Author Karin13
Rank 7

This is a 6 minute video on how I got comfortable making videos. I hope it helps you see the many ways you can use video including on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and more!

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Roybretton Premium Plus
Thank you for the training, Karin, it's appreciated!

That's amazing what you have done! Am I right in saying that you are using TikTok to create these videos? In other words, TikTok provides you with these tools.

99% of my videos are created using a PC; I believe you said that you can use a phone or a PC to create TikTok videos. Do you still have all the same features, Karin, on a computer and phone?

Believe it or not, I don't have a TikTok account yet, it's another job on the job list!

My apologies for all the questions, but I'm genuinely interested.

Wishing you all the best.

Karin13 Premium Plus
I sincerely apologize for not responding sooner. I use Snapchat to create all of the videos on my phone. I do not use TikTok to create them. I have used my camera on my computer to create videos, but I do not know that you have the same filter options. I don't know that you can use snapchat on the PC.

I find that SnapChat has the best filters for the kinds of things I do. Now that I am more comfortable, I don't need to use the filters to create the videos, but the fun part is that I can use them if I want to switch characters, etc.

Best wishes and again, I apologize for the supper later reply.

Roybretton Premium Plus
Good morning Karin,

It's no problem, Karin, I know what it's like.

That's interesting, Karen; it's amazing what Snapchat can do, by the look of your videos. I just carried out a Google search and it looks like Snapchat is available for a PC; whether it has the same functionality, I do not know.

It looks like a great tool for building up your confidence, as you mentioned. I use Camtasia to create my videos; it has huge amounts of editing capabilities which are increasing all the time. I don't think it has a feature that Snapchat has, though, but maybe it will come in the future. Thank you for the interesting conversation, we never stop learning!

Wishing you all the best.

DMelB Premium
Thanks for the video tips and tricks Karin, this maybe just what I need. I'm very camera shy.
Still not sure on where and how to install the filters, but will figure it out.
Karin13 Premium Plus
I use an app called Snapchat on my phone. It had all of the filters seen in the video above plus a whole lot more. You can get Snapchat through the Google play store (not sure what it is called because I use an iphone) or the App store on iPhone. It's free and you can record videos with the filters and save them on your phone. They should save in your photos. From there you can share them.

Have fun with it!
Karin 😎
DMelB Premium
Thanks for the additional info Karin.
Looking forward to trying them out.
Cheers! 🥂
Karin13 Premium Plus
Best wishes!

Karin 😎
Willow29 Premium
Thank you so much for sharing this. Your video has me believing that I can do it to. 😎
Karin13 Premium Plus
Have fun with it. I know I do. I have 1400 videos saved most of which are Snapchat videos... That reminds me, I need to get those off of my phone... It's bogging down.

I used iMovie to create the file that I used for the training video. But there are many apps out there that you can use.

Karin 😎
Willow29 Premium
Thanks for the iMovie suggestion, that'll be next.🙂
Karin13 Premium Plus
I love to use iMovie to create "trailers" because they look like real movie trailers! That just gave me an idea for my next live class promotion!

Karin 😎
MTCandela1 Premium Plus
😂😂😂 I truly enjoyed this Karin! Thank you for sharing. What filter app do yo use? I may try that too!
Have a good day!
Karin13 Premium Plus
You are welcome. I use Snapchat. You can also use Instagram (I believe they have filters), Facebook chat might have some, and I know TikTok has them. Just play with the apps and get comfortable with them. It helps!

Karin 😎
sujith910 Premium Plus
Haha, I really enjoyed watching this video. You explained really well by using filters.

Maybe this is the best way to get comfortable, I will surely try this.
Karin13 Premium Plus
I hope it works well for you!
