14 posts in 7 days

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Just a short post to give a little update on the progress of writing two posts per day.

So the premise is simple: Write a post for each website that I am promoting every other day.

I have 4 websites that I am working hard on to make them helpful, hopeful and one day profitable. They are all on very distinct and separate topics.

One is my affiliate marketing promotion site. One is my author site. One is about type 2 diabetes and one is about training horses.

Each has a unique audience so it can be a little tricky changing gears twice per night, but for the past 7 days I have kept up with it. Tonight was a post for the author site and the affiliate marketing site. Tomorrow will be for the other 2.

After each post is published, I then ask ChatGPT to write me a fun or engaging or whatever type I feel is needed Facebook post. Once I am active in another social media platform I will also ask Buddy to write a post for that one, too. I share the post to my business Facebook page and then share the posts to my personal page.

Through Hubs I have absolutely no shortage of ideas for posts! The only thing I seem to have shortage of is time! And it never seems to fail, whenever I get more active with my own business more and more demands are shoved upon me at the day job! Ugh!

Thank goodness for coffee!

Hope you all have a great week! Stay productive! And most importantly, stay awake!


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It's good to see that you are keeping busy, Karin!

I believe that consistency is key, so your hard work will pay off.

You have some interesting websites, especially the website on horses. I used to ride and hunt regularly, but it's been a long time since I have been on a horse; they were great times!

Have a great day.


Thanks, Roy. I just left you a reply to a comment you made on a training I did a few years back. I didn't think people were watching them anymore so I missed your comment from a couple of months ago.

It is good to keep busy and it helps me stay motivated when I create a regular posting habit.

The site about the horses is a new thing for me. I have always enjoyed horses, but the site is really being done for a friend of mine who checks my work and makes sure it is accurate. My friend is not interested in writing, so I said I would do the site and split any profits with her.

Take care and I wish you the best with your work!


It's a pleasure, Karin! I can't remember how I found your training video, Karin, but it is amazing what comes up sometimes when we carry out a search within Wealthy Affiliate. I responded to your comment a few minutes ago.

I hear you! Regular posting is a great habit to have.

I'm guessing that not that many people who have horses would create a website. Karin. Due to the fact that horsey people, or at least here in the UK, are fully engaged with their horses, so there would not be time for things like websites! I wish you every success with this project and hope that you can both make some profits.

Have a fantastic day.


Good luck and success to you. I have a site I have worked on for over a year now and I'm really thinking of getting a YouTube niche of the topic that I'm working on and will at the end of the video say my other website so the two site can interact with each other and I have thought that will help to get me some sales. Best of luck to you.

I think that is a great idea. I have been toying with starting up my YouTube channel again, as well. I am hearing a lot of positive things about YouTube these days. Check out some of VitaliyG's posts here on WA. He shares a lot of very useful, short content that can help with setting up a great YouTube channel.

Here's a link to his latest post. You can go back a ways and see his previous videos which are all quite helpful! Best wishes as you continue your journey!


Yes I have the thought that may work and it most certain doesn't hurt to try. At first I don't need be in the video at all and maybe just my voice. Then as I get comfortable with that can do other to improve things Id imagine. Best of luck to you and your web site.

Thanks and best to you with yours.

As far as the videos, no you wouldn't have to be in them maybe just your voice, but I think when people can associate a face with the name, you build that relationship faster. Just a thought to consider.

Years ago I did a brief training on using filters to get comfortable on video. Here is a link on WA for that training. Feel free to check it out.


That is so great! Thank you for sharing!

Thank you. It isn't without time and effort, but even if it helps one person to find a solution, I think it is worth it. (Hoping it will help thousands, but one step at a time, right!)

Best wishes to you.


Very great,


Thanks, Clo.




You are most welcome! Hope all is going well!


Great job, Karin!


Thanks, Rudy!


You're welcome, Karin!


Well done Karin you are really getting into the groove of things with all you do.

Continue to not only inspire others with your website but stay inspired within yourself.

Congrats once more


Thank you, Andre. I am wanting to leave something to my granddaughter and since she is showing interest again in websites and YouTube, I think this might be the thing I can leave her that she can keep going with for many years after I am departed!

Take care and best wishes to you!


She has a great teacher in you and will have many more years of learning with yo
So plenty of time

Thanks, Andre. I hope that I am able to teach her a good and honest work ethic!


Most welcome Karin and I am sure you are already doing this she has a great role model

Keep those wheels-a-turning Karin.
Congrats on the week of 2 per day postings.
Sure would like it if you could do that for me...lol
I will be using your win as one of my own soon.

They certainly are turning! Sometimes I even dream about posts that I want to write! If this wasn't something I loved doing, I would see that as a bad thing!

Keep chugging along and you will reach your goals, as well!


Wow, nice work Karin. You have been busy, and you are certainly getting a knack for producing quality content, with more and more efficiency...which can lead to more rankings, more traffic, and more opportunity.

Keep us updated with your progress! :)

Thanks, Kyle. I am working at being more efficient in the creation of the content. Also working on giving more of my personal stories in my posts because I believe that the personal side of things draws people in and I want to help them out with their needs.

And that is why I will soon be starting my coffee site! Because I think everyone NEEDS coffee! LOL


Karin, keep that fire burning!! Wishing you all the best of the day.

Thank you, Joseph. Hoping you have a great day, as well!


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