How to Write a "PERFECT" Product Review & Make Money?

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Are you struggling with writing product reviews for your website? Or are you even writing product reviews in the first place?

Writing product reviews is definitely not the only way to make money online. But it's one of the most efficient & effective ways for us as content marketers to monetize our blogs.

Why Write Product Reviews?

The 2 main reasons for you to write product reviews is this:

  1. Product reviews are easier to rank in Google page 1 especially in the Make Money Online niche
  2. Product reviews are much easier to monetize as readers are generally at the final stage of their Customer Purchase Lifecycle!

Many of us know that writing product reviews is very crucial to our business here but I'm sure many of you are either struggling with it or haven't even started writing.

The reason for not taking actions is very simple: You're not sure how to do it so you're not confident in yourself.

But the truth is this...

No matter what goals/dreams you want to achieve, you'll never really know HOW to achieve it without taking actions.

No matter how many books you've read, how many Podcasts you've listened to, how knowledgeable you think you are, you don't really KNOW IT until you start taking action.

So the purpose of this post is to offer you some tips & tricks I'm personally using to write ALL of my product reviews.


(Related post: How to Find Products to Review in the Make Money Online Niche?)

Tip #1: There's NO Perfect Product Review!

This is the real truth.

Even the top ranking product reviews are not perfect.

The good news for you is that: You DON'T need to write a PERFECT product review to rank high in Google and convert readers!

(I'll talk about what it really takes for a product review to rank high in a second)

You just need to start taking action and get going.

If you're a "self-proclaimed" perfectionist, I'm sorry to tell you the truth but you definitely won't hit a home run on your first attempt or even the second or the third.

It's all about practicing!

I used to SUCK at writing because English is not even my mother tongue language. People were telling me that I need to hire others to proofread my articles before I publish them because there were a lot of grammatical errors.

I know I'm not perfect, neither are my posts. But I didn't listen to them.

If I just hire people to proofread for me, I will never improve. I might as well just hire freelance writers to do all the writing for me. It's even better because it saves me a lot more time.

But through constant practicing and reading, my writing improved quite a lot over time that I didn't even realize it until people started telling me that they love to read my articles and they're inspired.

That's when I start to realize that my writing really improves through practice.

Okay, this is not a discussion on how to write. But you get my point.

Nothing is perfect including product reviews. You just have to take action and practice.

You may not know what to write and how to write in the beginning. But you can always take reference from other people.

With practice, you'll slowly figure out your own style and come up with a product review template which you can use for all of your review posts.

This brings us to the next point...

Tip #2: Create a Template of Your Own

Like I've said, you will not have your own product review template in the beginning. But the more you write, the more you're familiar with what you should put in your review and how you should arrange it.

"Good artists copy; Great artists steal!" ~Picasso

What this implies is that you should do your own research and see what are the things other bloggers are putting into their product reviews and learn from them.

If you like the idea, adopt it and turn it into your own style.

I love this quote from Tony Robbins:

"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you'll achieve the same results."

In the online world, we definitely can't directly copy the exact words/paragraphs/content. But we can so-called "steal" ideas from other people.

Here's a pretty standard structure you can follow:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is [PRODUCT NAME]?
  3. How does [PRODUCT NAME] work?
  4. What I like about [PRODUCT NAME]? (Pros)
  5. What I don't like about [PRODUCT NAME]? (Cons)
  6. Conclusion/Verdict

As you go along, you'll have more ideas of what you really want to put in your review, your own style, etc.

Once you've found your own template, everytime when you're writing a product review, you can just paste this structure in your post and write your content according to this structure.

It can help you save quite a lot of time.

Tip #3: Focus on Your Intro & Conclusion

Let's face it...

Ask yourself, do you really read the entire article when you're searching for things online?

Probably not. I least for 99% of the time, you definitely won't, right?

People's attention span online is very short. You only have a few seconds to capture your readers attention.

That's why your introduction is super important.

The most common problem I see online is that most people's introduction is damn boring.

"If you're looking for a review on XXX, you've come to the right place..."

That's what I called putting ZERO effort.

In the online world, your core content can afford to be a little bit more boring because not many people will read it in full.

But you MUST put in effort to capture your readers attention within a few seconds time once they land on your page.

As for your conclusion, you need to repeat the pros & cons of the product and clearly tell people what's your take on this product and what's your recommendation.

Here's the truth...

Most people will scroll all the way down to read the conclusion after reading the intro. If they feel that your arguments/points are interesting, then they may go back to read your core content.

In fact, this doesn't just apply to product reviews. It can apply to any posts you're writing.

Tip #4: Put Your CTAs Wisely

One more common mistake I've seen is that people are not fully monetizing their product reviews.

Many people have a lot more high ranking reviews than me, but they may not be getting as much sales as I'm making.

A huge reason for this is that they're not incorporating their Call-To-Actions wisely.

The most common mistake for many people is that they just put ONE CTA at the end of the review.

That's basically leaving money on the table.

What I do is that I'll make sure I have a CTA right at the top. For all of my reviews, I have a Summary box giving people the quick facts about the product so that they can have a quick glance.

At the same time, I'll also put my recommendation there. That's for those actions takers and people who just want to know the quick facts and your recommendation.

Within the post, I'll also insert a few CTAs along the way.

For example, I'll put "Tired of scams? Here's what I recommend..." or "Recommended: This is how I..."

Be creative and think how you can put your CTAs naturally within the post.

Some other ideas include:

  • Pop-ups
  • Slide-in
  • Ribbon
  • Sidebar CTA

Tip #5: Follow the SEO Techniques You Learn Here!

Listen carefully...

Having the most comprehensive review doesn't guarantee you to rank well in Google!

I used to spend lots of time researching about the product before I can review it. I could easily take more than 4-6 hours just to research for one single product.

That's definitely not the best way to spend my time, especially when I realize that Google won't know how much time I put into writing this review.

They obviously don't rank posts based on the amount of time & effort you put in, right?

What's more important is to understand and apply the things that can help you in terms of SEO.

For this, I always recommend people to go through the follow resources:

  1. Google Page 1 Ranking Tips: Position 4 in 3 Minutes!
  2. 21 Minute Ranking Method in 7 Steps

For those of you who have been following me, you may have gone through these before because I always recommend them.

But my question to you is... are you taking the action to make it work for you?

Again, you will definitely not hit a home run at your first attempt, but you should really spend time to master this skill which has allowed me to easily rank most of my posts on either page 1 or 2 within a short period of time!

Another thing you should focus on is to make your post more engaging by writing in a colloquial way.

Also, use more subheadings, images, videos if relevant/necessary to make your content easier to skim through and consume.

Most people today just read the subheadings and skim through some of the content.

Avoid lengthy paragraphs to increase readablity. (Have you noticed that my paragraphs are all less than 3-4 senteces? Many times only 1 sentence.)

Another important ranking factor Google takes into consideration is the time people spend on your page and your bounce rate.

All the tips I've just shared with you can potentially make your readers stay longer and also reduce bounce rate.

Final Advice

You see...

Google still cannot fully understand your entire content, so having the most comprehensive review will not guarantee you to rank well.

Instead, Google uses all these different metrix and indicators to determine if readers like your post. That's what you should focus on. Focus on your readers and make it engaging!

Do NOT spend hours and hours trying to collect ALL the information about the product because that's not efficient and productive.

Of course I'm not asking you to stop doing research and have very little content in your reviews. We should still aim for accurracy and honesty in all of our reviews.

What I'm suggesting here is to put more focus on making your reviews reader-friendly and put yourself in your readers' shoes.

To conclude, here's what you need to focus on:

  • Get rid of perfectionism
  • Create a product review template of your own
  • Focus MORE on your Intros & Conclusions (Put yourself in their shoes and capture their attention)
  • Incorporate CTAs wisely
  • Apply the SEO techniques correctly WHILE writing your posts FOR your readers!

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Recent Comments


Another great post with insightful tips, Jerry.

I like the way you structure your post:
- Use headings to highlight your main points
- Clearly mark tip points to make skimming a lot easier
- Each tip point is well organized in a way that is similar to a short post
- And use bold & bullet points to add your insights and stress your suggestions

The thoughtful structure just make your post seem shorter than it is, and a lot more interesting to read. I bet you use the same or similar writing style in your reviews.

Thank you very much for sharing. :)


Yup that's right! You're very observant Hugh!

By the way, I consider myself to be an observant person so the good thing about being observant is that we can learn more insights from other people's work :)

All the best!

Brilliant, Jerry---thanks! This is perfect timing for me, because, besides writing WA and Jaaxy reviews, I am beginning to now write other product reviews for my MMO sites, and will definitely tweak my current ones to the standards you've stated here! I will take all your advice to heart!

Erin :)!

That's awesome Erin! Glad this is helpful and you're putting them into work :)

I loved your advice and tips. I have often spent hours researching in order to write the perfect post. I will follow your guidelines since this will make me more productive and rank easier and more frequently.

You're welcome! Glad this helps :)

Awesome share Jerry!

You are indeed tearing up the Super Wealthy Affiliate Challenge my Friend and we all appreciate you sharing your expertise with us.

I will indeed take your advice and put many of the mentioned above techniques to work now.

Thank you for always sharing & caring Jerry,


That’s great. Thanks Tony! I’m glad you like my advice and are putting them to work :)

thank you for was indeed inspiring and educational

Thank you Munachiso!

WOW. I really appreciate how you spell things out. Thanks.

You're welcome Therese!

That's an excellent piece bro and thanks for bringing it to our attention.

I have done tones of product reviews and ranked many pretty good. And yes, it's easy to rank, knowing what searchers will be looking for. And if you hit a review post early enough, you grab the position. All you have to do is struggle to stick to it.

Thanks Enstine! From my experience, even if you're late in the game for a certain product review, you can still rank well if you apply the things required. Being early for the product review has its advantage but it's not that significant from what I see.

Sure thing @JerryHuang you can come in anytime and kick the competitors off the hot spot if you play your SEO cards correctly.

Yup! With the right keyword research and the right SEO techniques, it’s a matter of time before anyone who is willing to put in the work can crush it!

Eek, i'm guilty of researching too much! I had to laugh when I read it :)
Thanks Jerry, for giving us your time and experience - just about to write my second review, so it was timely advice.

All the best with your site :)

Thanks Michelle! I'm glad I could help in time :) All the best to you too!

Like these ideas, especially the placement of the CTAs.

Awesome! Glad you like it :)

Very nice sum up and advice Jerry. And I agree with what you write you have heard form others - you writing is great and definitely no need to hire writers for you to have good English articles anymore:-)


Thank you Mikael!

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