About danijel95
Rank 3599
577 followers Joined November 2017
Hi folks, im Daniel and im coming from Serbia. Im 22 and i finished high school for IT engineer. Sorry if my English is





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello guys,

I was updating my old posts and I noticed that some of my posts promoting Amazon products don't show images? I use SiteStripe but it simply won't show images

Are you using an ad blocker with your browser? This may affect how Amazon or Adsense images show on your site.

See if re-inserting the code works.

Thank you Nath, I just saw my website "incognito" and everything is fine, images are there but when I am not "incognito" I can't see images. I am using Chrome as my browser, maybe it's up to browser?

If you are incognito and seeing the images correctly, then it's probably a browser extension that's blocking the Amazon images, most likely an ad blocker. Try disabling any extensions and see what happens.

Thank you, man, you were right. I disabled DuckDuckGo extension and now it's fine.

Glad it worked!

Duck Duck Go will do it every time! Only kidding. I have similar issues before and like Nathaniell would have suggested an ad blocker. Great you got those images back.

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What happened to amazon images?

What happened to amazon images?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello guys,

I was updating my old posts and I noticed that some of my posts promoting Amazon products don't show images? I use SiteStripe but it simply won't show images

Are you using an ad blocker with your browser? This may affect how Amazon or Adsense images show on your site.

See if re-inserting the code works.

Thank you Nath, I just saw my website "incognito" and everything is fine, images are there but when I am not "incognito" I can't see images. I am using Chrome as my browser, maybe it's up to browser?

If you are incognito and seeing the images correctly, then it's probably a browser extension that's blocking the Amazon images, most likely an ad blocker. Try disabling any extensions and see what happens.

Thank you, man, you were right. I disabled DuckDuckGo extension and now it's fine.

Glad it worked!

Duck Duck Go will do it every time! Only kidding. I have similar issues before and like Nathaniell would have suggested an ad blocker. Great you got those images back.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello folks,

I see that lately many people talk about how succeeding with health niche is almost impossible because of those Google updates hitting health websites.

Being a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I am 110% behind Google(first time for everything). Being an expert within this niche has always been difficult because of all the pretenders.

So many people are getting hurt and injured by working with untrained, unqualified persons pretending to be something they are not. This has become such a problem that states are starting to require trainers, nutritionists, dietician, and such as myself to carry liability insurance.

I carry a $1m insurance policy as does any real trainer/professional.

For decades anyone could go online and pay someone like Ace a couple hundred dollars and they would send you a certificate. We saw what happened to them. They are in court for all kinds of lawsuits. All Ace certifications were revoked and they had to get certified by a real training program, like NASM or ISSA (the best). The International Sports Sciences Association is whom I am certified thru and we have to do 20 hours of continuing education every year just to keep our certifications.

Medical doctors do not even have continuing education. They just do as they were taught in school 40 years ago, even if it is outdated. That is why I will never, ever use an american doctor. I have a Pakistani and an Indian doctor. They actually went to class and made straight A's, unlike usa counterparts.

What do the call the worst student at an american medical school?

With over 25 years experience training others, I am qualified enough to charge $100/hr. I do. Why should someone who is unqualified to do my job be able to charge $20/hr and undercut me?

The client is the only one who loses.

Make a living, make a difference.


Not sure where you got your information on American doctors but you need to get trained better before you hurt someone. Bad advice often comes from those with million-dollar liability policies and who think their degree makes them the ultimate expert. In fact most of the pioneers of the medical trade were people who were laughed at by other professionals of the trade. That speaks volumes.

I see no problems with the rules. I am building a site on Keto and find even though the competition is strong it is really a good market.

Hi Danijel,
yes you can but the you need to pay attention to EAT as it is very important for health related niches.

Also, when you can't achieve perfect EAT score, you need to keep going because you will be able to do so in the future.
Don't worry about it.

Thanks, Nikola!

It's a bit of a tricky niche because it's not just Google that makes it challenging for people in this niche, It's the FTC as well. At least here in the states. This is one of the industries that is on its high-watch list.

This isn't meant to discourage you or anyone else on health-related niches. And if you read the wording of the FTC, it wants people to be aware of claims made and how to proceed.

Best Regards,

Thanks, man! Really appreciate it!

FTC is into everything these days I have competed for over a decade in the make Money Online niche and they watch everything said and done there with a microscope. Blogs are the free press, we report the claims and satisfy with disclaimers, but will always be under watchful eye because bloggers are the drain for the swamp not part of it.

Agreed. The FTC is watching everything, but they tend to be a bit extra watchful on industries subject to exaggerated claims like MMO, financial systems (Bitcoin, investing), weight loss, nutrition, and health.

I sort of like the extra eyes it makes me a better blogger to have the law on my side, and to need to remember on a post by post basis that not everyone is aware of these laws or how to spot fakes and scams.

I am not against having rules. But, my problem is when the rule makers go too far and make it difficult to make money at all. In many cases, the government uses a shoot-first-and-ask-questions later approach that scares people from running what would otherwise be normal business process. Of course, it's always the outliers that ruin it for everyone else.

Google has only hit poor quality alt health websites and for the most generic of terms and the jury is out as to if this is even Google's doing as it's not the SERPS that have been changed but the related searches you get in the search box.

Build away.

Andy Zeus Anderson

Thank you, friend!

Not a problem I was doing some research into these serious claims because I am starting a website on CBD Hemp and found that the only thing that might mislead is some of the suggested searches carry negative tones but they look more like Big Pharma spamming search than a Google change. For one Google doesn't need to change what you search for they just change what you find when they make changes.

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Can we build health-related blogs today?

Can we build health-related blogs today?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hello folks,

I see that lately many people talk about how succeeding with health niche is almost impossible because of those Google updates hitting health websites.

Being a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, I am 110% behind Google(first time for everything). Being an expert within this niche has always been difficult because of all the pretenders.

So many people are getting hurt and injured by working with untrained, unqualified persons pretending to be something they are not. This has become such a problem that states are starting to require trainers, nutritionists, dietician, and such as myself to carry liability insurance.

I carry a $1m insurance policy as does any real trainer/professional.

For decades anyone could go online and pay someone like Ace a couple hundred dollars and they would send you a certificate. We saw what happened to them. They are in court for all kinds of lawsuits. All Ace certifications were revoked and they had to get certified by a real training program, like NASM or ISSA (the best). The International Sports Sciences Association is whom I am certified thru and we have to do 20 hours of continuing education every year just to keep our certifications.

Medical doctors do not even have continuing education. They just do as they were taught in school 40 years ago, even if it is outdated. That is why I will never, ever use an american doctor. I have a Pakistani and an Indian doctor. They actually went to class and made straight A's, unlike usa counterparts.

What do the call the worst student at an american medical school?

With over 25 years experience training others, I am qualified enough to charge $100/hr. I do. Why should someone who is unqualified to do my job be able to charge $20/hr and undercut me?

The client is the only one who loses.

Make a living, make a difference.


Not sure where you got your information on American doctors but you need to get trained better before you hurt someone. Bad advice often comes from those with million-dollar liability policies and who think their degree makes them the ultimate expert. In fact most of the pioneers of the medical trade were people who were laughed at by other professionals of the trade. That speaks volumes.

I see no problems with the rules. I am building a site on Keto and find even though the competition is strong it is really a good market.

Hi Danijel,
yes you can but the you need to pay attention to EAT as it is very important for health related niches.

Also, when you can't achieve perfect EAT score, you need to keep going because you will be able to do so in the future.
Don't worry about it.

Thanks, Nikola!

It's a bit of a tricky niche because it's not just Google that makes it challenging for people in this niche, It's the FTC as well. At least here in the states. This is one of the industries that is on its high-watch list.

This isn't meant to discourage you or anyone else on health-related niches. And if you read the wording of the FTC, it wants people to be aware of claims made and how to proceed.

Best Regards,

Thanks, man! Really appreciate it!

FTC is into everything these days I have competed for over a decade in the make Money Online niche and they watch everything said and done there with a microscope. Blogs are the free press, we report the claims and satisfy with disclaimers, but will always be under watchful eye because bloggers are the drain for the swamp not part of it.

Agreed. The FTC is watching everything, but they tend to be a bit extra watchful on industries subject to exaggerated claims like MMO, financial systems (Bitcoin, investing), weight loss, nutrition, and health.

I sort of like the extra eyes it makes me a better blogger to have the law on my side, and to need to remember on a post by post basis that not everyone is aware of these laws or how to spot fakes and scams.

I am not against having rules. But, my problem is when the rule makers go too far and make it difficult to make money at all. In many cases, the government uses a shoot-first-and-ask-questions later approach that scares people from running what would otherwise be normal business process. Of course, it's always the outliers that ruin it for everyone else.

Google has only hit poor quality alt health websites and for the most generic of terms and the jury is out as to if this is even Google's doing as it's not the SERPS that have been changed but the related searches you get in the search box.

Build away.

Andy Zeus Anderson

Thank you, friend!

Not a problem I was doing some research into these serious claims because I am starting a website on CBD Hemp and found that the only thing that might mislead is some of the suggested searches carry negative tones but they look more like Big Pharma spamming search than a Google change. For one Google doesn't need to change what you search for they just change what you find when they make changes.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi folks,

can anyone tell me how can I fix this: "Remove or defer any JavaScript or CSS that interferes with loading above-the-fold content."

Does it mean somethi

This is a common issue, and has to do with your theme. It's not likely affecting your site too much. I have messed with different options to fix it, and rarely see too much of an improvement, although the Speed Tests do come out better.

Autoptimize was recommended to me, and that's what I use to minify CSS and move the code loading in the header.

I don't know exactly what that stuff is though, so can't explain how or why it works.

Thanks, Nath! I am also using Autoptimize and it is a really great plugin, my website is much faster when it comes to mobile.

I wouldn't worry too much about this minor thing then. Better to focus on getting more traffic than squeezing one more second out of your SiteSpeed. That's my philosophy.

Good Morning Daniel,

I have the same problem, I think in my case it has to do with the header floating down but that is a theme related issue. If it is not that then I too will be happy to learn what it is

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

p.s. I have TheNotesLight theme

Hello Taetske,

My theme is simple, its Dukan theme, I think it was my logo and featured images not optimized and it was slowing the website.

Both sites are below 3 seconds for desktop and mobile so that is good. I tried one of the links Robert told you about and my widgets need to be optimized. Fact is a website is a living entity and will keep you busy forever.

All the best, Taetske

might be worth having a quick read of this - more relevant ot what you can do with wordpress.
second plugin looks interesting.
good luck
don't forget ot backup your site first...or try it on a test site.

if i put the link in it might make it better
sorry for forgetting it.
they explain well and you can then understand what you are doing.

And this tool will tell you the exact files that are blocking a particular page.


You might also have a look at this -


Thank you Robert! I did not optimize my logo and the featured pictures showing above the fold.

I feel as website get older more "errors" are occurring. When I was starting there was no such mistakes as CSS and Javascript...

Its down to the speed of your website downloading.
In your case Above The Fold.

This is the area that the site visitor first sees after landing on your site. Perhaps you have a huge pic or a slider with huge graphics.

Anyway run it through this and see what it tells you -


Good Morning Robert,

Both my websites have a huge picture and the header floats down but the floating down is theme related.

Greetings from the south of Sain, Taetske

Get a smaller header image and show some text above the fold to let visitors know what your sites about.

Maybe change your theme as well.

Good afternoon Robert,

Oh, Robert, what are you suggesting? I love my theme, for both the websites it is the same, took me ages to get used to but now I would not want to miss them. May I ask you to look at that photo? personally, I love it. It is a photo Michael made on an NZ trip
motherearthstreasures.com. You will see the famous floating header but that is theme related.

I used the link you gave Daniel,the pagespeed/defer etc, there I found that all those nice homemade widgets need optimizing. My Technical Manager who is the creator was not amused when I told him.

Finding out that I missed 1 box with Sitemap checking it I improved a lot, one never stops learning. Thank you for your help.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

I clicked away from your site right away because there was nothing above the fold to give me a clue what your site was about.

I'm thinking a lot of people will do the same.

As for your technical manager, I wouldn't give the m the time od day.

Do they actually know what they are doing?


Robert, my Technical Manager is my better half. I am no good with technical things so he helps me out. Oh, dear me, I better not tell him what you said as he will get a fit. He has complained already that I spend too much time on the computer you see.

Would you please tell me how to put something above the fold? Does the floating header interfere with this? Thanks for your help.


You best ask your better half.
You have been following their instructions so far and my advice is falling on deaf ears.

I'm not sure how to fix it, but I also have that message.

- Christina

I only optimized my logo and featured images that first show when visitor land on site and it is much better.

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Anyone can help me with this?

Anyone can help me with this?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi folks,

can anyone tell me how can I fix this: "Remove or defer any JavaScript or CSS that interferes with loading above-the-fold content."

Does it mean somethi

This is a common issue, and has to do with your theme. It's not likely affecting your site too much. I have messed with different options to fix it, and rarely see too much of an improvement, although the Speed Tests do come out better.

Autoptimize was recommended to me, and that's what I use to minify CSS and move the code loading in the header.

I don't know exactly what that stuff is though, so can't explain how or why it works.

Thanks, Nath! I am also using Autoptimize and it is a really great plugin, my website is much faster when it comes to mobile.

I wouldn't worry too much about this minor thing then. Better to focus on getting more traffic than squeezing one more second out of your SiteSpeed. That's my philosophy.

Good Morning Daniel,

I have the same problem, I think in my case it has to do with the header floating down but that is a theme related issue. If it is not that then I too will be happy to learn what it is

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

p.s. I have TheNotesLight theme

Hello Taetske,

My theme is simple, its Dukan theme, I think it was my logo and featured images not optimized and it was slowing the website.

Both sites are below 3 seconds for desktop and mobile so that is good. I tried one of the links Robert told you about and my widgets need to be optimized. Fact is a website is a living entity and will keep you busy forever.

All the best, Taetske

might be worth having a quick read of this - more relevant ot what you can do with wordpress.
second plugin looks interesting.
good luck
don't forget ot backup your site first...or try it on a test site.

if i put the link in it might make it better
sorry for forgetting it.
they explain well and you can then understand what you are doing.

And this tool will tell you the exact files that are blocking a particular page.


You might also have a look at this -


Thank you Robert! I did not optimize my logo and the featured pictures showing above the fold.

I feel as website get older more "errors" are occurring. When I was starting there was no such mistakes as CSS and Javascript...

Its down to the speed of your website downloading.
In your case Above The Fold.

This is the area that the site visitor first sees after landing on your site. Perhaps you have a huge pic or a slider with huge graphics.

Anyway run it through this and see what it tells you -


Good Morning Robert,

Both my websites have a huge picture and the header floats down but the floating down is theme related.

Greetings from the south of Sain, Taetske

Get a smaller header image and show some text above the fold to let visitors know what your sites about.

Maybe change your theme as well.

Good afternoon Robert,

Oh, Robert, what are you suggesting? I love my theme, for both the websites it is the same, took me ages to get used to but now I would not want to miss them. May I ask you to look at that photo? personally, I love it. It is a photo Michael made on an NZ trip
motherearthstreasures.com. You will see the famous floating header but that is theme related.

I used the link you gave Daniel,the pagespeed/defer etc, there I found that all those nice homemade widgets need optimizing. My Technical Manager who is the creator was not amused when I told him.

Finding out that I missed 1 box with Sitemap checking it I improved a lot, one never stops learning. Thank you for your help.

Greetings from the south of Spain, Taetske

I clicked away from your site right away because there was nothing above the fold to give me a clue what your site was about.

I'm thinking a lot of people will do the same.

As for your technical manager, I wouldn't give the m the time od day.

Do they actually know what they are doing?


Robert, my Technical Manager is my better half. I am no good with technical things so he helps me out. Oh, dear me, I better not tell him what you said as he will get a fit. He has complained already that I spend too much time on the computer you see.

Would you please tell me how to put something above the fold? Does the floating header interfere with this? Thanks for your help.


You best ask your better half.
You have been following their instructions so far and my advice is falling on deaf ears.

I'm not sure how to fix it, but I also have that message.

- Christina

I only optimized my logo and featured images that first show when visitor land on site and it is much better.

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