for me though. I hope they figure things out for you!
I'm slowly getting back in the saddle. Take your time. Mostly take care of yourself!
Thank you for letting me know it takes some time. I am one of those that has to constantly remind myself that healing does take time and not to push things. Because I've always pushed things, lol. Thank you so much for that reminder :) I just need to be reminded that it really is okay to heal :)
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Wishing you the best Kelly'O, try not to overwork yourself. You're in my prayers!