How to Delete a Hub (and to Change Your Niche)


Hey everyone!

Kyle here from Wealthy Affiliate. Today, I am going to walk you through a very straightforward process: how to change or delete or change a niche hub on your Wealthy Affiliate account. Whether you're rethinking your niche strategy, freeing up space for new projects, or simply want to pivot your focus, this tutorial has got you covered.

Here's what we'll cover:

  1. Understanding Hubs: Quick refresher on what hubs are within Wealthy Affiliate and the flexibility they offer for your online business ventures.
  2. Deleting a Hub: Step-by-step instructions on how to remove a hub without affecting the associated website, a handy feature for Premium Plus members looking to refine their portfolio or make room for new ideas.
  3. Reassigning a Niche: How to pivot an existing website to a new niche by deleting its current hub and creating a new one, all while retaining the website's content and structure.
  4. Navigating Your Account: Tips for efficiently managing your websites and hubs, including how to locate and select the right options for deleting or changing a hub.
  5. Creating a New Hub with an Existing Website: A walkthrough of selecting an existing website for a new hub creation, choosing a new niche, and effectively rebranding your site.
  6. Practical Example: I'll share a live example of changing a hub from 'wedding photography' to 'engagement photography' to demonstrate the process's simplicity and effectiveness.

Changing or deleting your niche hub is a powerful way to adapt and grow in the ever-evolving online business landscape. Whether you're refining your focus or exploring new interests, Wealthy Affiliate provides the tools and flexibility you need to succeed.

Got any questions about changing or deleting your niche hub, or need further clarification on any steps? Drop your questions in the comments below, I am here to help you out. :)

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Halo Kyle,

Once I delete the hub and change the niche, it seems that the system takes me back to the beginning; the introductory training, creating the About Me page and the privacy policy. But I did all that when I created the website.

How can I reflect this on the hub's "My Writing Task?" Do I have to write these pages again?

Thank you.


Yeah, that is because it is a new hub. You can simply click the "..." beside each of those tasks and it will give you the option to delete them. :)

You are already aware of me being unable to .follow the videos. the hearing aids are very expensive. over and above thatI have a damaged left knee for the past 2 years which is also now hindering my movement. A mobile 4 wheel scooter for the Cripple is a more expensive item which I urgently need.
I am just keeping you informed as to my financial needs. I have urgently to earn good money to provide and affecting the funds I need for the Premium membership.
So it will take much longer for me to progress with the training, but as in the past Ive managed to survive and prosper.
God Bless and Keep Wel.

You can read along with the captions within the video, we have captions within all of the videos here at WA for those that cannot hear.

And no worries on the Premium side of your membership, upgrade at your own pace. You have to do what makes sense to you and your situation, but when you are ready to Premium memberships will be there waiting for you. ;)

Hello Kyle,
I deleted my current hub, created the new one by keeping existing website. I change title of new hub, updated in wp-admin at setting. However, when I viewed my website, there is the same thing as my practice website How can I see the new one?

Are you referring to the title on your website? That doesn't change, as that is something that you are going to have to manually change Duy.

Within your WP-admin area, head to:

Settings => General

You can update your title and subtitle there and change it to whatever you like. Hope this helps you out here.

Yes, I've changed the title in Setting/General into 'Elevate You'. However, when I view my website, first of all, it is showing the title of my practice site, which is 'FindyourPower'. Then I click to 'Read more' of the article posted there, right a way the title has changed to my new website 'Elevate You'. I think there is some thing wrog when I move the into my purchased domain .com. Am I correct?

Great vid! Lots of people asking about this. Nice that they can see it’s easy and totally harmless 😎👍🏼💯

Yeah, it is a pretty straightforward process but I don't think it was so obvious simply because of the "...". We don't want to encourage this too much, but there is definitely a time and a place for deleting a hub or changing a particular niche.

Hmmm! Not there yet but I am putting up a sign from now : "GETTING THERE SOON"

All good, you may never need to do this, but now you know how to if you ever find yourself needing to do this in the future. ;)

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