Who do you associate with?


Can I know your associates, so I can tell you why you are complaining? And Why the heart is broken?

Why accusing zeros and ones, if I may ask?

Don't you know that any number multiplied by zero gives you zero even in WA?

For Example, 20,000,000 X 0 = 0.

Zero can bring down big numbers to nothing. Some human beings are like zero. If you associate with them, no matter how great your value is, they will bring you down to zero.

What about one (1)?

Any number multiplied by one remains the same (unchanged), no matter how big it is. For example, 20,000,000 X 1 = 20,000,000. Some people are like one. No matter how they touch your life, you remain the same. You will not grow, you will not improve, you just remain where you are.

What kind of person are you and who are your associates?

May God separate me from everyone carrying the spirit of one (1) and zero (0) you may pray! Yet, a man is always the architect of his fortune.

We need to get beyond the attitude of just praying, and start working out our prayers with engagements.

Plan Your Future, Work to Achieving It!

Where do you want to be 5 years from now, 10 years from now, or even this time next year? These brought me into planning Wealthy Affiliate into my life program having foreseen my bright future destinations for I know that tough times don't last except you let them, but only tough people lasts.


I kept seeking for ideas that will establish my online presence. I don’t want to be standing still in the same place as I was then, a remote dream waiting for action which is never taken.

Take these following steps on how to plan your life.

1. Make a List of Your Goal Destinations.

2. Think About the Time Frame to Have the Goal Accomplished.

3. Write Down Your Goals Clearly

4. Write Down What You Need to Do for Each Goal

5. Write Down Your Timeframe With Specific and Realistic Dates

6. Schedule Your To-Dos.

7. Use Your Reticular Activating System to Get Your Goals.

8. Review Your Progress regularly to make sure you are on the right path.

Always happy to be part of this focused community of progressive brains. Always grateful reading your comments and ideas.

Have a Great midweek From Godstrong.

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Recent Comments


Good post and as Jim Says I don't associate with Negratrons.if I am talking to one, when it becomes obvious what they are, I do two things, be extra positive for a start(coz thats me!) and avoid them like the plague.

In work, I mainly associate with US, Canada and Aussie Folk as I have found them to be quick thinking and see the bigger picture

thanks so much, Dave, I really got the great point from your analogy. thanks for commenting.

Glad it helped

l don't know about labelling anyone but I do disassociate with anyone that constantly critises. I can handle constructive criticism, but not the sort that is simply someone being nasty. Jum

that is wonderful and I agree with you. thanks for the comment.

There are people in the past who I have disassociated myself with because of adding no value and in most cases causing much more harm than good, Godstrong!


exactly the point. life is about adding and removing. Thanks, Jeff and have a happy midweek sir.

Yes, indeed! You're very welcome, Godstrong!


Gotta get rid of those zeros and start off on a positive note!

exactly my aim. thanks for the comment, sir.

Hi Godspower
I've met a few zeros in my life (not many really) and always given them a chance but invariably spent less and less time with them; they're hard work.

Fortunately, most people are ones or more.

Exactly what I mean sir Richard. I have always battled with zeros and ones in this part of the world (Africa), and that brought me here to make sure I multiply whatever I have in this wealthy platform. Thanks once more, sir.

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