About ImaDesigner
Rank 1489
1,484 followers Joined November 2014
Hi, everyone. I hope that you’re doing great and having a great time here at Wealthy Affiliate. My name is Imad and I am very passionate





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm facing a weird problem lately with my the new SiteRubix sites I create. Whenever I want to install a theme or a plugin, it keeps uploading, uploading and re-uploading over

Sometimes file sizes might surprise you! If these are premium plugins and themes, they tend to be bigger. FTP works almost all the time!

The biggest one is less than 1 MB, so, they are all very very small, and I tried free and premium themes/plugins, but nothing worked. I just wanted to test the waters with a free SiteRubix site before buying a .com one.

Unfortunately, the FTP method is not available on .siterubix.com... I don't know what to do next lol

So you are unable to install ANY plugins on this site? Have you created a new siterubix site to see if it's some issue with only this specific install?

Yes, I did, and the same thing happened. I ended up buying a domain name to have access to the FTP method, because once again, the same problem happened with the .com domain.

The FTP method was a success, though. Really easy and fast.

Glad the FTP method worked for you. It's a good skill to have. I use it all the time.

Have you considered uploading it through FTP? It takes a little time and a wee bit of tech savvy, but I tend to go that route, since I tend to run into problems with uploading things to the WA Servers.

Yes, I did. But sadly, SiteRubix sites don't have this option. Thanks for the reminder, Though, I'll keep that in mind.

Did you try contacting the authority for the specific themes or plugins you want to install. They are constantly developed in Word press and site support might not be abreast of some new entrants.

I tried many themes and plugins, old and new ones, always the same issue. Thanks for the suggestion! :D

Oh not to worry just contact the support team and they got you on this one.

I think you need to contact Support with this problem.
Click on Siterubix > Support.

I did and was talking to them for about 2 days, the problem wasn't solved. This is why I'm reaching out to the community.

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My themesplugins keep uploading without ever installing?

My themesplugins keep uploading without ever installing?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm facing a weird problem lately with my the new SiteRubix sites I create. Whenever I want to install a theme or a plugin, it keeps uploading, uploading and re-uploading over

Sometimes file sizes might surprise you! If these are premium plugins and themes, they tend to be bigger. FTP works almost all the time!

The biggest one is less than 1 MB, so, they are all very very small, and I tried free and premium themes/plugins, but nothing worked. I just wanted to test the waters with a free SiteRubix site before buying a .com one.

Unfortunately, the FTP method is not available on .siterubix.com... I don't know what to do next lol

So you are unable to install ANY plugins on this site? Have you created a new siterubix site to see if it's some issue with only this specific install?

Yes, I did, and the same thing happened. I ended up buying a domain name to have access to the FTP method, because once again, the same problem happened with the .com domain.

The FTP method was a success, though. Really easy and fast.

Glad the FTP method worked for you. It's a good skill to have. I use it all the time.

Have you considered uploading it through FTP? It takes a little time and a wee bit of tech savvy, but I tend to go that route, since I tend to run into problems with uploading things to the WA Servers.

Yes, I did. But sadly, SiteRubix sites don't have this option. Thanks for the reminder, Though, I'll keep that in mind.

Did you try contacting the authority for the specific themes or plugins you want to install. They are constantly developed in Word press and site support might not be abreast of some new entrants.

I tried many themes and plugins, old and new ones, always the same issue. Thanks for the suggestion! :D

Oh not to worry just contact the support team and they got you on this one.

I think you need to contact Support with this problem.
Click on Siterubix > Support.

I did and was talking to them for about 2 days, the problem wasn't solved. This is why I'm reaching out to the community.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I wanted to know more about the process of SiteComments. I requested 7 comments about 4 days ago, and all I got so far are 3 comments.

Where's the rest of my request? An

Glad it was resolved, and thanks for the update!

Thanks for stopping by man!

If you have requested them over a 7 or 14 day period, then this will be why your comments are slowly rolling in. Request comments straight away if you want them on your site quicker.

Hope this answers your question...


Yes, it does. I think the problem is solved now.


Cool! You're welcome :)

If you are using old comment thread then you are good with such an outcome. I was doing far worse there. Why do not you use SiteComments thread? There you get 1 for 2 given, no cheating.

Thanks for your suggestion.

people are sometimes a bit lazy to reply - I once waited for two weeks for one guy!!!

I don't think that what's causing the issue. On my request comments page, it's showing that the process of requesting comments for my selected page is now completed, even though I'm still missing 4 comments.

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Is something wrong with the sitecomments?

Is something wrong with the sitecomments?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I wanted to know more about the process of SiteComments. I requested 7 comments about 4 days ago, and all I got so far are 3 comments.

Where's the rest of my request? An

Glad it was resolved, and thanks for the update!

Thanks for stopping by man!

If you have requested them over a 7 or 14 day period, then this will be why your comments are slowly rolling in. Request comments straight away if you want them on your site quicker.

Hope this answers your question...


Yes, it does. I think the problem is solved now.


Cool! You're welcome :)

If you are using old comment thread then you are good with such an outcome. I was doing far worse there. Why do not you use SiteComments thread? There you get 1 for 2 given, no cheating.

Thanks for your suggestion.

people are sometimes a bit lazy to reply - I once waited for two weeks for one guy!!!

I don't think that what's causing the issue. On my request comments page, it's showing that the process of requesting comments for my selected page is now completed, even though I'm still missing 4 comments.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi, there.

I was wondering if you can help me in finding content ideas for my cornerstone pages, I'm planning to create three cornerstones/pillar page, but I am stuck,

What is your niche? That's an important detail you left out! I assume its "make money online" or "online business"

if so, why are you interested in it? What do you want to help people with? That should be your cornerstone pages.

Scam reviews is an obvious option
Turning passion into a business is another one

What else are you interested in about this topic?

Great questions! I will answer each one of them to get back on track. My niche is the WA bootcamp, an in general, affiliate marketing and making money online.

I will be talking about other aspects of affiliate marketing later on this year. But for now, I'll apply the information you provided me with to create my cornerstone pages.

Doing product reviews and showing people how to turn any passion into a successful business online are on my list.

Thanks for your help, Nathaniell. I appreciate it.

Hi Imad, I am going through the CopyBlogger Content Challenge too. CopyBlogger is a great resource.

This post helped me better understand the components of developing a Cornerstone Article.
Particle list from the article
1. Case Studies
2. Stats and Data
3. Product Reviews
4. The History of Something
5. How To Guides
6. Beginner’s Guides
7. Curate Content
8. Lists
9. Top Tips for People to Understand Your Industry
10. Best Practices


Step by Step details (very helpful here)

Also, with the guidance of my writing coach, for every Cornerstone Article, I plan to link/develop/connect the following type of articles (additional) Review, List, Data and other silo articles.

Thank you, Winn. Awesome blog posts you got here! I'll go through them and take notes as well.

Jon's methods are great too. I think you're doing a great job with your cornerstone pages, let me know how the challenge progress is going for you.

Thanks again,


Cool, same here let me know how things go for you with the challenge and in general : ). I am learning a lot about the proper way to setup a cornerstone page. I plan to create 4-5 cornerstone pages. At the moment I am trying to outline my topic, research and learn more from various niche forums.

Also, I have been learning from the great masters (people who are no longer here). I believe the popular/authority bloggers today have copied and learned from the best of the best (these masters). Most of their content is free which is awesome :)!!
Claude Hopkins
Eugene Schwartz

This is a great plan you're following. Learning from the best out there and applying the information you gather will make you one of them in the future. It's just a matter of working hard and sticking to a consistent learning process. I'll be asking you some questions about this soon.

I'm following three big blogging names, CopyBlogger, ProBlogger and SeriousBloggersOnly. so much to learn from those them, the content they produce is very helpful to us beginners.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I appreciate it.

Yes me too (all three), my favorite has been Jon Morrow. They are all great, but there is a human side to Jon which I love. He is a great teacher and did you see his headline hacks document. Man that's the best!!

Yes, you are absolutely right about Jon. I just applied one of his headline hacks to my first blog post as I'm reading the headline hacks for the third time now. Very helpful stuff.

It would depend on your niche I try and have evergreen content for my pages things that basically stay the same and create posts that link to certain pages to keep it current. for example I have a bridal website my pages content things like budget, plan a wedding then on my posts I will give tips our advice to save money,wedding themes, however my main focus is types of venues.. hope that makes sense and helps you

This is exactly what I was talking about. An "Evergreen" content my cornerstone pages is the way to go, this is an important point I was missing. Linking to the cornerstone pages via the posts I'll be writing is what CopyBlogger suggests doing too.

Thank you so much, Katie.

Hi the best way is to write what you feel and what you can offer to your customer but keep it simple and to the point

Great advice, I'll keep this in mind. Thank you, Paul.

You've got it covered Jason.

This might not be what you want to hear but cornerstone content, while important, is just another fancy name for informing your customers of what you offer and what they need....so in reality isn't any different to good quality well written posts and content.
If you're struggling with ideas to write about perhaps you need to rethink your niche.
also be careful with some blogs about cornerstone content as they promote keyword stuffing and other poor SEO technique.
My opinion only...Im no expert...but I'd just suggest you stay doing what you are doing now....writing excellent original content that answers questions, solves problems, gives advice to customers. etc.
Stick with the WA training and dont be tempted by online offers of instant success

Thanks for your feedback, Jason.

Cornerstone/Pillar pages are an essential part of every blog out there. The name is not that important but they contribute a lot to the site's foundation, especially a fresh one. They help establish authority, make a connection with the readers, get rankings and so much more.

I wisely chose my niche and can definitely do great things in it. The reason I'm feeling stuck is because I don't want to mix scheduled posts and future cornerstone pages content because they are totally different things.

I'm sticking with WA training that's why I'm asking for help here, and CopyBlogger is not an "instant success" platform, it's a great resources blog for writing and digital marketing that every aspiring writer/Entrepreneur should use.

Using their "Cornerstone Challenge" and combining it with what I'm learning here inside WA will only make writing engaging/unique and helpful content easier for me.

This is like a rite of passage for me and I have to go through it, and the only thing that can me is the great Wealthy Affiliate support.

Good luck my friend
I wish you every success.

Thanks, man!

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How can I create ideas for my cornerstone pages?

How can I create ideas for my cornerstone pages?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hi, there.

I was wondering if you can help me in finding content ideas for my cornerstone pages, I'm planning to create three cornerstones/pillar page, but I am stuck,

What is your niche? That's an important detail you left out! I assume its "make money online" or "online business"

if so, why are you interested in it? What do you want to help people with? That should be your cornerstone pages.

Scam reviews is an obvious option
Turning passion into a business is another one

What else are you interested in about this topic?

Great questions! I will answer each one of them to get back on track. My niche is the WA bootcamp, an in general, affiliate marketing and making money online.

I will be talking about other aspects of affiliate marketing later on this year. But for now, I'll apply the information you provided me with to create my cornerstone pages.

Doing product reviews and showing people how to turn any passion into a successful business online are on my list.

Thanks for your help, Nathaniell. I appreciate it.

Hi Imad, I am going through the CopyBlogger Content Challenge too. CopyBlogger is a great resource.

This post helped me better understand the components of developing a Cornerstone Article.
Particle list from the article
1. Case Studies
2. Stats and Data
3. Product Reviews
4. The History of Something
5. How To Guides
6. Beginner’s Guides
7. Curate Content
8. Lists
9. Top Tips for People to Understand Your Industry
10. Best Practices


Step by Step details (very helpful here)

Also, with the guidance of my writing coach, for every Cornerstone Article, I plan to link/develop/connect the following type of articles (additional) Review, List, Data and other silo articles.

Thank you, Winn. Awesome blog posts you got here! I'll go through them and take notes as well.

Jon's methods are great too. I think you're doing a great job with your cornerstone pages, let me know how the challenge progress is going for you.

Thanks again,


Cool, same here let me know how things go for you with the challenge and in general : ). I am learning a lot about the proper way to setup a cornerstone page. I plan to create 4-5 cornerstone pages. At the moment I am trying to outline my topic, research and learn more from various niche forums.

Also, I have been learning from the great masters (people who are no longer here). I believe the popular/authority bloggers today have copied and learned from the best of the best (these masters). Most of their content is free which is awesome :)!!
Claude Hopkins
Eugene Schwartz

This is a great plan you're following. Learning from the best out there and applying the information you gather will make you one of them in the future. It's just a matter of working hard and sticking to a consistent learning process. I'll be asking you some questions about this soon.

I'm following three big blogging names, CopyBlogger, ProBlogger and SeriousBloggersOnly. so much to learn from those them, the content they produce is very helpful to us beginners.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I appreciate it.

Yes me too (all three), my favorite has been Jon Morrow. They are all great, but there is a human side to Jon which I love. He is a great teacher and did you see his headline hacks document. Man that's the best!!

Yes, you are absolutely right about Jon. I just applied one of his headline hacks to my first blog post as I'm reading the headline hacks for the third time now. Very helpful stuff.

It would depend on your niche I try and have evergreen content for my pages things that basically stay the same and create posts that link to certain pages to keep it current. for example I have a bridal website my pages content things like budget, plan a wedding then on my posts I will give tips our advice to save money,wedding themes, however my main focus is types of venues.. hope that makes sense and helps you

This is exactly what I was talking about. An "Evergreen" content my cornerstone pages is the way to go, this is an important point I was missing. Linking to the cornerstone pages via the posts I'll be writing is what CopyBlogger suggests doing too.

Thank you so much, Katie.

Hi the best way is to write what you feel and what you can offer to your customer but keep it simple and to the point

Great advice, I'll keep this in mind. Thank you, Paul.

You've got it covered Jason.

This might not be what you want to hear but cornerstone content, while important, is just another fancy name for informing your customers of what you offer and what they need....so in reality isn't any different to good quality well written posts and content.
If you're struggling with ideas to write about perhaps you need to rethink your niche.
also be careful with some blogs about cornerstone content as they promote keyword stuffing and other poor SEO technique.
My opinion only...Im no expert...but I'd just suggest you stay doing what you are doing now....writing excellent original content that answers questions, solves problems, gives advice to customers. etc.
Stick with the WA training and dont be tempted by online offers of instant success

Thanks for your feedback, Jason.

Cornerstone/Pillar pages are an essential part of every blog out there. The name is not that important but they contribute a lot to the site's foundation, especially a fresh one. They help establish authority, make a connection with the readers, get rankings and so much more.

I wisely chose my niche and can definitely do great things in it. The reason I'm feeling stuck is because I don't want to mix scheduled posts and future cornerstone pages content because they are totally different things.

I'm sticking with WA training that's why I'm asking for help here, and CopyBlogger is not an "instant success" platform, it's a great resources blog for writing and digital marketing that every aspiring writer/Entrepreneur should use.

Using their "Cornerstone Challenge" and combining it with what I'm learning here inside WA will only make writing engaging/unique and helpful content easier for me.

This is like a rite of passage for me and I have to go through it, and the only thing that can me is the great Wealthy Affiliate support.

Good luck my friend
I wish you every success.

Thanks, man!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

The issue I'm having is with the theme Metro Pro. The title of every page I create is included in the content! How can I remove it?

I will start looking at Genesis Framework in the new year, but @LeoEmery is the go-to-guy for that.


Yes, you should do so. They are awesome.
Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot about Leo. I'll ask him about this.

if you search genesis in your dashboard > plugins you will find every genesis specific plugin available.

Thank you. I'll do that.

There is genesis plugins that will remove this for you.

What is the name of this plugin?

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Little issue with genesis theme?

Little issue with genesis theme?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

The issue I'm having is with the theme Metro Pro. The title of every page I create is included in the content! How can I remove it?

I will start looking at Genesis Framework in the new year, but @LeoEmery is the go-to-guy for that.


Yes, you should do so. They are awesome.
Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot about Leo. I'll ask him about this.

if you search genesis in your dashboard > plugins you will find every genesis specific plugin available.

Thank you. I'll do that.

There is genesis plugins that will remove this for you.

What is the name of this plugin?

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