How to Disable the Block Editor in Widgets


It's time for your daily dose of Wordpress Wisdom! In today's quick tutorial I'll be showing you how to disable the block editor in the widgets area of your customizer. While I love the block editor for editing posts and pages, I'm not completely used to using it for creating and arranging my widgets in my sidebar, as an example. Currently when you access the widgets area of your customizer you will by default use the block editor. It didn't used to be this way and if you'd like to revert to how it used to be this method will let you do exactly that. Let me show you how!

Here is the PHP code you'll be adding to the new snippet you create using the WP Code Lite plugin just like I show you in the video:

add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );

As always, please feel free to share this video to anyone needing help with this. If you have any Wordpress related questions that you'd like to see me create a tutorial around feel free to send me a private message or leave me a message on my profile.

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Cool tidbit!

Thanks, Eric!

Tim 🎼

I would have loved to have known this a couple of years back when I first started to use the block editor Eric!!

But now... with your help I have gotten my hands so dirty with it, it feels like doing this would be a step backwards!!


I definitely preferred the old way inside the widget section, but I've gotten completely used to the block editor everywhere now too. It's all good 👍🏼

All good indeed buddy!!


Much better, I really like it! Not at least because blocks are not my favorite.

I was wondering, do you remember your post about putting code from AI so there would be for example Pinterest box (using for let reader click on it and then he was in Pinterest).

I use pre-built from GP and simply didn´t manage to do it even so, I follow your advice step by step and slowly! So I was thinking it could be because of the pre-built.

Could something like this save that problem?

Yes, this is the video I was talking about.
I have a prebuilt GP theme (Explorer) site and followed your video very closely.
But it didn´t work, so I was wondering if it was prebuilt, as there aren´t any blocks in it.

I don't really know what you mean by a prebuilt GP theme, and what do you mean by there aren't blocks in it?

What I mean with prebuilt, it comes ready.
I must admit that I am not big fan of blocks even so you have turned that a little :)
I have tried to build a site from scratch but have given up.
So I thought it was not block in the theme when it is ready to start when I get it. Because I don´t see any signs of it.

Some themes do come with images and colors already set by default, but obviously even those need to be customized with menus, titles, etc. to fit your content. It's nice though when a design speaks to you right out of the box, right? So I'm assuming you've chosen a theme called Explorer, then... This isn't a "GP theme", Generate Press is just the name of the theme we happen to start with by default.

So when you went into your Wordpress back office and into the post editor are you saying you weren't able to pull up the HTML block to place the html code inside? What does your post editor look like?

Yes, I know. I call it ready, even so you need to have all these details, as you mentioned. The same goes for the name.
I am subcrient with Generate Press and choose from them.
But in my opinion, their help with getting all ready and developed is not good. I get many more ideas here, not at least from you.

I'm not sure what you are looking for, but this is the top part.

I can see you're using the classic editor. In your list of plugins for that website do you have a classic editor activated? That's usually what you need to do to override the default block editor.

But even if you're using the classic editor, if you were to click on the "text" tab that's right next to "visual", that gets you to the text editor where you should be able to paste any html code and then click back to "visual" and see the result.

It's all much easier using the blocks, of course, but if your preference is the classic editor in this case there would be that workaround.

Yes, I use the classic plugin.

I tried using the text, but it was very strange after trying many times.

But, ok, it would have been good, but not much.

Thanks for your help.

Yeah without that classic editor plugin all the themes by default will use the block editor. So if you ever needed to access the block editor just temporarily turn off the plugin.

For html entry you use the text editor of the classic editor. So if you use GPT to give you html like in that Wordpress wisdom tutorial, you just enter what GPT gives you in the text editor area of the classic editor. You’re not forced to use that for the rest of the post by any means, it’s just for entering in the html and then you go right back to the visual tab 👍🏼

Glad you were able to figure it out.


You’re very welcome 👍🏼

Yet another cool tip and trick.

Glad you liked it 💯

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