About Happygirl48
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868 followers Joined May 2015
Hello, my name is Sharon, I have been a successful entrepreneur for more than 20 years. My husband and I are Canadians who lived and





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I would like to invite my family and friends to join WA where can I find out how to link that to me here at WA? Thanks for your time, it's appreciated. Keep smiling, Sharon:)</

If you click on the airplane your link will be at the top. Simply copy and paste this on to an email and send to them.

Thanks Dick, I'll do that today. Keep smiling, Sharon:)

I was wondering if you are in the Affiliate Bootcamp path or perhaps you already finished it? If so, you could build out your website marketing WA plus make business cards which is something I'm currently doing. You just have to be creative and resourcefull like you're doing here in this thread.
Just a thought,

You can also send them an e-mail. In every post there is an envelope. Its with a pre-written message. Plus you can set up your own messages. Click on the airplane and there will be a tab that says messages. You can write a message welcoming them to WA when they join. Click on the airplane and click on the tab that says "links and tracking" your affiliate links are there..

hope this helps.

Good question. Thanks for asking it Sharon.

Right under your name there is a tab that says affiliate click on it there is your affiliate link. Good luck

Hi Sharon, if you click on the "aeroplane icon" you will find your WA affiliate link.

Also, by clicking on the "aeroplane icon" you will see another button "Links & Tracking" and by clicking on that you will find a few other WA affiliate links you can use to promote WA.

Thank You for your help. I have been able to do this now. Keep smiling. Sharon

Well when you find out I will be interested to see! I thought it was just using the affiliate links, but I could be wrong!! Happy day!!!

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Where do I go to set up a referral link to invite?

Where do I go to set up a referral link to invite?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I would like to invite my family and friends to join WA where can I find out how to link that to me here at WA? Thanks for your time, it's appreciated. Keep smiling, Sharon:)</

If you click on the airplane your link will be at the top. Simply copy and paste this on to an email and send to them.

Thanks Dick, I'll do that today. Keep smiling, Sharon:)

I was wondering if you are in the Affiliate Bootcamp path or perhaps you already finished it? If so, you could build out your website marketing WA plus make business cards which is something I'm currently doing. You just have to be creative and resourcefull like you're doing here in this thread.
Just a thought,

You can also send them an e-mail. In every post there is an envelope. Its with a pre-written message. Plus you can set up your own messages. Click on the airplane and there will be a tab that says messages. You can write a message welcoming them to WA when they join. Click on the airplane and click on the tab that says "links and tracking" your affiliate links are there..

hope this helps.

Good question. Thanks for asking it Sharon.

Right under your name there is a tab that says affiliate click on it there is your affiliate link. Good luck

Hi Sharon, if you click on the "aeroplane icon" you will find your WA affiliate link.

Also, by clicking on the "aeroplane icon" you will see another button "Links & Tracking" and by clicking on that you will find a few other WA affiliate links you can use to promote WA.

Thank You for your help. I have been able to do this now. Keep smiling. Sharon

Well when you find out I will be interested to see! I thought it was just using the affiliate links, but I could be wrong!! Happy day!!!

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've been trying to resolve this issue and I can't fix it. Can't log into WP there is a white screen and I can't do any work on my site. My website Is working fine though and i

Hi Sharon,
there are over 1 million ways with white page to show up, with word press. You can refresh your page, you can try using another web browser, enough also seen this on people place new plug-ins, somebody's plug-ins are not compatible with the update version of WordPress which is 4.3.

Also the most basic way of finding out is to retrace your steps. Before the white pages happened. obviously you won't be to get in so you put in a support ticket with WordPress detailing your findings or backward compatibility.

Thanks Rockwell, good to hear from you:) I got this resolved on Monday late eve. with the help of Tech support and the awesome members who always jump in to help, like You:) Thanks, Keep Smiling and let me know if I can be of help. Have you watched my latest visual aid on How to choose Your Niche? Even if you have one, I'd like the feedback and ask a question to if you like. It would be greatly appreciated. Keep Smiling. Sharon

Hope you get sorted sharon

Thanks Chris for asking, it's been sorted out late last night! Tech support and member support Rocks! Keep smiling. Sharon:)

They had somep robs with mine today too.

Sorry Sharon, I am not sure what is going on with your dashboard. Hopefully someone will give you a fix for this!
Good luck!

I got it resolved with the help of Tech support and a lot of member support late last night, so I'm back in business, excuse my pun:) Keep smiling. Sharon:)

This happened to me too. I had to redo my. Cheapname pointing to wa. I just took it all out and then re did I it all and it came up.

Are you trying to log in through your siterubix tab?

Yes! That's the way I've logged in since day 1. Why, is there another way that is safe? I think I'm going to let the support guys do their thing! Thanks Tommy. Sharon:)

You can reset the password on the siterubix manage site page and try again. But support is a good way to go. About another way yes there is. Website.com/wp-login do this within your browser address area.

Mine is working okay.

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I can't log into wp it's just a white page?

I can't log into wp it's just a white page?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've been trying to resolve this issue and I can't fix it. Can't log into WP there is a white screen and I can't do any work on my site. My website Is working fine though and i

Hi Sharon,
there are over 1 million ways with white page to show up, with word press. You can refresh your page, you can try using another web browser, enough also seen this on people place new plug-ins, somebody's plug-ins are not compatible with the update version of WordPress which is 4.3.

Also the most basic way of finding out is to retrace your steps. Before the white pages happened. obviously you won't be to get in so you put in a support ticket with WordPress detailing your findings or backward compatibility.

Thanks Rockwell, good to hear from you:) I got this resolved on Monday late eve. with the help of Tech support and the awesome members who always jump in to help, like You:) Thanks, Keep Smiling and let me know if I can be of help. Have you watched my latest visual aid on How to choose Your Niche? Even if you have one, I'd like the feedback and ask a question to if you like. It would be greatly appreciated. Keep Smiling. Sharon

Hope you get sorted sharon

Thanks Chris for asking, it's been sorted out late last night! Tech support and member support Rocks! Keep smiling. Sharon:)

They had somep robs with mine today too.

Sorry Sharon, I am not sure what is going on with your dashboard. Hopefully someone will give you a fix for this!
Good luck!

I got it resolved with the help of Tech support and a lot of member support late last night, so I'm back in business, excuse my pun:) Keep smiling. Sharon:)

This happened to me too. I had to redo my. Cheapname pointing to wa. I just took it all out and then re did I it all and it came up.

Are you trying to log in through your siterubix tab?

Yes! That's the way I've logged in since day 1. Why, is there another way that is safe? I think I'm going to let the support guys do their thing! Thanks Tommy. Sharon:)

You can reset the password on the siterubix manage site page and try again. But support is a good way to go. About another way yes there is. Website.com/wp-login do this within your browser address area.

Mine is working okay.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello fellow members, HELP! My screen has been white since I logged on to WA this morning. I have not been able to resolve this problem and I have no idea if this is happening

Hi Sharon,
Sometimes when something like that happens, a simple reboot will clear up the problem. It is said that the restart will clear up some 80% of all problems. Happy to hear you are up.....Dick

Thanks for the feedback dick, Good to hear from you, I'm glad I'm up to! Now I'm doing catch up. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

Hi Sharon,
there are over 1 million ways with white page to show up, with word press. You can refresh your page, you can try using another web browser, enough also seen this on people place new plug-ins, somebody's plug-ins are not compatible with the update version of WordPress which is 4.3.

Also the most basic way of finding out is to retrace your steps. Before the white pages happened. obviously you won't be to get in so you put in a support ticket with WordPress detailing your findings or backward compatibility.

Success! Tech Support helped! All that was need to be done in this case was: If it happens to you, go to settings in your browser and clear the cache data. Then close your browser and then log in again. Thank you all for your support you guys are the greatest! Yes! I Thanked Tech Support too. Now I can turn in, it's been a long day. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

YAYY!! Glad to hear it has been solved!

Glad all is well Sharon.


Thanks for that tip! I had one of my websites protected but not the other and thanks to you I now have both protected!

Hi, this happened to me few days ago and it was because I change my theme. The best thing to do is to support a ticket and let tech guys to sort it out

I don't have that problem. Can I ask you have you protected your website? If not then when you manage to get back in get theis plugin "wp security" This has allot of filters built in to help protect your site from hackers and robots.

Hi jth99, I found a common program that is well known called FileZilla and they recommended trying the FTP (file transfer protocol) but I can't get that to open either. According to WA we are protected from Spam and Hackers, is this not correct? I don't recall being told to get a security program when I started with WA and wouldn't WP protect us. I'm just grasping at straws, I've never had anything like this happen to me on my site like this? Thanks for your advice. I'm sure you can understand my concern in not being able to find a solution to this problem. Sharon:)

Ok what you are saying is you upload and manage your website via ftp? I thought that your website was a wordpress system through WA. If you were going through WA there is automatic backup and on top of that allot more things are protected.

The good thing is if you used a ftp program yhen you should have all the files on your computer somewhere?

I didn't get to use the FTP, but I think for now, that's a good thing, this is over my head. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

I'm sorry if I confused you I didn't mean to do so, I'm was like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Now just get a mental picture of that, LOL and that's how I was about a half hour ago. I've calmed down now and I'm letting the tech guys do there thing. I sure hope they answer me this time. That would make my day! :) Thanks again for being a friend:) Sharon

What is happening Sharon? I have been able to login so it is not everywhere. I was just in one of my sites and was managing my comments. And I think it is the "blue screen of death" right? :)

I don't know Steph, Doug has checked on the internet and it is called the white screen of death. He's been trying to find a way to fix it all day. Doug found a program called FileZilla and they suggested using FTP (file transfer protocol) but we can't even get that to open. Is there some way to contact the actual support. they never respond when I send them a ticket? We don't know who to go to? Thanks Steph:)

You are right but if it is blank in any color then it is a problem. You might have already done this but have you made a back of your site? If not then the next time, that might be a good idea too.

I am having no issues so far from my end Sharon.
Did you put in a support ticket here?
I have always gotten a quick response from them.

I backed up about 2 weeks ago, but I checked my website and everything is working on it right now? I just can't get logged in to the Dashboard to work on my pages. OH BOY! Thanks, Sharon

OK that's good then i suggest to contact the provider that hosts your website and tell them about your problem, they should be able to access your account and give your a different entrance.

When that happens to me. I take the dog for a walk
as I call it. You see I lost my dog 3 years ago.
But the walk and time with nature does a world of good.
Must be time to take a break, maybe?

Thanks Ken, I did do a ticket and I also asked for help under my questions. My website Is working fine though and intact. Just cant log onto Dashboard? I tried the FTP and it won't open either? I appreciate your time. Sharon:)

Hi jth99, I did that and I also asked the community for help too! Thanks for your input it's appreciated. Sharon:)

You are welcome, sorry i couldn't be of any more help to you.

I would not mess with the ftp. You site is working do not break it.
I would take the break. Support will get back to you. Breath!

LOL! Thanks Ken, perhaps a stiff drink! LOL, but I don't drink dang it:)

The FTP is just a faster access program to your site that's all. Yes if you don't know what you are doing then that could be dangerous.

Thanks jth99. I'm not going to touch anything. I just hope that WA who is my host can correct this soon. This is a wasted day. I guess I'll just go and help someone, that will make me feel more like Happygirl:)

There you go Sharon I got a laugh
that is what I was going for.
Do not sweat the small stuff.
Be Blessed my friend, Ken

Good idea.

just knowing you tried and you care is supportive. Thanks again!

Thanks Ken, that's another idea, I'll count my blessings, works every time my friend, but you already know that don't you? LOL

Yep! that's what I'm going to do. Sorry you lost your Dog, that's like loosing a family member and I love animals. God Bess You Ken, Keep smiling. Sharon:)

Yes Sharon, I certainly do.

I agree with Ken and do not mess with the FTP -- that could be problematic.

I was bless to have his companionship for 16 great years.
I miss him often still. But his time had come. :-) Still smiling.

Thank you Steph.

You are welcome Ken. What was your dog's name?

Mufosa, his mother was purebred Huskie
and his father was purebred Chocolate Lab.
His pic is on my profile.

Cool! I love animals. :)

We were very close. As I have work from home for all that time.

That had to be very hard for you? What breed was your dog and name?

There is always a first. :)

Thanks Ken, I'll check out the picture. I like the name Mufosa , very unique and pretty name, does it have a special meaning? Huskie's are one of the most handsome animals I've eve seen. We love our boys Max and Sam, they give us so much joy. Have you thought about getting another buddy to bring joy into your life?
Great job in helping our Newbie out with her Gravatar. I'm going to do a new training on this one, asap, it seems like a lot of Newbies show up and are having trouble needing help on this one. Keep smiling, Sharon:)

Sharon, my Mufosa Was born the year Lion King came out.
My youngest daughter wanted a dog. I took her to look
We came home with 2 new friends. Mufosa and his sister Sarabi.
My daughter claimed Sarabi, and said I should keep Mufosa.

I considered a new buddy, but I am traveling a lot now.
I am going to wait and see how this works out.

Thank you for the great training you offer this awesome family.
The week ahead looks bright.

Mufosa, his mother was purebred Huskie
and his father was purebred Chocolate Lab.

Hi Ken, lovely picture of your best friend. I hope you consider getting another best friend, they are so worth it! Keep Smiling, Sharon

OH! I thought I read in your profile you are working from home. Did something change? I read so many profiles every day, but yours was very interesting. Glad you still have one dog to bring joy into your home and hearts. I'm happy to hear you like my trainings, I'm working on more, especially for the newbies and for those of us who get so busy we don't know our name by the end of the day! LOL. Keep smiling. Sharon

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I can't get into my dashboard to work on my pages?

I can't get into my dashboard to work on my pages?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello fellow members, HELP! My screen has been white since I logged on to WA this morning. I have not been able to resolve this problem and I have no idea if this is happening

Hi Sharon,
Sometimes when something like that happens, a simple reboot will clear up the problem. It is said that the restart will clear up some 80% of all problems. Happy to hear you are up.....Dick

Thanks for the feedback dick, Good to hear from you, I'm glad I'm up to! Now I'm doing catch up. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

Hi Sharon,
there are over 1 million ways with white page to show up, with word press. You can refresh your page, you can try using another web browser, enough also seen this on people place new plug-ins, somebody's plug-ins are not compatible with the update version of WordPress which is 4.3.

Also the most basic way of finding out is to retrace your steps. Before the white pages happened. obviously you won't be to get in so you put in a support ticket with WordPress detailing your findings or backward compatibility.

Success! Tech Support helped! All that was need to be done in this case was: If it happens to you, go to settings in your browser and clear the cache data. Then close your browser and then log in again. Thank you all for your support you guys are the greatest! Yes! I Thanked Tech Support too. Now I can turn in, it's been a long day. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

YAYY!! Glad to hear it has been solved!

Glad all is well Sharon.


Thanks for that tip! I had one of my websites protected but not the other and thanks to you I now have both protected!

Hi, this happened to me few days ago and it was because I change my theme. The best thing to do is to support a ticket and let tech guys to sort it out

I don't have that problem. Can I ask you have you protected your website? If not then when you manage to get back in get theis plugin "wp security" This has allot of filters built in to help protect your site from hackers and robots.

Hi jth99, I found a common program that is well known called FileZilla and they recommended trying the FTP (file transfer protocol) but I can't get that to open either. According to WA we are protected from Spam and Hackers, is this not correct? I don't recall being told to get a security program when I started with WA and wouldn't WP protect us. I'm just grasping at straws, I've never had anything like this happen to me on my site like this? Thanks for your advice. I'm sure you can understand my concern in not being able to find a solution to this problem. Sharon:)

Ok what you are saying is you upload and manage your website via ftp? I thought that your website was a wordpress system through WA. If you were going through WA there is automatic backup and on top of that allot more things are protected.

The good thing is if you used a ftp program yhen you should have all the files on your computer somewhere?

I didn't get to use the FTP, but I think for now, that's a good thing, this is over my head. Keep smiling. Sharon:)

I'm sorry if I confused you I didn't mean to do so, I'm was like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Now just get a mental picture of that, LOL and that's how I was about a half hour ago. I've calmed down now and I'm letting the tech guys do there thing. I sure hope they answer me this time. That would make my day! :) Thanks again for being a friend:) Sharon

What is happening Sharon? I have been able to login so it is not everywhere. I was just in one of my sites and was managing my comments. And I think it is the "blue screen of death" right? :)

I don't know Steph, Doug has checked on the internet and it is called the white screen of death. He's been trying to find a way to fix it all day. Doug found a program called FileZilla and they suggested using FTP (file transfer protocol) but we can't even get that to open. Is there some way to contact the actual support. they never respond when I send them a ticket? We don't know who to go to? Thanks Steph:)

You are right but if it is blank in any color then it is a problem. You might have already done this but have you made a back of your site? If not then the next time, that might be a good idea too.

I am having no issues so far from my end Sharon.
Did you put in a support ticket here?
I have always gotten a quick response from them.

I backed up about 2 weeks ago, but I checked my website and everything is working on it right now? I just can't get logged in to the Dashboard to work on my pages. OH BOY! Thanks, Sharon

OK that's good then i suggest to contact the provider that hosts your website and tell them about your problem, they should be able to access your account and give your a different entrance.

When that happens to me. I take the dog for a walk
as I call it. You see I lost my dog 3 years ago.
But the walk and time with nature does a world of good.
Must be time to take a break, maybe?

Thanks Ken, I did do a ticket and I also asked for help under my questions. My website Is working fine though and intact. Just cant log onto Dashboard? I tried the FTP and it won't open either? I appreciate your time. Sharon:)

Hi jth99, I did that and I also asked the community for help too! Thanks for your input it's appreciated. Sharon:)

You are welcome, sorry i couldn't be of any more help to you.

I would not mess with the ftp. You site is working do not break it.
I would take the break. Support will get back to you. Breath!

LOL! Thanks Ken, perhaps a stiff drink! LOL, but I don't drink dang it:)

The FTP is just a faster access program to your site that's all. Yes if you don't know what you are doing then that could be dangerous.

Thanks jth99. I'm not going to touch anything. I just hope that WA who is my host can correct this soon. This is a wasted day. I guess I'll just go and help someone, that will make me feel more like Happygirl:)

There you go Sharon I got a laugh
that is what I was going for.
Do not sweat the small stuff.
Be Blessed my friend, Ken

Good idea.

just knowing you tried and you care is supportive. Thanks again!

Thanks Ken, that's another idea, I'll count my blessings, works every time my friend, but you already know that don't you? LOL

Yep! that's what I'm going to do. Sorry you lost your Dog, that's like loosing a family member and I love animals. God Bess You Ken, Keep smiling. Sharon:)

Yes Sharon, I certainly do.

I agree with Ken and do not mess with the FTP -- that could be problematic.

I was bless to have his companionship for 16 great years.
I miss him often still. But his time had come. :-) Still smiling.

Thank you Steph.

You are welcome Ken. What was your dog's name?

Mufosa, his mother was purebred Huskie
and his father was purebred Chocolate Lab.
His pic is on my profile.

Cool! I love animals. :)

We were very close. As I have work from home for all that time.

That had to be very hard for you? What breed was your dog and name?

There is always a first. :)

Thanks Ken, I'll check out the picture. I like the name Mufosa , very unique and pretty name, does it have a special meaning? Huskie's are one of the most handsome animals I've eve seen. We love our boys Max and Sam, they give us so much joy. Have you thought about getting another buddy to bring joy into your life?
Great job in helping our Newbie out with her Gravatar. I'm going to do a new training on this one, asap, it seems like a lot of Newbies show up and are having trouble needing help on this one. Keep smiling, Sharon:)

Sharon, my Mufosa Was born the year Lion King came out.
My youngest daughter wanted a dog. I took her to look
We came home with 2 new friends. Mufosa and his sister Sarabi.
My daughter claimed Sarabi, and said I should keep Mufosa.

I considered a new buddy, but I am traveling a lot now.
I am going to wait and see how this works out.

Thank you for the great training you offer this awesome family.
The week ahead looks bright.

Mufosa, his mother was purebred Huskie
and his father was purebred Chocolate Lab.

Hi Ken, lovely picture of your best friend. I hope you consider getting another best friend, they are so worth it! Keep Smiling, Sharon

OH! I thought I read in your profile you are working from home. Did something change? I read so many profiles every day, but yours was very interesting. Glad you still have one dog to bring joy into your home and hearts. I'm happy to hear you like my trainings, I'm working on more, especially for the newbies and for those of us who get so busy we don't know our name by the end of the day! LOL. Keep smiling. Sharon

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One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
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