About Jaspar8
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180 followers Joined September 2019
I’ve been curious and looking for a way to make money for quite some time that enables me to earn while I’m busy, asleep or





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand how to target my keywords when writing my content?

For example, if my keyword search in Jaxxy came up with 'redo laminate floorin

Hi Jason,

thanks for your question.

I recommend that you include your keyword in these places:

1. Your post title.
2. Within the first 100 words in your article.
3. URL of the post.
4. Then include related keywords in the sub-titles of the post.

And once you've don that, just write naturally for the topic. My recommendation is +1,500 words per post. Here's my full 10-step checklist for getting your posts ranked on Google: - Roope

Thanks Roope. I didn’t realise we could put that in the URL. I assume that is done through back office of the post? And thank you for the link to the tips, I’ll have good read of that.

When you publish the post on Wordpress, you can set the URL on your Wordpress editor. Just make sure that you set the right URL from the beginning or right away after publishing the post.

Because if you change it afterwards, that's not good because it will affect the links.

@boomergp08 @Dvalentine @Jaz333 and @Dmahen1
Thank you very much for your answers, it all so much clearer now 😀
Love this place her at WA

You will need to use that exact keyword at least once in your content but not many times. The most important place for that exact keyword would be in your title, even if you do not mention it again anywhere within your content.


If your post title was How to Redo Laminate Flooring on a Budget, your content should be all about explaining how someone who is on a tight budget can redo the laminate floors in their house or wherever.

If the content is of high quality in that it thoroughly explains how this can be accomplished and can convey many alternative ways to get good results for achieving better laminate floors, you can still rank for that exact keyword without having to mention it again.

Google ranks you based on how well and thorough your content is at answering the keyword query. You are not ranked solely on that keyword. This is why it is often said that "Content is King" and not keywords.

Awesome, thanks for your response. And I like that you've made a clear explanation about the content too.
That's what I love about being a member at WA, so many good people willing help out, so thanks again :) 👍

My pleasure. Happy I could help.

Hi Jason
If you're using 'redo laminate flooring' as a keyword I'd look at trying to answer a question such as:
When is the best time to redo laminate flooring
What is the best way to redo laminate flooring
What ( or How much) does it cost to redo laminate flooring
How to redo laminate flooring
etc. etc.

You're going to have to be really, really specific with your content so that it answers the question in the title as fully as possible.

So, you have your keyword in the title - I'd mention it once, in the same word combination in the first paragraph and then once more in the conclusion.

Hope that helps

Thank you 👍. That makes perfect sense and my mind now understands what is needed, along with great content.


Glad to help bud - drop a message when and if you need comments on the piece and I'll gladly help out

Cheers, I will do that 👍

Hi - You will want to use your exact keyword in your content. This is why we want to make sure the keyword makes sense and is grammatically correct, since it will be used in our content.

I've always heard it is suggested to use the keyword in the title, within the first 100 words if possible and somewhere near the end of your content.

Hope that helps some,

Thanks Jaz. The only reason I didn't quite understand is it doesn't quite make clear sense in the training I have done so far. There is. mention of targeting keywords and also quality content, but there has been no specific mention of using the exact keywords in the content. Considering that the keyword is usually more than one word, I'm possibly overthinking to myself.

Makes sense now


I was confused on keywords being more than one word in the beginning too. A keyword can be one word, but it can also be a group of words. I guess it might have been easier to understand if they used the terms keyword or keyphrase in the training.

At any rate, glad you understand it now :)

😀 That was my thoughts exactly, but never mind, this great community helped clear that up for me 👍

You really need the keywords and they need to make sense as I understand the training. I make my keyword my title and then integrate it into my first paragraph. Still we need great content.

Thanks. The sounds just like I was hoping the answer would 😀 and what I was looking for.

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Trying to understand how keyword relates to content?

Trying to understand how keyword relates to content?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand how to target my keywords when writing my content?

For example, if my keyword search in Jaxxy came up with 'redo laminate floorin

Hi Jason,

thanks for your question.

I recommend that you include your keyword in these places:

1. Your post title.
2. Within the first 100 words in your article.
3. URL of the post.
4. Then include related keywords in the sub-titles of the post.

And once you've don that, just write naturally for the topic. My recommendation is +1,500 words per post. Here's my full 10-step checklist for getting your posts ranked on Google: - Roope

Thanks Roope. I didn’t realise we could put that in the URL. I assume that is done through back office of the post? And thank you for the link to the tips, I’ll have good read of that.

When you publish the post on Wordpress, you can set the URL on your Wordpress editor. Just make sure that you set the right URL from the beginning or right away after publishing the post.

Because if you change it afterwards, that's not good because it will affect the links.

@boomergp08 @Dvalentine @Jaz333 and @Dmahen1
Thank you very much for your answers, it all so much clearer now 😀
Love this place her at WA

You will need to use that exact keyword at least once in your content but not many times. The most important place for that exact keyword would be in your title, even if you do not mention it again anywhere within your content.


If your post title was How to Redo Laminate Flooring on a Budget, your content should be all about explaining how someone who is on a tight budget can redo the laminate floors in their house or wherever.

If the content is of high quality in that it thoroughly explains how this can be accomplished and can convey many alternative ways to get good results for achieving better laminate floors, you can still rank for that exact keyword without having to mention it again.

Google ranks you based on how well and thorough your content is at answering the keyword query. You are not ranked solely on that keyword. This is why it is often said that "Content is King" and not keywords.

Awesome, thanks for your response. And I like that you've made a clear explanation about the content too.
That's what I love about being a member at WA, so many good people willing help out, so thanks again :) 👍

My pleasure. Happy I could help.

Hi Jason
If you're using 'redo laminate flooring' as a keyword I'd look at trying to answer a question such as:
When is the best time to redo laminate flooring
What is the best way to redo laminate flooring
What ( or How much) does it cost to redo laminate flooring
How to redo laminate flooring
etc. etc.

You're going to have to be really, really specific with your content so that it answers the question in the title as fully as possible.

So, you have your keyword in the title - I'd mention it once, in the same word combination in the first paragraph and then once more in the conclusion.

Hope that helps

Thank you 👍. That makes perfect sense and my mind now understands what is needed, along with great content.


Glad to help bud - drop a message when and if you need comments on the piece and I'll gladly help out

Cheers, I will do that 👍

Hi - You will want to use your exact keyword in your content. This is why we want to make sure the keyword makes sense and is grammatically correct, since it will be used in our content.

I've always heard it is suggested to use the keyword in the title, within the first 100 words if possible and somewhere near the end of your content.

Hope that helps some,

Thanks Jaz. The only reason I didn't quite understand is it doesn't quite make clear sense in the training I have done so far. There is. mention of targeting keywords and also quality content, but there has been no specific mention of using the exact keywords in the content. Considering that the keyword is usually more than one word, I'm possibly overthinking to myself.

Makes sense now


I was confused on keywords being more than one word in the beginning too. A keyword can be one word, but it can also be a group of words. I guess it might have been easier to understand if they used the terms keyword or keyphrase in the training.

At any rate, glad you understand it now :)

😀 That was my thoughts exactly, but never mind, this great community helped clear that up for me 👍

You really need the keywords and they need to make sense as I understand the training. I make my keyword my title and then integrate it into my first paragraph. Still we need great content.

Thanks. The sounds just like I was hoping the answer would 😀 and what I was looking for.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi all,

As I'm new here and learning all the great things that WA has to offer, one concern keeps popping into my mind at the moment.....how do i write great content ? <

Hi Jason, in the beginning, it can be hard, and like you say the internet is awash with information.

Too much some days.

I see that you have just joined, the thing about WA is that we have enough info and training to set the world alight.

The hardest thing is to stay the course and follow along.

Make a commitment to follow-through, give it at least six months, do something every day.

Start by checking out the platform, have a look at Jay's back catalog and try if you can to catch the weekly training webinars. Start with this one, you can access them by clicking on live events on the side menu of your WA home page.

Best wishes.

Don't know who said it;

If you want to get good at writing then write.

I guess, that goes for anything in life that we want to get good at.

Well, never a more true statement, if we want to get good at something, we must do it, everyone starts somewhere and where they get to is up to them !
Appreciate the input and I realise everything comes with time, practice and patience.

That is the right perspective, you will do well Jason, give it heaps.

Writing perse is not really the issue itis the communication and the message you are imparting. We may have some problems with lesser issues like wrong spelling, grammar, and structure, Grammarly can mostly take care of these. my advice Jaspar, Keep writing. We all have something to say and surely the community will react to your blog positively. Way to go!

I am with Paul on this one. I did not know the first thing about writing and put it off for two months before I wrote my first blog. It was my About Me post.
I heard a quote from Anthony Bourdain who died shortly after I joined WA.

He said, "write from the heart and your audience will find you".

The advice I was given was always to write like you speak - naturally - as it sounds more authentic and allows your own persinality to come out.

When I first started here I used to look at the websites of those in the top 100 (most put them in their profile) and see how they write.

And you are right, practice makes perfect, I look back at some of my first posts and laugh.. But you have to learn somewhere and the best way is to just write and get it out there.

you can always go to the Feedback section and ask for feedback on your posts as well - It is under the Websites section on the left.


Thanks Paul,

Yes you are right and I agree, looking at others websites helps a great deal and can have a helpful influence on style of writing and how to get words and information across. I just don't want to make the mistake of plagiarizing words from others.

But practice makes perfect, this is true and the only way to practice is to do !

thanks for your input, it is appreciated.


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Improving my writing for better audience content ?

Improving my writing for better audience content ?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi all,

As I'm new here and learning all the great things that WA has to offer, one concern keeps popping into my mind at the moment.....how do i write great content ? <

Hi Jason, in the beginning, it can be hard, and like you say the internet is awash with information.

Too much some days.

I see that you have just joined, the thing about WA is that we have enough info and training to set the world alight.

The hardest thing is to stay the course and follow along.

Make a commitment to follow-through, give it at least six months, do something every day.

Start by checking out the platform, have a look at Jay's back catalog and try if you can to catch the weekly training webinars. Start with this one, you can access them by clicking on live events on the side menu of your WA home page.

Best wishes.

Don't know who said it;

If you want to get good at writing then write.

I guess, that goes for anything in life that we want to get good at.

Well, never a more true statement, if we want to get good at something, we must do it, everyone starts somewhere and where they get to is up to them !
Appreciate the input and I realise everything comes with time, practice and patience.

That is the right perspective, you will do well Jason, give it heaps.

Writing perse is not really the issue itis the communication and the message you are imparting. We may have some problems with lesser issues like wrong spelling, grammar, and structure, Grammarly can mostly take care of these. my advice Jaspar, Keep writing. We all have something to say and surely the community will react to your blog positively. Way to go!

I am with Paul on this one. I did not know the first thing about writing and put it off for two months before I wrote my first blog. It was my About Me post.
I heard a quote from Anthony Bourdain who died shortly after I joined WA.

He said, "write from the heart and your audience will find you".

The advice I was given was always to write like you speak - naturally - as it sounds more authentic and allows your own persinality to come out.

When I first started here I used to look at the websites of those in the top 100 (most put them in their profile) and see how they write.

And you are right, practice makes perfect, I look back at some of my first posts and laugh.. But you have to learn somewhere and the best way is to just write and get it out there.

you can always go to the Feedback section and ask for feedback on your posts as well - It is under the Websites section on the left.


Thanks Paul,

Yes you are right and I agree, looking at others websites helps a great deal and can have a helpful influence on style of writing and how to get words and information across. I just don't want to make the mistake of plagiarizing words from others.

But practice makes perfect, this is true and the only way to practice is to do !

thanks for your input, it is appreciated.


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