About ChrisM21
Rank 6355
300 followers Joined January 2014
My hobby is 3D printing which compliments my 30yr background in Engineering developing plastic parts. I am here at Wealthy Affiliate with a focus





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asked in
Getting Started

Where can I find information regarding my WA renewal and billing?
Looking for expiration date.

Very much appreciated,

You may go to


Scroll down the page and check your last invoice; it should tell you.

I hope you got it figured out?

Where do I locate wa billing information for my account?

Where do I locate wa billing information for my account?

asked in
Getting Started

Where can I find information regarding my WA renewal and billing?
Looking for expiration date.

Very much appreciated,

You may go to


Scroll down the page and check your last invoice; it should tell you.

I hope you got it figured out?

asked in
Getting Started

Anyone that has any thoughts, very much appreciated.

When I log into WA I do not have the normal interface anymore. I can not find the training. I can not locate many

What Shannon says!


Hi .. If it has been a while since you last logged in, WA has gone through a bit of a make over. Everything is still available to you though the toolbar is now along the top instead of along the sidebar. You can check out this walk through of the new WA user interface: Good luck, Shannon

Thank you Shannon.
I will review the walk through this evening.
Always helpful to review what is available.
This problem does seem to be intermittent and inconsistent though.

Different menu displays all within the same session
Loss of menus

Have tried different browsers and different operating systems. Same results.


I was having a lot of the same problems when the platform first updated. Which browser are you using? I use chrome and the issue was fixed by going into the browser settings and clearing both the cookies and the history and the browser cache.

I was using Firefox then Chrome and experiencing the inconsistent menu problem. I just installed microsoftEDGE on my Windows7 machine and it seems to be working fine. microsoftEDGE on Windows10 worked nicely also.

Good to know that it was likely related to cookies, history and browser cache. If there is another occurrence I will go straight to clearing the cache.

Definitely a browser solution.

Thank you for the feedback Jaz333


You're welcome anytime! Really glad you were able to fix the issue!


Homepage https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/home

The left menu has shifted to top.

So if you want Site Manger, it is Websites tab top menu.

If you click the cogwheel top of this question and choose edit from the drop down menu, it would allow you to insert an image.

However, if still you believe it is not as intended you may like empty browser cache and try again. Or try login in a different browser.

Thank you Abie

I have added some screen capture images to the attached. Thank you for explaining how.

I am using chrome on windows10 at the moment. Last night I was using firefox on windows7.

Can not seem to find anything consistent.


I have tried firefox and chrome . Will try microsoft Edge next.

MicrosoftEdge provided improved results.
Not sure if I can load Edge on my windows7 computer but will give it a try.
It would appear that browser selection is the answer.

Very much appreciated AbieAJ,

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Change in home page on wa?

Change in home page on wa?

asked in
Getting Started

Anyone that has any thoughts, very much appreciated.

When I log into WA I do not have the normal interface anymore. I can not find the training. I can not locate many

What Shannon says!


Hi .. If it has been a while since you last logged in, WA has gone through a bit of a make over. Everything is still available to you though the toolbar is now along the top instead of along the sidebar. You can check out this walk through of the new WA user interface: Good luck, Shannon

Thank you Shannon.
I will review the walk through this evening.
Always helpful to review what is available.
This problem does seem to be intermittent and inconsistent though.

Different menu displays all within the same session
Loss of menus

Have tried different browsers and different operating systems. Same results.


I was having a lot of the same problems when the platform first updated. Which browser are you using? I use chrome and the issue was fixed by going into the browser settings and clearing both the cookies and the history and the browser cache.

I was using Firefox then Chrome and experiencing the inconsistent menu problem. I just installed microsoftEDGE on my Windows7 machine and it seems to be working fine. microsoftEDGE on Windows10 worked nicely also.

Good to know that it was likely related to cookies, history and browser cache. If there is another occurrence I will go straight to clearing the cache.

Definitely a browser solution.

Thank you for the feedback Jaz333


You're welcome anytime! Really glad you were able to fix the issue!


Homepage https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/home

The left menu has shifted to top.

So if you want Site Manger, it is Websites tab top menu.

If you click the cogwheel top of this question and choose edit from the drop down menu, it would allow you to insert an image.

However, if still you believe it is not as intended you may like empty browser cache and try again. Or try login in a different browser.

Thank you Abie

I have added some screen capture images to the attached. Thank you for explaining how.

I am using chrome on windows10 at the moment. Last night I was using firefox on windows7.

Can not seem to find anything consistent.


I have tried firefox and chrome . Will try microsoft Edge next.

MicrosoftEdge provided improved results.
Not sure if I can load Edge on my windows7 computer but will give it a try.
It would appear that browser selection is the answer.

Very much appreciated AbieAJ,

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am wondering what the difference is between "Need website comments? " post and the site comments section on WA . I understand the concept of sharing comments and use it al

Hi Chris,

I can see that you got some good and helpful answers here me too I was going to say, yes they are both the same.

Thank you for asking this question, Chris. I prefer to use site comments and site feedback for my website, but I have noticed the response has been slow.

yes Yvonne, response can be slow but I have received some very good comments there. this is a slow building process after all.

Thank you for your input Yvonne, very much appreciated.


Your welcome Chris

the need a comment thread was supposed to be for members who do not host here as they cannot use sitecomments...
so this opened up a thread for those to get comments...and it is not supposed to be a comment exchange ...as google doesn't like this tactic...and it dilutes the backlink...
so ideally f iyou want feedback - use sitefeedback ( although i have heard there maybe a slow down on the feedback) and sitecomments for comments after either earning two crediits for commenting on two posts or purchasing creditts...

or do as most others do and just use the need a comment thread....


great explanation Phil,

Exactly what I needed to hear, why the "need a comment" thread was there. Makes sense. I will stay with the "Site Comments" because it is more structured and in favour of Google.

Thanks again Phil,

Hi, Phil I didn't realise there was a difference between all three areas. I prefer to pay for a good comment. I have used threads, and sometimes I don't get good suggestions, and sometimes I do.

there have been reports of some members giving spammy comments to gain money to pay for their membership under the qualified commenter scheme....but hopefully most of that has stopped and the comments are good....
i tend to look for organic comments and don't ask for them in here...

Okay, that's good to know. Thanks for letting me know, Phil.

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Site comment&need; website comment-what is the difference?

Site comment&need; website comment-what is the difference?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am wondering what the difference is between "Need website comments? " post and the site comments section on WA . I understand the concept of sharing comments and use it al

Hi Chris,

I can see that you got some good and helpful answers here me too I was going to say, yes they are both the same.

Thank you for asking this question, Chris. I prefer to use site comments and site feedback for my website, but I have noticed the response has been slow.

yes Yvonne, response can be slow but I have received some very good comments there. this is a slow building process after all.

Thank you for your input Yvonne, very much appreciated.


Your welcome Chris

the need a comment thread was supposed to be for members who do not host here as they cannot use sitecomments...
so this opened up a thread for those to get comments...and it is not supposed to be a comment exchange ...as google doesn't like this tactic...and it dilutes the backlink...
so ideally f iyou want feedback - use sitefeedback ( although i have heard there maybe a slow down on the feedback) and sitecomments for comments after either earning two crediits for commenting on two posts or purchasing creditts...

or do as most others do and just use the need a comment thread....


great explanation Phil,

Exactly what I needed to hear, why the "need a comment" thread was there. Makes sense. I will stay with the "Site Comments" because it is more structured and in favour of Google.

Thanks again Phil,

Hi, Phil I didn't realise there was a difference between all three areas. I prefer to pay for a good comment. I have used threads, and sometimes I don't get good suggestions, and sometimes I do.

there have been reports of some members giving spammy comments to gain money to pay for their membership under the qualified commenter scheme....but hopefully most of that has stopped and the comments are good....
i tend to look for organic comments and don't ask for them in here...

Okay, that's good to know. Thanks for letting me know, Phil.

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have been struggling with the content editor again. I have accepted that content editor does not handle image insertion very well and I have begun to add my images at the en

I think the system wants you to upgrade to premium plus.😊

That is funny Meenaf1 and quite likely. I have been considering it but don't see the value just yet. I do not have enough available time to take advantage of the premium plus offerings.

Chris, I think it depends on where you cut, paste and insert. By default it appears that a Heading tag should have a blank line before and after. Sometimes, that blank row looks quite large and my inclination is often to try to make it smaller.
And then the same thing happens with all the text taking on the H tag.
I usually just accept the way the Content Editor works while creating the content, and then adjust the overall layout in my WordPress back office afterwards. Inevitably, I find that I don't need to make any changes.

I will pay close attention to the line before and after .

Thank you Michael ,

Hi, if you edited a document in site content and published it, future edits has to be done in wordpress. Site content and wordpress work independently.

I'd place my images in a document in site content and publish it to my site. it will be added to my wordpress media library.

Thank you AbieAJ,

I am thinking that the jumping around is something to do with the cut n paste that you mentioned. I had to publish it then go to do edits through the website. In the future I will make sure that I do not use cut n paste in content editor.

I think that there are enough plus to keep working with the content editor. Just learning the quirks.

Very much appreciated,

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Why is content editor so grumpy ?

Why is content editor so grumpy ?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

I have been struggling with the content editor again. I have accepted that content editor does not handle image insertion very well and I have begun to add my images at the en

I think the system wants you to upgrade to premium plus.😊

That is funny Meenaf1 and quite likely. I have been considering it but don't see the value just yet. I do not have enough available time to take advantage of the premium plus offerings.

Chris, I think it depends on where you cut, paste and insert. By default it appears that a Heading tag should have a blank line before and after. Sometimes, that blank row looks quite large and my inclination is often to try to make it smaller.
And then the same thing happens with all the text taking on the H tag.
I usually just accept the way the Content Editor works while creating the content, and then adjust the overall layout in my WordPress back office afterwards. Inevitably, I find that I don't need to make any changes.

I will pay close attention to the line before and after .

Thank you Michael ,

Hi, if you edited a document in site content and published it, future edits has to be done in wordpress. Site content and wordpress work independently.

I'd place my images in a document in site content and publish it to my site. it will be added to my wordpress media library.

Thank you AbieAJ,

I am thinking that the jumping around is something to do with the cut n paste that you mentioned. I had to publish it then go to do edits through the website. In the future I will make sure that I do not use cut n paste in content editor.

I think that there are enough plus to keep working with the content editor. Just learning the quirks.

Very much appreciated,

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asked in
Getting Started

I enjoy doing site comments.
The support from the Wealthy Affiliate community is awesome.

Today at lunch I had an experience with a "hack" or unwanted site looking fo

i would press ctrl+f5 to refresh the page and hopefully view the next site - if you see the same one the n as Diane says go somewhere else and come back later...

ctrl+f5 it is then. any little tricks like that are greatly appreciated.

Thank you Phil

Hi - yes, it has already been reported. You don't have to hit the skip button, just click away from the comments area.

OK. Thank you for the prompt response Diane.
Next time I will simply click away from the comments area.


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Site comments hack on wa?

Site comments hack on wa?

asked in
Getting Started

I enjoy doing site comments.
The support from the Wealthy Affiliate community is awesome.

Today at lunch I had an experience with a "hack" or unwanted site looking fo

i would press ctrl+f5 to refresh the page and hopefully view the next site - if you see the same one the n as Diane says go somewhere else and come back later...

ctrl+f5 it is then. any little tricks like that are greatly appreciated.

Thank you Phil

Hi - yes, it has already been reported. You don't have to hit the skip button, just click away from the comments area.

OK. Thank you for the prompt response Diane.
Next time I will simply click away from the comments area.


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