I have been here six years

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Wow. I knew it was coming soon but to actually get the dedication badge proclaiming I have been here six years...

I still remember when I first joined. I was scared and excited at the same time. Things were quite different six years ago here at WA. Not bad, just different. The first thing that I noticed that set this platform apart from others was the ability to post blogs about the journey. I also liked that you could join in the live chat. I seldom did it back then and I seldom do now, either. But I like that the opportunity is there.

I remember being scared because it cost me a lot of money that I really didn't have at the time.

I remember the training or at least taking the training and thinking, "Wow! This is better than any other training on websites that I have ever had."

I remember how helpful many of the members were.

Nothing much has changed in that way. The members here are still so very helpful!

Of course, the training and Hubs and things like that have changed and the addition of AI has been very helpful. But it is the people that keep me coming back!

Now, six years later I have come to many realizations. (The first one is that DALL-E cannot count! I wanted six candles but I finally settled for 7 because I was tired of asking again and again for the image to be redone. Each time it kept putting more and more candles on the cake and yet assuring me that there were only 6!)

Realizations . . .
  • I made several hundred dollars until I just kind of gave up. The world got too busy and I couldn't keep up. There were more and more demands at work and then the breakup of my marriage and the death of my beloved mom.
  • The only reason I have not moved further ahead in my businesses is because of me. I let everything else take priority and that is on me. I also let setbacks take me down.
  • This time, I am focusing more attention on doing regular posts on my sites. I am taking advice not only from the training, but also from more of the people on here who know what they are doing!
  • If I ever want to make my dreams come true instead of someone else's dreams, it is up to me.

Six years... I could beat myself up for not being further along, but I'm not going to. Perhaps now is the time for me and I am going to go for it!

Take care everyone and thank you all so much for the encouragement along the way!


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Recent Comments


Thank you for sharing. I'm new to WA but have endured the same challenges. I feel this is an opportunity for me to get back to ME, not feel guilty and live life on my own terms, all the best to you, stay focused as I can use that same advice and see you at the TOP! God bless.

You are welcome. I always hope that the things I post give people encouragement!

Best wishes and yes, I will see you at the top! 🥳


Congratulations on your 6 years here! I can definitely relate to a lot of your time here as my world got too busy, especially more recently and had to deal with a lot of things, but I'm certainly trying to move forward with my businesses here and love HUBS. Here's to your success and another 6 years for you here!

Thank you and I wish you the very best of success, as well!


Thanks for sharing about your time with WA. I stopped for awhile as well because of various things in life. Now that we are back, we can make the most of the experience and training and move ahead. Congratulations on 6 years.

Thank you, Jim.

Life has a funny way of knocking us for a loop sometimes. And sometimes it isn't even "bad" things. It is just "things."

I am glad you are back, too!

Here's to moving forward!

I am trying to be better organized both with materials but also with my time as I start again.

Best of wishes, Karin! You can do it!!

Thank you!

Best wishes,


You are so welcome.
Have a great day and weekend.


thanks, You, too!


Congratulations Karin. Hopefully, you will receive everything your heart desires! (w/Heart Imoji)

Thank you! With hope, we all will! It is about going for the dream and not letting things distract us from what we must do.


Congrats Karin! I am coming up on ten years in a week.

Wow, Congrats on that!


Thanks, Karin. And to you, too!

Congrats on 6 years...very cool. I hear you about life taking our time...
Have a Great Day!

Thank you, Chuck.

Hope you have a great day, too!


Congrats! Crazy how fast time goes.

Yes, it is crazy! It really does seem like it was just yesterday!


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