About Karlito76
Rank 2984
579 followers Joined May 2017
I am a newbie in the world of online marketing and am ready to give this my all. I am literally starting my life over





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I think I may have used keywords that are too broad because some of them are not showing up in Google Search Console which means they are not even being found and used by Googl

If you change the focus keyword for a post, then consider it like "restarting" with that post's SEO.

I was going to give my pages a complete overhaul on SEO. Thank you!

How long has it been since you published? It may take a little while for Google to find this, especially if your site is fairly new. You may still be in the Google "sandbox", so just be patient, keep writing new content, and hang in there.

It's been about 5 months since I published them.

Are you competing against long term keywords or against the top ones in your vertical?

They would be considered long term keywords yes but I don't know what you mean when you say 'against the top ones in your vertical' can you explain, please.

Here's an example of what I mean:

For something like insurance, a long term keyword would be "health insurance for self-employed workers" while a top keyword would be "health insurance".

I'm not even ranked for my long tail keywords so I have no idea how I would tell.

Be patient. It can take a while.

I mean how can I check to see if my keywords are ranked? Semrush is too expensive and typing my keywords into Google search and looking for my site has not yielded any results. I'm kind of at a loss as to how Keywords work because there is no sure way to know if you are ranked by them.

hi, you can check out serplab.co.uk

Thank you! I was trying to find out what else I am ranked for that Google may have picked up on. I'm going to have to change a lot of my keywords because they are not ranking. Ugh! Very frustrating. Thank you for your help!

Yes you can, but anytime you do, resubmit to google crawl, that is all a part of SEO, you are optimizing your site, looking for the perfect keyword(s) to get as many eyeballs a possible to search your site and linger longer reading your great content.

Would it be a good idea to change the URL or can I leave them the same? Please say no, lol, I have a lot of internal links to change if I do have to.

No DO NOT change the URL you will lose your ranking and have to start over, get the best keyword and sprinkle them trough out your article where they fit best. Google will think it is fresh content, as you know google lives for new content. Then see if you can shorten your long tails that are not producing.

Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated!


there is no need to change them my Friend.

Many times your post will rank for something that you weren't even specifically targeting.

Just recently my site analytics showed that 2 different people found my site when they searched the word Amazon, go figure.

Did You use Jaaxy Karl?

Jaaxy is great for showing what keywords are best to use going forward my Friend.

Let me know if this helps Karl,


Tony, I used Jaaxy for every one of them and I am aware that I am ranked for ones I did not designate as keywords. More than half of the estimated 250 keywords I ranked for were not intentional.

Awesome Karl!

So do I change my keywords? I don't know the reason why they are not being recognized by Google. I'm wondering why though. My keywords are long tail keywords, I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Any ideas?

No need to change them Karl

Awesome, thank you!

You are welcome Karl

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Can we replace keywords after publishing content?

Can we replace keywords after publishing content?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

I think I may have used keywords that are too broad because some of them are not showing up in Google Search Console which means they are not even being found and used by Googl

If you change the focus keyword for a post, then consider it like "restarting" with that post's SEO.

I was going to give my pages a complete overhaul on SEO. Thank you!

How long has it been since you published? It may take a little while for Google to find this, especially if your site is fairly new. You may still be in the Google "sandbox", so just be patient, keep writing new content, and hang in there.

It's been about 5 months since I published them.

Are you competing against long term keywords or against the top ones in your vertical?

They would be considered long term keywords yes but I don't know what you mean when you say 'against the top ones in your vertical' can you explain, please.

Here's an example of what I mean:

For something like insurance, a long term keyword would be "health insurance for self-employed workers" while a top keyword would be "health insurance".

I'm not even ranked for my long tail keywords so I have no idea how I would tell.

Be patient. It can take a while.

I mean how can I check to see if my keywords are ranked? Semrush is too expensive and typing my keywords into Google search and looking for my site has not yielded any results. I'm kind of at a loss as to how Keywords work because there is no sure way to know if you are ranked by them.

hi, you can check out serplab.co.uk

Thank you! I was trying to find out what else I am ranked for that Google may have picked up on. I'm going to have to change a lot of my keywords because they are not ranking. Ugh! Very frustrating. Thank you for your help!

Yes you can, but anytime you do, resubmit to google crawl, that is all a part of SEO, you are optimizing your site, looking for the perfect keyword(s) to get as many eyeballs a possible to search your site and linger longer reading your great content.

Would it be a good idea to change the URL or can I leave them the same? Please say no, lol, I have a lot of internal links to change if I do have to.

No DO NOT change the URL you will lose your ranking and have to start over, get the best keyword and sprinkle them trough out your article where they fit best. Google will think it is fresh content, as you know google lives for new content. Then see if you can shorten your long tails that are not producing.

Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated!


there is no need to change them my Friend.

Many times your post will rank for something that you weren't even specifically targeting.

Just recently my site analytics showed that 2 different people found my site when they searched the word Amazon, go figure.

Did You use Jaaxy Karl?

Jaaxy is great for showing what keywords are best to use going forward my Friend.

Let me know if this helps Karl,


Tony, I used Jaaxy for every one of them and I am aware that I am ranked for ones I did not designate as keywords. More than half of the estimated 250 keywords I ranked for were not intentional.

Awesome Karl!

So do I change my keywords? I don't know the reason why they are not being recognized by Google. I'm wondering why though. My keywords are long tail keywords, I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Any ideas?

No need to change them Karl

Awesome, thank you!

You are welcome Karl

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asked in
Getting Started

I have seen it mentioned several times yet I cannot find where the option is located. I've seen it in posted ads everywhere and in Kyle's newsletters and promotions. Where can

just follow the certification process and ask questions of the community as you go, if you have a friend or family member that is a little more tech savvy than you are it will help too. my 12 yr old son helps me out all the time.

I've been through the certification process twice and I have no family members that are tech savvy. I am usually able to answer my own questions with a little research but that is the problem, I have exhausted my research efforts and am in need of some guidance, not just an answer to a simple question. I need someone to tell me what's wrong with my site, because I can't seem to find out what it is. Mentoring would help that so I am going to ask for some help. Thank you.

Hi Karl,
I looked into this subject and have not found any signs of a mentoring program.
One option is to approach other members, as already suggested and ask for their help directly (I suspect this is the meaning of mentoring when mentioned in other posts).
An alternative option could be to form an informal network of people who can give relevant advise and help or at least point you in the right direction.
I am fully aware that WA is a network of people but the replies to your question clearly show that not everybody is on the same page, nor should they be.
When you are asking a clear question you are expecting a clear, relevant answer.
Should you be interested in the alternative option please let me know.

Hi, my understanding of 'private mentoring' here is private messaging. There are a lot of experts who are members here and you can contact them either on the open board, or if you prefer, privately via pm's.

One thing that is definitely frowned upon, is anyone offering private mentoring for a fee! If anyone asks you to pay them you really should report them.

WA is based upon the 'pay it forward' model where-by we all help each other. Yes we are all at different levels re training, experience etc..but there really are some very experienced and highly trained members here who, if you shout loud enough, will come to help you out when and where they can.

I hope this helps with your question?

Thank you for the response but everyone seems to have a different understanding of what mentoring means. I would gladly receive mentoring via private messaging. I don't know any other way it can be done really.

All these different answers as to what mentoring means is kind of my point. I found several places where it said specifically that mentoring is available, I just want to know where. I looked everywhere but no dice.

Do I start asking ambassadors one by one if they will mentor me and how do I know which ones are successful in affiliate marketing? I hate making an ass of myself by asking these silly questions but I don't know what else to do.

Anyways, thank you for responding, I'll figure it out one way or another.

Not that I have heard of. The community was built for sharing and you can take a lot home by participating. I have learnt a lot from experienced members + the training.

I participate a lot which is why I'm in the top 100 here in WA and as I stated below it does say mentorship is available if you check your black Friday newsletter towards the bottom you will see it.

I'm just trying to find out if there is a mentorship program and if so, where do I sign up. I would have never asked but I kept on seeing other members promotions as well as in Kyle's newsletter.

So far your the third person to tell me there isn't mentoring but the owner of WA says there is. I guess I can message Kyle and find out how to go about getting a mentor. I just thought someone might know.

Thank you for your response!

I would like to know his response as I am interested too

Mentoring at WA is more of a group effort than a formal one-on-one program. As you ask questions, multiple people will generally jump in to help answer them. This has the benefit of getting input from a variety of people (some of whom will disagree on the best answer).

This is what it says in the 'black friday' newsletter from Kyle and is the reason for my question.

"You have all kinds of expert help from successful folks. You can network with some of the most successful Internet entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers in the world in real time and get private mentoring from them."

-'private mentoring' was what I was interested in. I have asked people I thought were successful in affiliate marketing about what I need to do with my site and received half hearted responses.

Asking questions usually gets short responses. I have one question which is what I need to do or what am I not doing on my site to make conversions.

I would like someone who is very successful and experienced to take the time to actually look at my site and help me make improvements or clear up mistakes.

An experienced eye would know exactly what to look for. That's what I need because my experience or lack thereof is exactly that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've seen some members take on a new member in the past. Typically, the private mentoring comes from networking and making friends here.
Private mentoring means that (for example) I would be investing my time in you by answering your questions and helping you succeed. Being a long time member, I've done this... But I can tell you that for me, completing all of the training and asking questions when needed was all that I needed.
The easiest way to get the one on one help you are asking for is to comment on a members blog post that is of the same topic where you need help.
You need help with SEO.
Go to the activity dashboard (located at the top left of your screen). Look for someone who has recently posted about SEO [giving] tips. Comment on the post. It has always worked for me- and that is exactly how I started to mentor a member privately as well. You can also use the search bar at the top to search for posts in the subject you need help and do the same.
Even though most of us want to help, we are not all experts in the same things:)
If you need someone to critique your content writing skills, I'm your huckleberry. If you pay attention to the blog feed, you can figure out pretty quickly which members have some expertise to share. They aren't ignoring your call for help, they probably haven't seen it. So just ask them directly.

I hear your heart here. You are looking for specific focused advice relevant to your site.
WA provides this to some extent. However, sometimes one has to eat the meat and spit out the bones, from the various responses.
Too many of us may be rushing to advise on matters we are unfamiliar with, hence your disposition.

Having said that, most of the info here is quite valuable for the following reasons;

1. All of the people here represent the very same people on the web we are trying to reach; Therefore, their feedback is important and not to be taken lightly.

2. SiteFeedback used correctly, can be a great tool for gauging our site (re. #1).

3. The excellent training modules (and webinars) here provide interaction (comments/questions/PMs) which can take the form of a personalized mentoring approach. There is no limit as to how many questions you can ask and who you can ask...

4. Kyle, Carson, Jay and other "top dogs" have made themselves accessible to all.


I tried Jay but let's just say I didn't get the response I was looking for. Kyle and Carson are very busy people and I didn't want to impose. I had just assumed that there were people actually willing to mentor others as part of the platform here at WA because that's what Kyle said.

I have tried getting feedback numerous times but a lot of time I get responses that don't really help. This is most likely because people are trying to get credits so they can get feedback of their own. 19 out of 20 are like that.

When I offer feedback I actually view their site and give a breakdown on what I see and what can be improved upon and it's pretty in depth but I rarely get that in return.

I have asked certain ambassadors to review my site but again, I don't get the responses one would expect because it requires actual time and concentration to review a site and I get it, not a many people want to do that.

Anyways, sorry for the delayed response, I've got a lot on my plate these days. I thank you for taking the time and effort to respond.

I understand. I had mentioned some time back that there is a need for a level of mentorship here at that level.
Can't remember when but I did.
Maybe that is something to suggest to the owners.
A small resourceful team can be reserved for that; even if they get incentives for that service.

I am with you. I agree that it's needed to some degree. Due to the volume of people here, it may prove a challenge but it may just need proper consideration and planning.


There is to my knowledge no process of mentoring to attend in WA defined as such. The training accomplishes the same thing. Other than that private arrangements are necessary!

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Where do I sign up for mentoring?

Where do I sign up for mentoring?

asked in
Getting Started

I have seen it mentioned several times yet I cannot find where the option is located. I've seen it in posted ads everywhere and in Kyle's newsletters and promotions. Where can

just follow the certification process and ask questions of the community as you go, if you have a friend or family member that is a little more tech savvy than you are it will help too. my 12 yr old son helps me out all the time.

I've been through the certification process twice and I have no family members that are tech savvy. I am usually able to answer my own questions with a little research but that is the problem, I have exhausted my research efforts and am in need of some guidance, not just an answer to a simple question. I need someone to tell me what's wrong with my site, because I can't seem to find out what it is. Mentoring would help that so I am going to ask for some help. Thank you.

Hi Karl,
I looked into this subject and have not found any signs of a mentoring program.
One option is to approach other members, as already suggested and ask for their help directly (I suspect this is the meaning of mentoring when mentioned in other posts).
An alternative option could be to form an informal network of people who can give relevant advise and help or at least point you in the right direction.
I am fully aware that WA is a network of people but the replies to your question clearly show that not everybody is on the same page, nor should they be.
When you are asking a clear question you are expecting a clear, relevant answer.
Should you be interested in the alternative option please let me know.

Hi, my understanding of 'private mentoring' here is private messaging. There are a lot of experts who are members here and you can contact them either on the open board, or if you prefer, privately via pm's.

One thing that is definitely frowned upon, is anyone offering private mentoring for a fee! If anyone asks you to pay them you really should report them.

WA is based upon the 'pay it forward' model where-by we all help each other. Yes we are all at different levels re training, experience etc..but there really are some very experienced and highly trained members here who, if you shout loud enough, will come to help you out when and where they can.

I hope this helps with your question?

Thank you for the response but everyone seems to have a different understanding of what mentoring means. I would gladly receive mentoring via private messaging. I don't know any other way it can be done really.

All these different answers as to what mentoring means is kind of my point. I found several places where it said specifically that mentoring is available, I just want to know where. I looked everywhere but no dice.

Do I start asking ambassadors one by one if they will mentor me and how do I know which ones are successful in affiliate marketing? I hate making an ass of myself by asking these silly questions but I don't know what else to do.

Anyways, thank you for responding, I'll figure it out one way or another.

Not that I have heard of. The community was built for sharing and you can take a lot home by participating. I have learnt a lot from experienced members + the training.

I participate a lot which is why I'm in the top 100 here in WA and as I stated below it does say mentorship is available if you check your black Friday newsletter towards the bottom you will see it.

I'm just trying to find out if there is a mentorship program and if so, where do I sign up. I would have never asked but I kept on seeing other members promotions as well as in Kyle's newsletter.

So far your the third person to tell me there isn't mentoring but the owner of WA says there is. I guess I can message Kyle and find out how to go about getting a mentor. I just thought someone might know.

Thank you for your response!

I would like to know his response as I am interested too

Mentoring at WA is more of a group effort than a formal one-on-one program. As you ask questions, multiple people will generally jump in to help answer them. This has the benefit of getting input from a variety of people (some of whom will disagree on the best answer).

This is what it says in the 'black friday' newsletter from Kyle and is the reason for my question.

"You have all kinds of expert help from successful folks. You can network with some of the most successful Internet entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers in the world in real time and get private mentoring from them."

-'private mentoring' was what I was interested in. I have asked people I thought were successful in affiliate marketing about what I need to do with my site and received half hearted responses.

Asking questions usually gets short responses. I have one question which is what I need to do or what am I not doing on my site to make conversions.

I would like someone who is very successful and experienced to take the time to actually look at my site and help me make improvements or clear up mistakes.

An experienced eye would know exactly what to look for. That's what I need because my experience or lack thereof is exactly that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've seen some members take on a new member in the past. Typically, the private mentoring comes from networking and making friends here.
Private mentoring means that (for example) I would be investing my time in you by answering your questions and helping you succeed. Being a long time member, I've done this... But I can tell you that for me, completing all of the training and asking questions when needed was all that I needed.
The easiest way to get the one on one help you are asking for is to comment on a members blog post that is of the same topic where you need help.
You need help with SEO.
Go to the activity dashboard (located at the top left of your screen). Look for someone who has recently posted about SEO [giving] tips. Comment on the post. It has always worked for me- and that is exactly how I started to mentor a member privately as well. You can also use the search bar at the top to search for posts in the subject you need help and do the same.
Even though most of us want to help, we are not all experts in the same things:)
If you need someone to critique your content writing skills, I'm your huckleberry. If you pay attention to the blog feed, you can figure out pretty quickly which members have some expertise to share. They aren't ignoring your call for help, they probably haven't seen it. So just ask them directly.

I hear your heart here. You are looking for specific focused advice relevant to your site.
WA provides this to some extent. However, sometimes one has to eat the meat and spit out the bones, from the various responses.
Too many of us may be rushing to advise on matters we are unfamiliar with, hence your disposition.

Having said that, most of the info here is quite valuable for the following reasons;

1. All of the people here represent the very same people on the web we are trying to reach; Therefore, their feedback is important and not to be taken lightly.

2. SiteFeedback used correctly, can be a great tool for gauging our site (re. #1).

3. The excellent training modules (and webinars) here provide interaction (comments/questions/PMs) which can take the form of a personalized mentoring approach. There is no limit as to how many questions you can ask and who you can ask...

4. Kyle, Carson, Jay and other "top dogs" have made themselves accessible to all.


I tried Jay but let's just say I didn't get the response I was looking for. Kyle and Carson are very busy people and I didn't want to impose. I had just assumed that there were people actually willing to mentor others as part of the platform here at WA because that's what Kyle said.

I have tried getting feedback numerous times but a lot of time I get responses that don't really help. This is most likely because people are trying to get credits so they can get feedback of their own. 19 out of 20 are like that.

When I offer feedback I actually view their site and give a breakdown on what I see and what can be improved upon and it's pretty in depth but I rarely get that in return.

I have asked certain ambassadors to review my site but again, I don't get the responses one would expect because it requires actual time and concentration to review a site and I get it, not a many people want to do that.

Anyways, sorry for the delayed response, I've got a lot on my plate these days. I thank you for taking the time and effort to respond.

I understand. I had mentioned some time back that there is a need for a level of mentorship here at that level.
Can't remember when but I did.
Maybe that is something to suggest to the owners.
A small resourceful team can be reserved for that; even if they get incentives for that service.

I am with you. I agree that it's needed to some degree. Due to the volume of people here, it may prove a challenge but it may just need proper consideration and planning.


There is to my knowledge no process of mentoring to attend in WA defined as such. The training accomplishes the same thing. Other than that private arrangements are necessary!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Do keywords have to be in the title heading in order to be successful. I'm having a hard time finding unique keywords to fit my title heading that fit the criteria (avg, traffi

Yes, it is a very good idea to have a main keyword in the heading, makes your post easier to find and get ranked on Google! :)

It is very important to have your keywords in your title. Send me a pm with your niche and the keywords you are looking at. Are you using Jaaxy or what?

Do keywords have to be in the heading?

Do keywords have to be in the heading?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Do keywords have to be in the title heading in order to be successful. I'm having a hard time finding unique keywords to fit my title heading that fit the criteria (avg, traffi

Yes, it is a very good idea to have a main keyword in the heading, makes your post easier to find and get ranked on Google! :)

It is very important to have your keywords in your title. Send me a pm with your niche and the keywords you are looking at. Are you using Jaaxy or what?

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