Starve Your Distractions - Improve Your Focus
What was your first thought this morning? Yes, your first thought:
- as you opened your eyes,
- as you got out of bed
- as you started your day?
What was your first thought?
Why is this important, you ask?
Well, your first thought when you awake will determine your day. Similarly, the last thought you had before you fell asleep determined how restful your night was.
Where You Place Your Attention
Focus has everything to do with where you place your attention. Whatever consumes your mind will direct your actions and behaviours and that is what you will achieve.
This is no rocket-science but managing your thoughts and behaviours can sometimes feel like you are looking for a needle in a haystack.
I try to start and end my days with gratitude for the simple blessings in life. It is on the rare occasion that I ask.
I have not always been that way. After making the change though, I noticed a marked improvement in the quality of life that I wanted.
Remove The Contradiction
It is easy to fool yourself into thinking that if you say you want to achieve something you will. Words without the action to support it will manifest nothing.
There is a saying that I love:
Madness is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results!
I could not have said it better. 🙂
If you want a different life, you have to do things differently. Change is not easy - at first. If you do it long enough and with positive intent, it will eventually become a habit.
And therein lies the secret to finding and keeping focus.
This is our focus (pun intended) this week as we examine ways to maintain our commitment to what we want to achieve.
Let's Move Forward
On 14 August we talked about your Pain Points. With your help, our WAchievement Wednesdays were launched to help you address the 10 Things That Could Hold You Back from Achieving Your Goals.
In case you missed our first 2 tutorials, you can find them below:
Execution 101 and,
After catching up, look out for some effective ways to keep yourself focused later today.
These are very exciting times for us at Wealthy Affiliate (WA). Make sure that you are ready. It is going to be an energising journey into 2021!
Have a WAchievement-filled day!
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First thing I do in the morning is quickly shower before my dog wakes up and then, I go walk him. When I come back it's feeding time for the both of us, and then a few mind movies on prosperity and parallel realities, the ones I want to reach.
Then it's email answering, and then begins the time where I vary what I do between WA and studying and training.
Have a great day.
That is a VERY engaging and motivating routine, Joss.
And, a very good way to maintain focus.
Thank you for sharing.
Keep safe and well.
“Learn how to earn, no learn no earn, learn a little then earn a little, learn a lot, and earn a lot. Your choice.” Tom Short.
“A negative Lifestyle is Rotting so Change to a Positive Ripening Lifestyle with Well-being.” Tom Short.
“Do You like Photography, then Focus on the Big Picture of Your Own Life.” Tom Short.
Tom--I love your quotes! I know I have asked you this before, but when are you going to put them all in an eBook?
Hi Cassi, putting distractions aside and focusing on what you want to accomplish is very important. You have a great way with words. Thank you for the share.
All the best,
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Our values, instrumental and absolute, are factors that impacts our ability to focus and ability to become distracted or not.
They can be "tuned" if you sit down and identify your values and become aware of them.
When you have become aware of your values, you can use that "new" knowledge to block out distractions that do not belong to your values, and get a much more effective day of work as well as getting more time available for your most important values, to me that is time with family and friends.
A couple of distractions is the ever present smartphone, and emails arriving in your inbox.
My first thought this morning was how quiet it is and the feeling of my wife and dog beside me :-)
After that my morning continues with a cup of good coffee, regular or a double espresso, letting my mind start working. Then it is a walk with Nemi, our cute little fur-baby, which lets me enjoy Mother Nature´s wonders.
In the evening I always lets my mind relax with a good book, calming music for my mind, and last but not least I am thanking whatever greater force that exists for what I have achieved and experienced during the day, and what I have gained and achieved from life, my wife and my family at the forefront :-).
The thought of my family makes me smile when I am falling asleep.
Great article, Cassi😊. I love the way you trigger our minds, at least mine, to think through my behaviour patterns and patterns of reaction to different stimulus.
-Never Stop Learning – The Sky is the Limit-
Wow, Roy!!
Your words hit me where it matters most - my heart.
Thank you. 🙂
You captured the essence of what truly matters for all of us - admitted or not - the "why" we do what we do.
Your grounding is admirable and your focus is compelling.
Continue to stay true to your purpose and you will savour every aspect of this wonderful success journey.
You made my day!
Cassi, that makes me so happy to learn that I have given something of value back to you in relation to what you provide to all of us in this fantastic community.
As you do, Roy. 🙂