About Minara
Rank 22524
208 followers Joined March 2022
Previously I had joined a health and wellness business company but I hadn’t succeeded. It was about building a team and making consistent sales in





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asked in
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I requested some of my post for indexing through search console this morning. They all have been indexed but when I look for where they are ranking and on which search engines,

As others have said, indexed simply means that Googlebot has added the post's URL to it's database and it's an essential first step towards ranking. But it's important to understand that ranking is not an absolute. You rank for a particular keyword/search term and it can vary according to what your competition is doing and, of course changes to the Google algorithm.

Thanks, Phil! I appreciate that 🙂

Brenda, Abbie and Diane… Thank you!! 🙂

You're welcome, Minara :)

You’re welcome. Keep smiling through it even if your jaws hurt 😆 😀😀😀😀💯!

Thanks, Brenda, you guys are very appreciated 😘

Hi - indexing and ranking are entirely different things.

Indexing simply means that the post has been added to Google's search engine.

Eventually, it could be ranked, but there is no guarantee of this.

Google will test your post against the competition that is currently ranked, and decide if yours is better, has more in-depth information, and most importantly, does it have unique content that cannot be found elsewhere.

Exactly what Abie and I stated so three of us agree! 👍🏻

Thanks, Diane for breaking it down for me! You've explained in sort of a baby language if you don't mind me saying so! I understand now!

Indexing means


According to Google “Google indexing is the process of adding a website to Google's index, which is a large database that contains the information from the page. Google's search engine, also known as Googlebot, crawls the web and analyzes the content of pages, including text, images, and videos. Google then stores this information in the index, which is used to provide search results.”

Therefore it doesn't mean you will rank it just crawls then as time goes it will rank if people are searching for it. Its a slow steady process.

That means some articles may not be there yet but you can find out by typing the keyword in Jaaxy at SiteRank or search the focus keyword in Google if its not there on page 1 you dont rank not all articles rank

Precisely that, Brenda :) MeepMeep 🙏

Diane said the same thing so three of us said exactly the point! Great team! 👍🏻

Right!! I think I've got you!

Woohoo! 🤣✌️

I think you got what 3 of us stated pretty much the same thing so patience my dear! Patience! Smile 😊

🙂🙂🙂🙂😊😊😊😬 jaws hurting now

🤣🤣 Here, all the time lol


It takes time for posts to get ranked. However, you can look them up in the site rank by inputting your keywords and your site's URL.

You may also like to review Kyle's resource

Sorry Abbie, I wasn't clear enough. I am checking in site rank but nothing shows up

First your posts get indexed, and often days later, down the line, start getting noticed, provided targeted keywords are searchable, and new websites can rank efficiently.

But typically, "authority" for a website starts to get established over time, usually at the 3-6 month mark.

They fluctuate up and down the scale till Google decides where to place them.

Not all posts will get ranked; thus, the recommendation is to keep updating blogs 2 - 3 posts weekly, which is for the foreseeable future.

And just for some clarification.

It would be nice if posts were indexed in the morning and ranked by the evening. We all be RICH beyond our wildest dreams (jk) 🤣🤣

Cheers Abbie for the explanation! You guys are great!

I know!

It was my first time to request indexing today. Then I get emails too from here saying they've been indexed 🤦‍♀️. So actually I wasn't sure what to expect but get ranked!!

Richness is in the 😊! Google is a very slow turtle 🐢 it will take many months- my new website I started back in November has 30 posts only a few are on page 1. Im getting clicks slowly but surely! I keep smiling 😊 through it all! 😀

The link is awesome! Thanks for the resource. This i add to my resource tips! Thanks a ton! 😀

No, Brenda, our posts will be good by tonight 🤣🤣 imagine. (jk)

Np, Brenda :) You're totally welcome... MeepMeep :)

'Richness is in the 😊' I will do just that.
And if that's what Google is then I shall agree with you that it's a 'slow turtle 🐢' 😊😊

I like the turtle emoji, vivid green :)

🤣 haha!

I need a new pair of cheeks 🤣🤣

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Where to find indexed post ?

Where to find indexed post ?

asked in
Getting Started

I requested some of my post for indexing through search console this morning. They all have been indexed but when I look for where they are ranking and on which search engines,

As others have said, indexed simply means that Googlebot has added the post's URL to it's database and it's an essential first step towards ranking. But it's important to understand that ranking is not an absolute. You rank for a particular keyword/search term and it can vary according to what your competition is doing and, of course changes to the Google algorithm.

Thanks, Phil! I appreciate that 🙂

Brenda, Abbie and Diane… Thank you!! 🙂

You're welcome, Minara :)

You’re welcome. Keep smiling through it even if your jaws hurt 😆 😀😀😀😀💯!

Thanks, Brenda, you guys are very appreciated 😘

Hi - indexing and ranking are entirely different things.

Indexing simply means that the post has been added to Google's search engine.

Eventually, it could be ranked, but there is no guarantee of this.

Google will test your post against the competition that is currently ranked, and decide if yours is better, has more in-depth information, and most importantly, does it have unique content that cannot be found elsewhere.

Exactly what Abie and I stated so three of us agree! 👍🏻

Thanks, Diane for breaking it down for me! You've explained in sort of a baby language if you don't mind me saying so! I understand now!

Indexing means


According to Google “Google indexing is the process of adding a website to Google's index, which is a large database that contains the information from the page. Google's search engine, also known as Googlebot, crawls the web and analyzes the content of pages, including text, images, and videos. Google then stores this information in the index, which is used to provide search results.”

Therefore it doesn't mean you will rank it just crawls then as time goes it will rank if people are searching for it. Its a slow steady process.

That means some articles may not be there yet but you can find out by typing the keyword in Jaaxy at SiteRank or search the focus keyword in Google if its not there on page 1 you dont rank not all articles rank

Precisely that, Brenda :) MeepMeep 🙏

Diane said the same thing so three of us said exactly the point! Great team! 👍🏻

Right!! I think I've got you!

Woohoo! 🤣✌️

I think you got what 3 of us stated pretty much the same thing so patience my dear! Patience! Smile 😊

🙂🙂🙂🙂😊😊😊😬 jaws hurting now

🤣🤣 Here, all the time lol


It takes time for posts to get ranked. However, you can look them up in the site rank by inputting your keywords and your site's URL.

You may also like to review Kyle's resource

Sorry Abbie, I wasn't clear enough. I am checking in site rank but nothing shows up

First your posts get indexed, and often days later, down the line, start getting noticed, provided targeted keywords are searchable, and new websites can rank efficiently.

But typically, "authority" for a website starts to get established over time, usually at the 3-6 month mark.

They fluctuate up and down the scale till Google decides where to place them.

Not all posts will get ranked; thus, the recommendation is to keep updating blogs 2 - 3 posts weekly, which is for the foreseeable future.

And just for some clarification.

It would be nice if posts were indexed in the morning and ranked by the evening. We all be RICH beyond our wildest dreams (jk) 🤣🤣

Cheers Abbie for the explanation! You guys are great!

I know!

It was my first time to request indexing today. Then I get emails too from here saying they've been indexed 🤦‍♀️. So actually I wasn't sure what to expect but get ranked!!

Richness is in the 😊! Google is a very slow turtle 🐢 it will take many months- my new website I started back in November has 30 posts only a few are on page 1. Im getting clicks slowly but surely! I keep smiling 😊 through it all! 😀

The link is awesome! Thanks for the resource. This i add to my resource tips! Thanks a ton! 😀

No, Brenda, our posts will be good by tonight 🤣🤣 imagine. (jk)

Np, Brenda :) You're totally welcome... MeepMeep :)

'Richness is in the 😊' I will do just that.
And if that's what Google is then I shall agree with you that it's a 'slow turtle 🐢' 😊😊

I like the turtle emoji, vivid green :)

🤣 haha!

I need a new pair of cheeks 🤣🤣

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asked in
Getting Started

So I have a post that has been ranked on page one of yahoo position 2. A day or two later it went up to position 1 (I hadn't shared this part) but it went up!

Either po

Monitor, Analyze, Enhance... Keep it relevant.

Thanks for that Abbie! 🙂

Awesomely welcome, Minara! :) Please keep us posted on your progress.

Aww, thats very kind of you! I will do! 🙂

Np, Minara!

Hi - it would be unrealistic to think that a position could be permanently retained, ranking will always fluctuate.

Somebody else could use the same keyword at any time and write something more original, more up-to-date, more unique, and more in-depth.

Just ensure it is the best it can be when you publish it.

Make it stand out from the crowd, add bullet points, end with a call to action, ask your readers a question to encourage engagement, and add an FAQ section, infographics, unique images, etc.

And above all, don't publish AI content exactly as it is suggested, always add your own thoughts, voice and experience to it.

Thanks Diane, I think you've covered my question really well, I'll have to jot this down where I can see it so that it can be applied to all my post!

AI is so good and I am using the conversational Author here at WA but I do the best I can when rewriting to my personal voice and adding my own thoughts.

Speaking of fluctuation, it has gone down back to position 2 😬

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How to maintain position?

How to maintain position?

asked in
Getting Started

So I have a post that has been ranked on page one of yahoo position 2. A day or two later it went up to position 1 (I hadn't shared this part) but it went up!

Either po

Monitor, Analyze, Enhance... Keep it relevant.

Thanks for that Abbie! 🙂

Awesomely welcome, Minara! :) Please keep us posted on your progress.

Aww, thats very kind of you! I will do! 🙂

Np, Minara!

Hi - it would be unrealistic to think that a position could be permanently retained, ranking will always fluctuate.

Somebody else could use the same keyword at any time and write something more original, more up-to-date, more unique, and more in-depth.

Just ensure it is the best it can be when you publish it.

Make it stand out from the crowd, add bullet points, end with a call to action, ask your readers a question to encourage engagement, and add an FAQ section, infographics, unique images, etc.

And above all, don't publish AI content exactly as it is suggested, always add your own thoughts, voice and experience to it.

Thanks Diane, I think you've covered my question really well, I'll have to jot this down where I can see it so that it can be applied to all my post!

AI is so good and I am using the conversational Author here at WA but I do the best I can when rewriting to my personal voice and adding my own thoughts.

Speaking of fluctuation, it has gone down back to position 2 😬

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