$2.5K Month - June 2018 Monthly Update!

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Once again, another month has just passed by and half of 2018 has already gone.

But to be honest, it's not "gone" if you've been working hard to create your passive income and a better lifestyle for your family/future... because all your hard work will definitely pay off!

This half a year was simply amazing for me. I went from earning $0 to $2.5K a month of passive income online.

You can go to my WA profile to read my story of how I got started.

Basically, I only had less than 50 daily visitors to my site in January 2018 with $0 income.

Fast forward 6 months, I almost hit 900 visitors per day in June and my June total commission was USD$2,521.80!! (plus commission from Thrive Themes).

Of course, I'm not trying to make it sound easy. It's all hard work.

But before I go in to that, I just want to share my achievements in June.

Achievements in June 2018 :)

  • 477 Free Starter Referrals
  • 60 Premium Referrals
  • 2 Professionally Filmed & edited sales videos done
  • A complete overhaul on my website homepage, about page & landing pages (which I'll definitely expect much higher conversion rates for the coming months)

What I Didn't Achieve :(

Once again, I didn't managed to hit my content goals which is at least 15 posts a month. I only had 14 posts written by myself with 2 guest posts on my site (which I won't count into my content goal)

I traveled back to my home country, Taiwan, last month and spent quite some time shooting videos and refining my website. Which is the reason why I didn't have the time to hit my content goals.

My Hustle

But the good thing is that since I've built up my content & traffic base from the beginning of the year, my sales are still increasing despite I didn't hit my content goal in June.

From January to March, I post at least 5 quality posts per week and each post had at least 2000 words.

I'm not aiming for EITHER quality OR quantity. I'm always aiming for BOTH for all of my posts as much as possible.

I spent at least 8 to 10 hours per day working from my laptop. That's how I achieve such results in a short period of time which I'm really grateful for.

For All of My Hustlers...

I'm just like anyone of you.

But in order for me to achieve such results, I'm more than 100% serious, treating this as a real business and not just a side hustle to see if it works or even try my luck.

I know Wealthy Affiliate works. It's just a matter of time and effort.

That's the same for you guys.

I'm proving to you that Wealthy Affiliate works.

But if you're not treating it as a real business for you and putting in the time, yet you're complaining why things aren't working out, then there's something wrong with your mindset and attitude.

I understand that not everyone can invest 8 to 10 hours per day in your online business. But that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing is your commitment, consistency and PATIENCE!

Trust Wealthy Affiliate and most importantly trust yourself.

FYI, English is not my mother tongue language. There's no excuse for you if you think your command of English is your restriction to achieve your goals.

It's all about practice, practice and practice.

Learning Resources

I'm going to end off this post by leaving some of my highly popular content/training in Wealthy Affiliate for those of you who haven't checked them out:

  1. For those of you promoting Wealthy Affiliate and you've not checked out my very popular training, you should definitely spend some time and take a look here: WA Bootcamp Hacks: How to Get More PREMIUM Referrals?
  2. If you want to learn more about SEO and how I rank so well for most of my posts, head over to this post: Google Page 1 Ranking Tips: Position 4 in 3 Minutes!
  3. For those of you troubled by your Site Health, please check out this post: WA Site Health Explained (Don't Worry Too Much about it!) (This is my recent post at WA)

That's all for now. Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions or need any help :)

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Recent Comments


Thanks for the post and congratulations for your achievements.

Thank you Emmanuel!

Very encouraging. Congratulations!

Thank you :)

Thanks for sharing Jerry inspiring and motivating thank you

It's my pleasure Fleur!

Well done on your results. It goes to show that having a plan and a good deal of focus about what you want to achieve will get you there. I always enjoy reading your encouraging and informative posts.
I don’t have to say ‘keep up the good work’, coz I know you will.

Haha, yea...Plan > Action > Focus > Patience is definitely the way to success and achieving your goals :)

Congratulations Jerry. What you do well is a role model for everyone. I will also learn from you, hope can making more money in WA one day.

Thank you Tee. You sure will if you stick with it :)

Dear friend,

I was waiting for your June month report its amazing. Happy for you and Wishing you all the very best to make it for Vegas! (For sure you will make it).

May I ask how many posts you have on your site in total, please.

Thank you Paul! Currently, I have 150 posts.

Thanks a lot my friend.

Congratulations Jerry. That's fantastic, can't wait to hear more reports.

Thank you Paul!

Great Jerry!
I would love to know how you schedule your 8-10hrs ...
Do you plan ahead? do you pick out topics to write ahead of time? I think that's where I get muddled up! I am not consistent in my writing and I want to. :)

Congratulations on your achievement!

I'll definitely research for potential posts I could write beforehand sometimes. But my plan is always 1 post per day as much as possible.

Those 8-10 hours are mostly researching, writing, optimizing, publishing and promoting new posts.

Love the progress Jerry. Proud to say I'm one of those guest posts! Lol.

Keep killing it bro.

Haha yup! Your guest post rock!

That's awesome. Congrats!

Thank you Craig!

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