Three Years!...500 Followers!... And No Kaboom
Today 21.12.12 I have been a member here at Wealthy Affiliate for Three Years!
What does that prove...well only that I am stubborn!
Tell you why!
I have not yet reached the level of Success that I am aiming at! So who do I Blame!
Or any one of the myriad of people here in the community who have given me advice, hints, tips constructive criticism on my websites?
Well... Again NO!
The fact is that the Training is here, the Support is Here and the means to Learn the Skills are all here, so the Only person I can blame for my current lack of Success is...
But Why this Lack of Success, I mean we are all in this to make some money! Whether it is just a few bucks extra to supplement our current income or whether we have the objective to start to Earn a full time income from the Internet.
So what can You Learn from my lack of Success?
Well the most important thing is this:
I have been inclined to jump from one project to another! ... DO NOT DO THIS! You will end up with umpteen Unfinished projects. If you come up with another possible niche jot it down somewhere, AND Forget about IT! Complete what you are doing First!
My Advice: {For What it is Worth!} Find a passion and then match it to a Niche, and more specifically Find a Problem within that Niche which people are trying to find a solution to! And then Match your Knowledge and passion to help those people solve that problem, Then you will be Successful!
Here is the Basic Formula:
Problem + Solution = Success
Most of the other stuff is really just Details! Get the above formula solved for your particular niche and you will achieve success!
Now for Me to follow my Own Advice!
The other thing which happened today is that I reached 500 Followers here at Wealthy Affiliate! I do hope that I have been able to add something to each of your journeys! Even if it was out of my own failings! One thing that I would ask is that you DO NOT Follow me because I ask you to but because I have been of assistance to you in some small way and have given you some advice that has helped you in your journey!
Oh the other thing that DID happen today is that the world did NOT End, may well some day! Just not Today, maybe Tomorrow! But then Tomorrow Never comes! Sorry No KABOOM!
So may I wish you all the best of luck as you strive to make a success of your Internet endeavours!
God Bless
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Excellent post David! You are a shining example to all of us for not giving in. I believe that is the way to do it! As they say in the classics: "Aanhouer wen"! 2013 is going to be a great year for you! Best wishes and blessings to you!
Thanks very much Theo, appreciate your comment, and will just keep trying! I believe that there are just a few things that I need to get right and then it will begin to come together! Best of luck with your endeavours. God Bless
BTW I will be in Cape Town area towards the end of January, would be good to meet perhaps and chat about our online endeavours!
I think that a lot of people have started looking online for work etc, so not really the economy! Mainly a problem with getting traffic, not using the skills and techniques quite right! As I say I am working on these issues and it will pick up soon! Thanks again
You are a really wonderful person and I can relate to you in many ways. Everything above is just like you wrote my blog for me, for these are the very same issues I deal with. Yours is an absolutely wonderfully-written blog!
A factor in mine own life isn't all projects, however, but severe lack of social skills that have been an issue with me since I was born.
For some people in here, it's KaPOW! BAM!! KaBOOOOM! For me...
If I had many folks following me outside this Membership, as I do in here, I'd be making money now. My hopes is that it will spill out from here ...and it is via G+.
I too am stubborn. Having come here on January 1st, 2012, I'm no further ahead income-wise, in fact, worse off, but I have a lot more knowledge than I did when I started.
When that takes hold, it's going to go, and I will leave a legacy behind when I pass.
You too, David...
You will do the same, because I can see it.
Daniel you certainly have great writing skills and I have always admired the amount of content you are able to put out here at WA, if you are able to put out that much content on your websites and in social media I do not see why you cannot be successful! Keep going you have certainly endured an immense number of challenges this last year and you are still standing and as you say you have far more skills now than a year ago! Good Luck for 2013!
Many of us have done things exactly the way you have so don't fret. Some of just take a bit longer to "get it." The main thing is, if we really want it we will continue plowing on! Thanks for sharing! Have a GREAT day and make 2013 your year for success! :)
I commend you for sticking with it after 3 whole years even though you haven't reached the level of success you'd like.
Plus, Congratulations for reaching 500 followers, that's pretty awesome.
Good luck and I wish you success!.
Take care.
You only fail when you Quit, so that is just not an option! Thanks for your encouragement! Good Luck for 2013!
I have suspected the same of myself for many irons in the fire that I just haven't been able to finish one to the end. Think I'll stop, think things through, settle my focus on one project, and see what happens. Thanks for a very thought provoking post.
Good Idea! Problem I seem to have is that it is so easy to come up with new niches and possibilities, I do it almost every day, but then to produce the content for each project is a whole different story! I am trying to concentrate on a few that I have and when I get those going I will move on to others which are in the pipeline. I firmly beleive that earning some good money online is a possibility, it is just a question of getting the right combination of your passions or knowledge base with a problem which people are trying to find a solution for! Good Luck with your projects, and if I can be of assistance please give me a pm! Cheers
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Thanks for the great tips David. I too have been guilty of jumping around too much. Goal for 2013, be more focused!
Yeah it is a big one! My goal is going to be about getting traffic, finding a method that works for me and going with it! Good Luck