Go Daddy or name cheap
Which site is better to buy a domain from Go daddy or name heap ? Or they about the same.
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Have used both, and personally am happier with Namecheap - and they're usually a tiny bit cheaper.
I have a farily large hosting set up at GD- pre-existed WA, and for the purposes of here, I say NC all day long...~Andy
Namecheap was really easy for me to register my domain and transfer DNS. There were no upsells.I also subscribed to their newsletter to stay current with updates. For the price and value, hard to beat.
I have been using Namecheap and have been happy with it. Can't speak for Go Daddy at all though.
Namecheap, hands down. They include free whois with each domain. You can use the monthly promo code to get 10% off. (Just google for it.) Periodically they run contests and such that let you get free/highly discounted domains.
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I am using both. Namecheap seems to be better.