Now why don't she write?
One of my favorite lines in the movie "Dances With Wolves" is when the wagon driver is joking around with a very serious Kevin Costner and is poking at the bones of a dead person and he asks, "Now why don't he write?" explaining what the folks at home are probably wondering.
Well, I can tell you why I haven't been writing—I've been ill. At one point I felt like I would become that pile of bones!
It started with my teeth. I have several that have broken since I had Covid a few years ago. Without insurance I haven't been able to go to the dentist and get them taken care of. From time to time they hurt—BAD! It usually only lasts a day or two and then homemade remedies usually pushes the pain back to constant but tolerable.
This time it went on for nearly two weeks. (I am very stupidly stubborn about not going to the dentist.)
Finally, I had relief after two weeks.
And then, the sinus infection began. Not a surprise really.
That was over two weeks ago and I am still struggling with that.
During the sinus infection I was attacked with a bout of the stomach flu which nearly put me in the hospital.
Now it will be three weeks of the sinus infection and when I get this worn down I get depressed which certainly doesn't help with recovery!
I am feeling a LOT better, but still not even 50%. I have continued to write my blog posts for my websites. I have also continued to work on my fiction writing (especially since it is NaNoWriMo!).
I was disappointed a few weeks ago to learn that Amazon was dropping the Vella program with writing serial stories and I think that was part of what started all of this. I had been pushing myself so hard and then all of sudden I just stopped pushing.
Anyway, I just wanted you all to know why I hadn't been writing. Once I am feeling more like myself, I will again regal you with my wit and wisdom from the trenches!
Karin 😎
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I hope you can soon get on the other side of things. When you have to push, things can become less fun or doable.
Then, on top of that, we get all the negative news about Google and its current state.
It's just not a positive situation. I am sure there is a way for all of us, and just giving up isn't it!
Hang in there-
Thanks, Sami! I actually like pushing myself. I have let myself be lazy for so many years. It feels good to make myself do stuff. To stretch beyond what "I've always done it this way" to "let's try something new."
I try not to let things get me down too much, but sometimes it piles on.
I just try to remember what Andy Grammar sings, "It's good to be alive!"
I'm sorry that you have been going through this, Karin. I hope and pray you will get better. 🙏
I hope you will truly find a way to push through this even when it's hard.
Myra ♥️
It looks like you need some antibiotic eye drops for that eye if yours. You are welcome to stop by my office for an eye check and prescription
LOL. I probably sure could have a week ago when the skin around my eye was swelled to twice its normal size.
Take care!
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Awww, I'm so sorry you are feeling so bad, Karin!
I hope you can feel better soon :)
I can relate to the teeth issues. I just had an Implant post put in a couple of weeks ago. A few days ago, I might have lost the cover because I have something like a dry socket. It's really painful!
I see the dentist for the implant follow-up tomorrow, so it will be addressed soon. Yea!
Take care,
Thank you, dear lady! I appreciate your well wishes. I hope you implant problem was taken care of! Yes, teeth issues are so awful. I sure hope yours gets better very quickly!