About Elaine33
Rank 10556
425 followers Joined June 2019
I'm delighted to be part of Wealthy Affiliate. I've had an interest in affiliate marketing for some time, but never found a program I felt





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm currently using WP-Optimize and not happy with it. I'm thinking about switching to W3 Total Cache and would love to have feedback on which one you think is better, Or is th

Consider the use of plugins as a group not one only. Our website page speed mostly is affected by images, sliding panel, Ad banners, etc.
Site support can tell you, WA server already has good caching for all members. For Google search to improve page speed, Kraken plugin is one of the recommendations compressing the image, ask to site support to install for you. WA has greatly helped me to solve image and cache issue.

I used WP Optimize to minifying CSS and JS, defer, merge, and inline CSS and JS. From speed test,
If solution asking for deferred any CSS or JS, copy and paste in the WP Optimize.
Others just enabled the buttons.
Disabled the preload and cache.
Database, I used to remove as many tables when allowed to remove is activated.
Run Optimization to clean unused revision posts and expired transient option.
Image Compress - enabled. Remember the compressed image in the website media library. For double safe in case, Kraken failed working, I have experienced before. No impact to page speed to use double.

I used Asset Clean Up,

Under Settings:
Disabled Unused Site-Wide Common Unloads, likes emojis, Dashicon (Not sure is right), JQuery Migrate.
HTML Source Clean Up - All 10 buttons enabled.
Choose to Disabled XML-RPC completely.

Under CSS & JS Manager:
Setting here affect Homepage.
AIOSEO Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic), Do not unload.
Theme Premium Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic). Do not unload.
Theme Handle: Stylesheet (CSS) - Preload (Yes, Basic) Do not unload.
3rd Party Plugin Handle - Preload (No, Default). Do not Load.
Theme Handle: Javasheet (JS) - Preload (No, Default). Unload enabled.

Setting here affect Post type and Page.
AIOSEO Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic), Do not unload.
Theme Premium Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic). Do not unload.
Theme Handle: Stylesheet (CSS) - Preload (Yes, Basic) Do not unload.
3rd Party Plugin Handle - Preload (No, Default). Do not Load.
Theme Handle: Javasheet (JS) - Preload (No, Default). Do not unload.

I hope this sharing can help any member who want to take a try.
The attached file is my website page speed test today.

Thank you for your detailed response. It's very helpful!


For us it is WP Rocket which is a premium

, Hope this helps.

However below resource WP-Optimize caching feature faster than WP Rocket and W3 Total Cache

WP-Optimize: 1.7s
WP Rocket: 2.0s
W3 Total Cache 2.4s


but they do different jobs....
its a bit like using autoptimize as a cache... it is not very good but adequote...
this plugin like wp-optimize is mainly used for minification and concantenation of css and java files ....
you can also preload, defer files ot improve the loading speed...
only after this has been done should you cache your pages or they will still be large with multiple file calls....
so adding a dedicated cache on top would be a good idea...
w3 is a good plugin...you may have ot edit a couple of files manually but it should be ok...
everytime you change things in the backend you will need ot empty the cache on both plugins - they make it relativley easy by adding menu items to the top bar...
good luck

I don't use any of the two plugins. I used WP fastest cache but stopped because it wasn't working well on my website.
So now I use hummingbird.

Hi Elaine, I use W3 Total Cache. That plug-in comes highly recommended by WordPress users. I have not had any trouble with it. Performance is exceptionally well. You will like it. That’s the right choice to drop the other one.

Thanks, I read the reviews and they were so good that I thought it would a good choice. It's wonderful being part of this group, always so helpful and responsive when someone asks a question.

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Which is better wp-optimize or w3 total cache?

Which is better wp-optimize or w3 total cache?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm currently using WP-Optimize and not happy with it. I'm thinking about switching to W3 Total Cache and would love to have feedback on which one you think is better, Or is th

Consider the use of plugins as a group not one only. Our website page speed mostly is affected by images, sliding panel, Ad banners, etc.
Site support can tell you, WA server already has good caching for all members. For Google search to improve page speed, Kraken plugin is one of the recommendations compressing the image, ask to site support to install for you. WA has greatly helped me to solve image and cache issue.

I used WP Optimize to minifying CSS and JS, defer, merge, and inline CSS and JS. From speed test,
If solution asking for deferred any CSS or JS, copy and paste in the WP Optimize.
Others just enabled the buttons.
Disabled the preload and cache.
Database, I used to remove as many tables when allowed to remove is activated.
Run Optimization to clean unused revision posts and expired transient option.
Image Compress - enabled. Remember the compressed image in the website media library. For double safe in case, Kraken failed working, I have experienced before. No impact to page speed to use double.

I used Asset Clean Up,

Under Settings:
Disabled Unused Site-Wide Common Unloads, likes emojis, Dashicon (Not sure is right), JQuery Migrate.
HTML Source Clean Up - All 10 buttons enabled.
Choose to Disabled XML-RPC completely.

Under CSS & JS Manager:
Setting here affect Homepage.
AIOSEO Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic), Do not unload.
Theme Premium Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic). Do not unload.
Theme Handle: Stylesheet (CSS) - Preload (Yes, Basic) Do not unload.
3rd Party Plugin Handle - Preload (No, Default). Do not Load.
Theme Handle: Javasheet (JS) - Preload (No, Default). Unload enabled.

Setting here affect Post type and Page.
AIOSEO Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic), Do not unload.
Theme Premium Handle - Preload (Yes, Basic). Do not unload.
Theme Handle: Stylesheet (CSS) - Preload (Yes, Basic) Do not unload.
3rd Party Plugin Handle - Preload (No, Default). Do not Load.
Theme Handle: Javasheet (JS) - Preload (No, Default). Do not unload.

I hope this sharing can help any member who want to take a try.
The attached file is my website page speed test today.

Thank you for your detailed response. It's very helpful!


For us it is WP Rocket which is a premium

, Hope this helps.

However below resource WP-Optimize caching feature faster than WP Rocket and W3 Total Cache

WP-Optimize: 1.7s
WP Rocket: 2.0s
W3 Total Cache 2.4s


but they do different jobs....
its a bit like using autoptimize as a cache... it is not very good but adequote...
this plugin like wp-optimize is mainly used for minification and concantenation of css and java files ....
you can also preload, defer files ot improve the loading speed...
only after this has been done should you cache your pages or they will still be large with multiple file calls....
so adding a dedicated cache on top would be a good idea...
w3 is a good plugin...you may have ot edit a couple of files manually but it should be ok...
everytime you change things in the backend you will need ot empty the cache on both plugins - they make it relativley easy by adding menu items to the top bar...
good luck

I don't use any of the two plugins. I used WP fastest cache but stopped because it wasn't working well on my website.
So now I use hummingbird.

Hi Elaine, I use W3 Total Cache. That plug-in comes highly recommended by WordPress users. I have not had any trouble with it. Performance is exceptionally well. You will like it. That’s the right choice to drop the other one.

Thanks, I read the reviews and they were so good that I thought it would a good choice. It's wonderful being part of this group, always so helpful and responsive when someone asks a question.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I checked my website they were SEO errors and I'm not sure how to fix some of them. I'm wondering if there tutorials on this. I remember watching one but it was for settin

Hello, Elaine. I'm glad we have site support and the support of fellow laborers. I look forward to the day when I will be confronted with such issues as you describe. I'm glad to see that you have gotten good guidance. Have a great day.

Hi there, Elaine!
I did the same thing the other day on a new website. Just send a support ticket to your website technical support and they will be able to have a look.

Thanks, I didn't think this was the type of issue they help with.

They do all sorts of technical stuff, Elaine as long as it has to do with WordPress.
They can even place popups, etc and other HTML code into your website.

I found some setup guides which you probably already looiked at. You best approach is probably to detail what the error refers to.

Yes, I used this tutorial when I set up my website. I tried searching for it, but nothing showed up.

Here are two that I'm stuck on:

1. Some Javascript files don't seem to be minified. We recommend tracking down where the un-minified JavaScript files come from. I have no idea how to track it down. I have no idea how to track it down.

2. The size of the HTML document is 156 Kb. This is over our recommendation of 50 Kb.
In order to reduce page size, remove any unnecessary tags from your markup. This includes developer comments, which are invisible to your users - search engines ignore the text in comments, too.

Sometimes inline CSS is a culprit. A little inline CSS can help your page render faster. Too much will bloat the HTML file and increase the page loading time.

You can reduce CSS repetition with HTML class and ID attributes. Often the same rules will be repeated across many page elements, embedded in each tag's "style" attribute. You can extract them into a single "style" tag and use classes and ID's to target each element. I have no idea how to correct this.!

if your site speed is fine then don't worry about them..
you can use autoptimize plugin and switch on css, javascript and html (the top option in each box)
you will see them if you install it...
have fun
this has nothing to do with all in one it is all about sitespeed...totally different...
don't try to get 100 as above about 95 it will need individual optimizing for each site

I see you received an answer great. I was away from my computer for a while.

I am very curious what WordPress theme you are using.

Some WordPress themes are optimized better than others.
I noticed that the one we use automatically minifies css files.

I use Divi.

Thank you for your suggestions ... most helpful!!

One of the best WordPress themes.

That's very popular.

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Are there tutorials for problems with aiose?

Are there tutorials for problems with aiose?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I checked my website they were SEO errors and I'm not sure how to fix some of them. I'm wondering if there tutorials on this. I remember watching one but it was for settin

Hello, Elaine. I'm glad we have site support and the support of fellow laborers. I look forward to the day when I will be confronted with such issues as you describe. I'm glad to see that you have gotten good guidance. Have a great day.

Hi there, Elaine!
I did the same thing the other day on a new website. Just send a support ticket to your website technical support and they will be able to have a look.

Thanks, I didn't think this was the type of issue they help with.

They do all sorts of technical stuff, Elaine as long as it has to do with WordPress.
They can even place popups, etc and other HTML code into your website.

I found some setup guides which you probably already looiked at. You best approach is probably to detail what the error refers to.

Yes, I used this tutorial when I set up my website. I tried searching for it, but nothing showed up.

Here are two that I'm stuck on:

1. Some Javascript files don't seem to be minified. We recommend tracking down where the un-minified JavaScript files come from. I have no idea how to track it down. I have no idea how to track it down.

2. The size of the HTML document is 156 Kb. This is over our recommendation of 50 Kb.
In order to reduce page size, remove any unnecessary tags from your markup. This includes developer comments, which are invisible to your users - search engines ignore the text in comments, too.

Sometimes inline CSS is a culprit. A little inline CSS can help your page render faster. Too much will bloat the HTML file and increase the page loading time.

You can reduce CSS repetition with HTML class and ID attributes. Often the same rules will be repeated across many page elements, embedded in each tag's "style" attribute. You can extract them into a single "style" tag and use classes and ID's to target each element. I have no idea how to correct this.!

if your site speed is fine then don't worry about them..
you can use autoptimize plugin and switch on css, javascript and html (the top option in each box)
you will see them if you install it...
have fun
this has nothing to do with all in one it is all about sitespeed...totally different...
don't try to get 100 as above about 95 it will need individual optimizing for each site

I see you received an answer great. I was away from my computer for a while.

I am very curious what WordPress theme you are using.

Some WordPress themes are optimized better than others.
I noticed that the one we use automatically minifies css files.

I use Divi.

Thank you for your suggestions ... most helpful!!

One of the best WordPress themes.

That's very popular.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Sorry, my title isn't really a question, but I'm concerned that if I will receive any responses they won't appear in my inbox.

Loud and clear here, Elaine!

Hopefully these comments will turn up.

Lily 😁🎶

Hi there, if you mean at WA you can your set email preferences in your settings. I hope that is what you meant but shout if not. Phil

My question about not receiving emails follow-up?

My question about not receiving emails follow-up?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Sorry, my title isn't really a question, but I'm concerned that if I will receive any responses they won't appear in my inbox.

Loud and clear here, Elaine!

Hopefully these comments will turn up.

Lily 😁🎶

Hi there, if you mean at WA you can your set email preferences in your settings. I hope that is what you meant but shout if not. Phil

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I stopped receiving emails from the group and I don't know why. I'm hoping someone can offer a solution.

A big thank you to all who responded. I went to account settings, as suggested, and my email was off. I guess it was a glitch since this is the first time it happened.

I sent the follow-up about not receiving your responses and then realized I had access here on WA ... duh!

Again I appreciate your help and will know what to do if this happens again.

Some good answers here, Elaine, but you can also click on your LH profile picture and scroll all the way down to email settings and assure yourself that nothing has changed!


Jeff has a great suggestion.

have you checked your settings under account settings
accessed via your profile image...
at the bottom of the page are your notification settings - just worth checking- maybe switch off and back on again - there have been a few tweaks to the site recently so may have upset something.
i hope you get it sorted Elaine

Hi there, Elaine!
I have had issues with this here and there.
Just contact site support as I think they can help with this.
Let me know how you get on, Jeff.

Is anyone else having a problem with emails from wa?

Is anyone else having a problem with emails from wa?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I stopped receiving emails from the group and I don't know why. I'm hoping someone can offer a solution.

A big thank you to all who responded. I went to account settings, as suggested, and my email was off. I guess it was a glitch since this is the first time it happened.

I sent the follow-up about not receiving your responses and then realized I had access here on WA ... duh!

Again I appreciate your help and will know what to do if this happens again.

Some good answers here, Elaine, but you can also click on your LH profile picture and scroll all the way down to email settings and assure yourself that nothing has changed!


Jeff has a great suggestion.

have you checked your settings under account settings
accessed via your profile image...
at the bottom of the page are your notification settings - just worth checking- maybe switch off and back on again - there have been a few tweaks to the site recently so may have upset something.
i hope you get it sorted Elaine

Hi there, Elaine!
I have had issues with this here and there.
Just contact site support as I think they can help with this.
Let me know how you get on, Jeff.

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I go to my website it shows no updates. However, if I click on on the link updates appear. This happens more often than I like, so I always check to ensure I'm not missing

Great question and great answers

It could be your web browser. Sometimes the cache in it causes websites not to show up correctly or prevent any updates showing when there actually are updates. You might try clearing the cache or use a different browser. Hope this helps.

Thanks. I did clear my cache before checking updates so I'm assuming that's not where the problem is, but thank you for responding.

Interesting! That actually fixed my issue, or at least switching to a different browser and that's what Site Support suggested to me. Hopefully they'll be able to solve your issue.

It will because your wp-cron is not running, you can ask SIteSupport to enable this for you

Thanks, I'll reach out to them and see if that corrects the problem.

wp-cron is like Task Scheduler in Windows, it performs routine checks at preset times. Otherwise, it won't check until you click on a link to activate the check manually.

Thanks, I had no clue this was the case. I've already submitted a ticket to the help desk, so hopefully, they can fix the problem.

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Does anyone else have this problem?

Does anyone else have this problem?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I go to my website it shows no updates. However, if I click on on the link updates appear. This happens more often than I like, so I always check to ensure I'm not missing

Great question and great answers

It could be your web browser. Sometimes the cache in it causes websites not to show up correctly or prevent any updates showing when there actually are updates. You might try clearing the cache or use a different browser. Hope this helps.

Thanks. I did clear my cache before checking updates so I'm assuming that's not where the problem is, but thank you for responding.

Interesting! That actually fixed my issue, or at least switching to a different browser and that's what Site Support suggested to me. Hopefully they'll be able to solve your issue.

It will because your wp-cron is not running, you can ask SIteSupport to enable this for you

Thanks, I'll reach out to them and see if that corrects the problem.

wp-cron is like Task Scheduler in Windows, it performs routine checks at preset times. Otherwise, it won't check until you click on a link to activate the check manually.

Thanks, I had no clue this was the case. I've already submitted a ticket to the help desk, so hopefully, they can fix the problem.

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