I have created two email addresses for my website "4australianvisas.com" At the moment I must go to webmail to view my emails. Can I set up my Outlook to down load the emails t
How to get emails from wa hosted website to my outlook?
I have created two email addresses for my website "4australianvisas.com" At the moment I must go to webmail to view my emails. Can I set up my Outlook to down load the emails t
You would add your site email manually into outlook. The SMTP settings are in your site rubix email manager
Word press is losing <p> and </p> tags between text and view, making vertical spacing difficult. Can anyone help on this issue?
Why would you like to use an old html code, in the normal Wordpress you can make a line space just by making in visual a return.
If you use the text editor, use the br tab for a line break or two and more for more space.
The p tab is only for paragraphs, not for more space between the lines.
Hi gilidi . thanks for your comment. This particular problem won't go away. I have found that I need to put a double space in Wordpress to get a single space on the web page. I have checked the page source and all of the
and tag.
I created the document and then pasted it into Wordpress , then created addition HTML tabes in the Wordpress text window.
Install the plugin: TinyMCEAdvanced
Once installed, Go to
Settings -> TinyMCE Advanced
Under “Advanced Options”
Put a tick against “Stop removing the
tags when saving and show them in the Text editor”
Save Changes
This should stop Wordpress from removing those tags
Thanks TKay, I have installed the plugin and it seems to work fine. Still have the same problem on the Webpage. When switch into Visual in Wordpress, everything looks fine. When I bring up the page from the web site, the vertical spacing has gone. To get single spacing on the web site I need to put double spacing in the Wordpress Visual. I am guessing that it could be because the part of the document concerned is inside a Block Quote. My URL is http://jobsdisabledpeople.com/look-employment-scams
The part concerned is the first three lines of the Blockquote. You see the correct version there.
Thanks once again ..
Click the ‘Visual’ tab
Copy the problem text and paste into Notepad. This step will remove all hidden characters
Delete the text in Wordpress
Copy the text from notepad and past back into wp.
Format the text in “Visual” view using the supplied buttons. It may be necessary to delete spaces etc and hit ‘Return’ on a number of occasions to get things right.
This should in most cases resolve the problem.
If the problem still exist after this, then, I will suggest you give me temporary access to your backend to help you resolve it. You can send me a PM if you want to do that
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Wordpress losing p tags between text and view? anyone help?
Word press is losing <p> and </p> tags between text and view, making vertical spacing difficult. Can anyone help on this issue?
Why would you like to use an old html code, in the normal Wordpress you can make a line space just by making in visual a return.
If you use the text editor, use the br tab for a line break or two and more for more space.
The p tab is only for paragraphs, not for more space between the lines.
Hi gilidi . thanks for your comment. This particular problem won't go away. I have found that I need to put a double space in Wordpress to get a single space on the web page. I have checked the page source and all of the
and tag.
I created the document and then pasted it into Wordpress , then created addition HTML tabes in the Wordpress text window.
Install the plugin: TinyMCEAdvanced
Once installed, Go to
Settings -> TinyMCE Advanced
Under “Advanced Options”
Put a tick against “Stop removing the
tags when saving and show them in the Text editor”
Save Changes
This should stop Wordpress from removing those tags
Thanks TKay, I have installed the plugin and it seems to work fine. Still have the same problem on the Webpage. When switch into Visual in Wordpress, everything looks fine. When I bring up the page from the web site, the vertical spacing has gone. To get single spacing on the web site I need to put double spacing in the Wordpress Visual. I am guessing that it could be because the part of the document concerned is inside a Block Quote. My URL is http://jobsdisabledpeople.com/look-employment-scams
The part concerned is the first three lines of the Blockquote. You see the correct version there.
Thanks once again ..
Click the ‘Visual’ tab
Copy the problem text and paste into Notepad. This step will remove all hidden characters
Delete the text in Wordpress
Copy the text from notepad and past back into wp.
Format the text in “Visual” view using the supplied buttons. It may be necessary to delete spaces etc and hit ‘Return’ on a number of occasions to get things right.
This should in most cases resolve the problem.
If the problem still exist after this, then, I will suggest you give me temporary access to your backend to help you resolve it. You can send me a PM if you want to do that
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I changed the name of my domain from http://jobsdisabledpeople.com to
The change you made is nonsense, because both url's are the same. But google will now see all your old content as duplicated.
Send in a support ticket, you can click on "build my website" or click on the "Website & Hosting" under tools... give them all the information can to make it easier for them to help you ...... I haven't messed with a name change so I can't tell how to fix it ...
Hope this helps and your back up and running soon
See if this helps. Open it up and go down to where Carson comments on changing domain name.
Thanks for your quick answer . the problem . Doing what Catson recommended is what got me into trouble . Now it can't login at all . so I can't get into Settings and change it back .
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Unable to login to wp admin after changing domain name?
I changed the name of my domain from http://jobsdisabledpeople.com to
The change you made is nonsense, because both url's are the same. But google will now see all your old content as duplicated.
Send in a support ticket, you can click on "build my website" or click on the "Website & Hosting" under tools... give them all the information can to make it easier for them to help you ...... I haven't messed with a name change so I can't tell how to fix it ...
Hope this helps and your back up and running soon
See if this helps. Open it up and go down to where Carson comments on changing domain name.
Thanks for your quick answer . the problem . Doing what Catson recommended is what got me into trouble . Now it can't login at all . so I can't get into Settings and change it back .
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You would add your site email manually into outlook. The SMTP settings are in your site rubix email manager