Always be learning

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Today I start a three-day writing program. I am always trying to learn new things. This is about how to write, further promote Kindle books on and off Amazon and the like.

I have to be at work at the same time so I'm not really sure how that is going to work but we'll see. I already told my boss that I would be listening to the class while I did other work.

Why am I taking this class? Because I always need to be learning new skills. I always need to be learning in general. Since WA doesn't do this kind of class and my interest is in writing books, too, it only made sense to do this class outside of WA.

I don't usually do that because I learned my lesson from the "shiny things syndrome" but this I believe is different and will enhance and maximize my abilities in writing, publishing and selling my books. Of course there is never a guarantee on anything, but I am excited to give this the old "college try."

In other news...

I met with a Small Business Development Counselor in the area where I live yesterday to go over my business plans for my websites and my courses branch.

It sounds promising, although she does not have a lot of experience in the digital business world, she has tons of skills and access to some of the dollars which I could use to locally promote my business. I am thinking swag like hats, shirts, can koozies, car magnets and things like that. Some can be used as give-aways at my live trainings that will introduce the pay course.

Right now these are just ideas because I don't have the funding to make them a reality, but soon!

Well, I am off to start work and the class. I'll let you know how that goes. Thank goodness they are recording the meeting!

Have a great day, WA!


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We have to keep learning to live..... at least I have. With each stage of my life, I have had to either learn new skills or how to do the old ones in new ways. There is a bit more streamlined than when my working live began because there are so many more outlets for tapping into expertise. You are right. We need to keep learning.

I love to learn new things or old things in a new way!

I can't say I feel ready to take on the world after today's class, but there is so much more to think about. There are also 2 days left of the class which goes from 10 am until 3 p.m. so long days!

Take care.


Have fun.

Thanks. Today's session went from 10 a.m. until after 5 p.m. A Long day for me!


I used to love those kind of classes..... not anymore.

Now this is what I call motivation, Karin!

Keep up the momentum!

Myra ♥️

Thanks, Myra. Not sure how much longer I can keep up the momentum but as long as I don't give up I think I will be okay!


You are always awesome Karin.
We have been following each other since you first came on board.
Lots of trials, tribulations, and the rest.

Guess what?

You made it with your children intact.

Love from Canada.


Yes, I have Paul. We have both been through much but we both have come out the other side and are still working on our skills and moving forward. And yes, my children and grandchildren have come out intact, too!

Thanks, Paul!

Karin ????🏼

You are welcome.
Love and peace always to you.

We learn something new every day, Karin!


Yes, with hope, we do!


Very true, Karin!

You're doing great Karin! Keep it up.


Thanks, Mel. You too!


You are most welcome Karin!


Just wanting to actually do what I have talked about for the past 6 years! I know this is the key! Diversification and putting my nose to the grindstone!

Take care!


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