How to bring back the classic editor in WordPress ?

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How to bring back the classic editor in WordPress?

Many of us are stuck with Gutenberg... Right.

Not easy to handle, not at all.

So... how can you reverse that?

Very easy:

1. Install and activate the classic editor plugin

Go to your wordpress dashboard plugins (1) >add new (2) >classic editor (3)

Install and activate (4)

2. Set your classic editor

Go to your wordpress dashboard settings (1) >Writing (2) >classic editor(3) ... and SAVE

This should bring back your classic editor.

Good luck!

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Know you can switch back to gutenberg in settings>writings > and flag block editor instead of classic editor ( and SAVE) . That simple!

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Thank you so much for sharing this. Gutenberg has been giving me headaches!

I understand!
One bridge too far for many of us....

Know that you can set back to gutenberg in settings>writings > flag block editor

I will definitely look into it. Thank you so much!

Good luck

Thanks for this info. I am installing this plugin today.

Not forget to adapt your editor to classic in the writing settings of your wordpress panel (and revert there to block exitor for gutenberg)

Thanks, I was looking for this and here it is, so easy.


Yes... took me a while to,figure that out too...
Blocked in the block editor so to say!

Know that you can set back to gutenberg in settings>writings > flag block editor

Thanks for the information!!! I kind of figured out how to use the new block scheme, but it does not flow as easy as the classic editor (at least for me) and I have experienced some bugs while I was trying to edit one of my posts.

But it will be good to have the classic editor back!

Thanks again Fleeky!!!

Yes you can always switch back to Gutenberg in wordpress dashboard settings>writings > set block editor

We all have to adapt to an ever changing world in order to survive. The way we handle those changes are as diverse as there are people. We all have to find what works for each of us and if that means using a plugin to get us to our comfort level then so be it. Great Post Fleeky

Yes... comfort zone is needed some time

Know you can switch back to gutenberg in settings>writings block editor

Not hard to do at all.

Once you know...l

Thank you Fleeky for sharing the information with us because I made the mistake of updating to 5.0 and I didn't want that so now with this information I was able to go back to the classic editor.


Yes Mary
Many of us are stuck with this

Glad i could help a little...

Know that you can set back to gutenberg in settings>writings > flag block editor

Okay but I am going to stick with the classic editor I like that better thank you for letting me know I really appreciate that Fleeky.



All stuck wIth the same...
But... not any more

Carson is going to fix for all
And the experts can sWitch to yukkie gutenberg

Hi, Fleeky thank you for letting me know this information and I am happy to hear that Carson is going to fix it.

I want to go back to the original and not Gutenberg either.


For professional.editors indeed
Not for us

Thank you...

Okay, I didn't know but everything is okay though no worries.

You are so very welcome Fleeky no worries 💕



Thank you for the great information, I appreciate it!
Michael Inman

Hardship for many

Like a savety jacket

You can always go to settings and set back to block editor. Back to gutenberg

Good afternoon Fleeky,

We have the classic editor installed, all is ok.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

Thank you Taetske
Have bright day...

wow this Gutenburg doesn't look to be popular around here! Thanks for the super clear instructions! Marc

I wonder if I won't be biased against it since it's been a long time since I've used the Wordpress Editor, classic or otherwise....

Yes... takes time to learn new things... and wIth many posts and end of year there is often not enough time for most of us.

Best is to try it , nevertheless

You can reverse to new, by going to settings, and set block editor

I just want to encourage people to at least try the new format. There is plenty of information out there on Gutenberg if you're stuck. So far, I've only done one post on Gutenberg, but I'm pleased at how it turned out. Took me a little longer but that was okay. I think I will like it.

Great advice...

I have both Working, and often it is a matter of time...
Just reverse and set back to block editor in settings

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