About Jfry8374
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70 followers Joined April 2018
I am an engineer with a degree in Business Administration and Project Management. I have been in management and leadership roles in manufacturing and





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My niche is CBD Oil or Cannabidoil. The title of my website is going to be "Cannabidoil Connect" with the tagline of "Connecting you to the world and benefits of cannabidoil.

Absolute first (No hyphen), great domain and niche, much needed ~ Andrea

I agree with @jofa

Without the "-", is better in my opinion.

I would leave the oil out in case you want to broaden your range and your reach. cannabidconnect.com perhaps? Never use dashes or underscores as people forget to use them and a .com name is the only one to go for. The rest are not perceived as having much value.

Congrats on going premium.
It is the best investment you can make in yourself.
Good luck.
Cheers for now,

Ditto what jofa said :)

cannabidoilconnect.com is the best of the two in my opinion. Avoid using " - " in a domain. It should also be short, and it will be great if it reflects your niche.

What matter today is not your domain name but what you bring to the table for your audience. It is the value and helps you provide for your targeted audience that will make you stand out and effectually make you money.

The domain name is secondary, what matter is what the domain name will be known for!



Thought is divided on this if you check online. However, most prefer without hyphen is one is available. If not and you HAVE TO get some words in your domain then hyphen is okay.

Hi John, I agree with djriver and phil1944; avoid the hyphen if at all possible.


Always without hyphens.

It's just one of those things. Within the internet community, hyphens are regarded as amateurish.

Don't use the hyphen. It looks less professional and you will also have to tell people to make sure they put the hyphen in when you tell them your website name. Keep it simple and go with NO hyphen. :) Good luck :)

Oh also, when you are writing your name in articles etc. you can write it like CannabidoilConnect.com just for clarity. If that is what you are concerned about.

Thank you for the help. I love your suggestion on clarity. I'm glad I reached out.

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Can you help me decide on a domain name?

Can you help me decide on a domain name?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My niche is CBD Oil or Cannabidoil. The title of my website is going to be "Cannabidoil Connect" with the tagline of "Connecting you to the world and benefits of cannabidoil.

Absolute first (No hyphen), great domain and niche, much needed ~ Andrea

I agree with @jofa

Without the "-", is better in my opinion.

I would leave the oil out in case you want to broaden your range and your reach. cannabidconnect.com perhaps? Never use dashes or underscores as people forget to use them and a .com name is the only one to go for. The rest are not perceived as having much value.

Congrats on going premium.
It is the best investment you can make in yourself.
Good luck.
Cheers for now,

Ditto what jofa said :)

cannabidoilconnect.com is the best of the two in my opinion. Avoid using " - " in a domain. It should also be short, and it will be great if it reflects your niche.

What matter today is not your domain name but what you bring to the table for your audience. It is the value and helps you provide for your targeted audience that will make you stand out and effectually make you money.

The domain name is secondary, what matter is what the domain name will be known for!



Thought is divided on this if you check online. However, most prefer without hyphen is one is available. If not and you HAVE TO get some words in your domain then hyphen is okay.

Hi John, I agree with djriver and phil1944; avoid the hyphen if at all possible.


Always without hyphens.

It's just one of those things. Within the internet community, hyphens are regarded as amateurish.

Don't use the hyphen. It looks less professional and you will also have to tell people to make sure they put the hyphen in when you tell them your website name. Keep it simple and go with NO hyphen. :) Good luck :)

Oh also, when you are writing your name in articles etc. you can write it like CannabidoilConnect.com just for clarity. If that is what you are concerned about.

Thank you for the help. I love your suggestion on clarity. I'm glad I reached out.

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