About CraigG1
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Career journalist looking to expand horizons and discover all I can about internet marketing. With this "Wealthy Affiliate" program, I'm convinced that I'm in the





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have a blog that I started several years ago on the Blogger platform. But now I've been thinking about moving all the content to WordPress. How do I go about that? Is it doa

Yoy may be able to import it like you would a picture. Save the page to word or something similar.

copy the text on Microsoft page and past it in your new post in WP
do the same with images and links

Ey there Craig... yah, it's easy to do. I did the same thing. I'm not sure how I did it because it was a few years back but I think it was a plugin that recognized the Blogger format and it was a piece of cake. Sure wishin' I could remember for ya'... )-: I think it was Blogger Importer or something like that!!!

Here's a great post from WPBeginners... kinda sounds familiar...

Hey Craig,

Google is my gold mine of information. Whatever I want to know I just Google search for it. Sometimes I have to change what I'm asking for, but I usually get it straight away.

Hope this post will provide you with the necessary info in helping you accomplish your task: https://en.support.wordpress.com/coming-from-blogger/

True, but the point of having the WA community is to be able to ask questions here. Otherwise, every single question in WA could be responded to with "go ask google" :)

Sooo ... teaching members to search the internet is a bad thing than? Sorry ... henceforth I shall remain silent. Thanks for the slap for my bad. Much appreciated.

Noooo..., don't remain silent. :-) You supplied some good information.

Thank YOU Vanessa!

I'd say- moving your ranked content manually to a different site may get you in trouble for content duplication. There's a way (not easy though ) I'm not familiar with. If you keep digging you'll find an answer. Good luck.

the best thing to do is link the two---don't try to move it

I agree, excellent idea!

Wish I could help but I don't know the answer.

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Can you transfer one kind of website to wordpress?

Can you transfer one kind of website to wordpress?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have a blog that I started several years ago on the Blogger platform. But now I've been thinking about moving all the content to WordPress. How do I go about that? Is it doa

Yoy may be able to import it like you would a picture. Save the page to word or something similar.

copy the text on Microsoft page and past it in your new post in WP
do the same with images and links

Ey there Craig... yah, it's easy to do. I did the same thing. I'm not sure how I did it because it was a few years back but I think it was a plugin that recognized the Blogger format and it was a piece of cake. Sure wishin' I could remember for ya'... )-: I think it was Blogger Importer or something like that!!!

Here's a great post from WPBeginners... kinda sounds familiar...

Hey Craig,

Google is my gold mine of information. Whatever I want to know I just Google search for it. Sometimes I have to change what I'm asking for, but I usually get it straight away.

Hope this post will provide you with the necessary info in helping you accomplish your task: https://en.support.wordpress.com/coming-from-blogger/

True, but the point of having the WA community is to be able to ask questions here. Otherwise, every single question in WA could be responded to with "go ask google" :)

Sooo ... teaching members to search the internet is a bad thing than? Sorry ... henceforth I shall remain silent. Thanks for the slap for my bad. Much appreciated.

Noooo..., don't remain silent. :-) You supplied some good information.

Thank YOU Vanessa!

I'd say- moving your ranked content manually to a different site may get you in trouble for content duplication. There's a way (not easy though ) I'm not familiar with. If you keep digging you'll find an answer. Good luck.

the best thing to do is link the two---don't try to move it

I agree, excellent idea!

Wish I could help but I don't know the answer.

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