About DamonKinney
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2,651 followers Joined February 2015
My name is Damon. I have created a few websites that have not taken off yet. I felt I needed a little more training,





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Okay, so this is the deal. I have been working on my site for a few months and I have one issue that I can just not seem to figure out.

I have my header tabs broken down i

I use categories on the menu to do this. Works like a charm!

Saving this for sure. I think two blog roll pages (or more) would be a good idea.

This training might help you, it did me

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you?

I am not as good yet at easily diagnosing a problem but if you pm Leoemery he is great and is always willing to help! Sometimes the issue is just how you have set it up sometimes it is a theme issue. Pm Leo and he will be able to help you!

I will try to change menu tabs from Pages to categories and see if this resolves the issue thank you everyone

Yes you can, add item in menu with link # and then add categories as submenu.

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you? If I click on menu it is all ther but as a drop down

Use Categories instead.

A category LEGIT people will understand
A Menu Item Blog does not tell that the LEGIT reviews are in there

And categories do get indexed and ranked in google, whereas Menus do not. All in one SEO has a check box "Index Categories": Check that


Have you seen this?

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you? If I click on menu it is all ther but as a drop down

Apart from your menu as 'legit', create a category named "Legit". Include all your postings previous as well as future related to 'legit' under this category. While writing a page, you will find at the bottom right the icon for adding to a category. This is for the simple reason that you cannot have sub menus running into 20, 30 or 100s. Also, after including all your previous postings under the category 'legit', you may delete your undesirable sub menus. Hope this helps.

so are you suggesting then that the "legit", you would like to automatically add all posts put under "legit" in the menu? if so then you'll need to look at using categories on your post, then adding a category blog roll on the page.

I use categories on the menu for this. Put your posts in the relevant category, when someone clicks on the category link they'll see a blog roll of all the posts in that category. Articles. Reviews, and Free Stuff are all categories on my site. The reviews I've broken down further as I've added more posts. http://toolsforquilting.com

Hope that makes sense!

These are easy fixes. Please have a look into the text I posted recently. If you still have problems just contact me and We shall go though this together. Jovo

Jovo Hi. Thank you for the great info in your link about ' posts and page add to menu'. I was getting into a real tangle till I found your post about it. I have it almost exactly how I want it, for now .
I have a question though.
When I changed my top menu to include drop downs, it had the effect on my site that causes it to appear wider than it was before...so now you need to scroll sideways to read all of the title...it actually extends out across the side bar.
Do you think it is just a limitation of this particular theme or can I tidy it up further?
Maybe you can please take a look and give me your opinion?http://thecashedupnomad.com/

Hi, I had a quick look. It is a bit about how your theme looks like. But it is also much more about your titles in sub-menus, they are very long.
No theme is wide enough for your titles. But if you still wish them as they are, you can use a simple trick, just move some of those items in the menu (like build a business, and travelicious) to the left and then all the sub-menus will be shifted left and they will fit into screen.

Could I move them all to the left? eg home, getting started etc
How do I do that? Can you point me to a training if it is not a simple answer?

Not all but you can interchange their places.

Thank you.

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Header menu question, top level menu question?

Header menu question, top level menu question?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Okay, so this is the deal. I have been working on my site for a few months and I have one issue that I can just not seem to figure out.

I have my header tabs broken down i

I use categories on the menu to do this. Works like a charm!

Saving this for sure. I think two blog roll pages (or more) would be a good idea.

This training might help you, it did me

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you?

I am not as good yet at easily diagnosing a problem but if you pm Leoemery he is great and is always willing to help! Sometimes the issue is just how you have set it up sometimes it is a theme issue. Pm Leo and he will be able to help you!

I will try to change menu tabs from Pages to categories and see if this resolves the issue thank you everyone

Yes you can, add item in menu with link # and then add categories as submenu.

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you? If I click on menu it is all ther but as a drop down

Use Categories instead.

A category LEGIT people will understand
A Menu Item Blog does not tell that the LEGIT reviews are in there

And categories do get indexed and ranked in google, whereas Menus do not. All in one SEO has a check box "Index Categories": Check that


Have you seen this?

My menu does this http://take.ms/Z4k3e it used to be across and I don't know how to correct it do you? If I click on menu it is all ther but as a drop down

Apart from your menu as 'legit', create a category named "Legit". Include all your postings previous as well as future related to 'legit' under this category. While writing a page, you will find at the bottom right the icon for adding to a category. This is for the simple reason that you cannot have sub menus running into 20, 30 or 100s. Also, after including all your previous postings under the category 'legit', you may delete your undesirable sub menus. Hope this helps.

so are you suggesting then that the "legit", you would like to automatically add all posts put under "legit" in the menu? if so then you'll need to look at using categories on your post, then adding a category blog roll on the page.

I use categories on the menu for this. Put your posts in the relevant category, when someone clicks on the category link they'll see a blog roll of all the posts in that category. Articles. Reviews, and Free Stuff are all categories on my site. The reviews I've broken down further as I've added more posts. http://toolsforquilting.com

Hope that makes sense!

These are easy fixes. Please have a look into the text I posted recently. If you still have problems just contact me and We shall go though this together. Jovo

Jovo Hi. Thank you for the great info in your link about ' posts and page add to menu'. I was getting into a real tangle till I found your post about it. I have it almost exactly how I want it, for now .
I have a question though.
When I changed my top menu to include drop downs, it had the effect on my site that causes it to appear wider than it was before...so now you need to scroll sideways to read all of the title...it actually extends out across the side bar.
Do you think it is just a limitation of this particular theme or can I tidy it up further?
Maybe you can please take a look and give me your opinion?http://thecashedupnomad.com/

Hi, I had a quick look. It is a bit about how your theme looks like. But it is also much more about your titles in sub-menus, they are very long.
No theme is wide enough for your titles. But if you still wish them as they are, you can use a simple trick, just move some of those items in the menu (like build a business, and travelicious) to the left and then all the sub-menus will be shifted left and they will fit into screen.

Could I move them all to the left? eg home, getting started etc
How do I do that? Can you point me to a training if it is not a simple answer?

Not all but you can interchange their places.

Thank you.

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