Is ideas worthless?


Do you believe that ideas are worthless?

That's a popular opinion nowadays, especially in the business world.

Only execution counts, they say.

But I don't agree with that.

Because here's the thing...

Idea and execution are two sides of the same coin.

Neither of them can paintings without the alternative.

And I will prove that.

Let's say you want to build your very own business.

An online store.

What's going to manifest in case you take action without a clear

Concepts idea of what you are doing and what you need to reap?

Properly, you can spend time and money without a return.

Maybe the market doesn't want what you provide.

Perhaps the charge is simply too excessive.

Maybe there's no long-time period capability for sustainable profits.

You see, true ideas are based totally on studies.

On calculation.

In case you rush them and start too soon, you could miss the essential information.

For instance, you might not see the boundaries.

While you inevitably face them, you can get discouraged.


And potentially, you could give up.

In that case, there could be no execution, no outcomes.

It is why I suppose execution is simply a bit of the plenty larger puzzle.

But do not get me wrong.

I do not claim that thoughts and ideas are more important than execution.

If you only consider beginning a web save, you may not get something accomplished.

It's no longer the proper approach, either.

The handiest approach that works is whilst you integrate the ones.

Nicely-even though-out thoughts.

And decisive action.

But you want a manageable plan.

There are numerous steps on the way from a difficult idea to its execution.

First, you need to pick out a hassle.

Or maybe higher, an possibility.

Then you definitely need to define the technique you will use.

The final step is to show the thoughts into plans with a well-defined schedule, deadlines, and many others.

Now, that is simply an overview of the technique.


When I ask people what their dream is in

entering the online business world.

90%+ of them say this:

“I want to do what I want when I want, and I need

financial freedom."

When I ask people the level of their financial

freedom today, can you guess how they react?

Their eyes fall. They don’t have a quick, off-the-cuff answer.


Because they are on the wrong platform.

I’ve had the chance to speak to thousands of

people about this. And one interesting insight

is that people believe they have to start an

Online business in order to do “what they

want, when they want and hit financial freedom.

I get it. No more commute. No more alarm

clocks. No more watching the clock.

it's all good,

Starting an online business is ONE way to

achieve that. But you don't actually need

those "do it all for you while you sit back

relaxed and cash out

daily programs" for there is nothing like that

in the actual online World.

Essentially, you'll get a working system for turning your ideas into action.

My recommendation for you is Wealthy Affiliate University.

The best online training school on the planet.

This is where Ideas and executions

perpendicularly yield nothing but


MONEY MONEY MONEY all over and

in a consistently long time.


It's a great weekend ahead my WA family and

friends. Just make sure you live your life.

Don't let the control of life sleep out of your



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Recent Comments


This blog post is fantastic - the foundations of promptings that brought all of us here- the IDEA of in the least and most cases on here of financial independence shows what they are- on the opposite bank of worthless. And without new ideas growth stalls. gets stunted or fails altogether- once again, on the other bank of worthless. Great post 👏

Thanks for this great comment, and happy weekend Christorv.

Excellent points! Ideas are the backbone of every successful business, without them there will be no success in execution!

That is it. Thanks so much Anne.

Excellent post, Godstrong!


Thanks Jeff. Nice having you here.

You're welcome, Godstrong! It is nice being here!


Every company that does not have a think tank to innovate will have a hard time to stay around. Thanks for the share :)

Agree 100% with you on this one Luc

Great words you have just dropped here. Thanks for the understanding.

You look wonderful here sir. Thanks for being there.

Thanks for the very nice reminder to me. Actions really speaks louder than words but sometimes so many circumstances in life that you will encounter that could stop you from executing what you really want. Thanks God for guiding or giving me the way to reach the destination that he really want to be. Without him I am just nothing in this world.

You are correct ma. The sole reason for roadblocks in life is to prevent us from crossing to the other side. But many times, we conquer and that's the reason we are still living. As life goes on, we fight our ways through every roadblock of life (sickness, hardship, joblessness, heartbreak etc) to make sure we live till the day we fight to the finish line, jump into the vehicle (DEATH) that transports man that have been trapped into TIME by his fall into sin back into eternity were he belongs. Till then, lets keep living with the fast coming end in view Katugasan. Thanks and God bless.

So many roadblocks of life.....sometimes it makes your days more exciting.....I know most of the time is not but that is how our life here in this world...Having ups and down is good. So will just put that in our mind to be positive all the time. And never give up....God Bless...

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