Understand What Motivation Is

The root of the word motivation is ’motive’. Motive refers to your needs, desires and wants. Your motives are what drive you to take action to accomplish your goals. Without appropriate motives, you would do very little or apply your energy and action towards inappropriate and unproductive things.

Some of the psychological factors that may stimulate your action and motivate you to get things done may be:

  • your desire for money
  • success in a chosen path
  • your need for recognition
  • enjoying job-satisfaction
  • belonging to a community
  • providing for family and loved ones
  • enjoying a better lifestyle

Motivation May Be Intrinsic Or Extrinsic

Think about why you are are at Wealthy Affiliate (WA).

Are you here because you enjoy learning and want to pursue the training and knowledge available at WA to make you a more knowledge-based person? If so, then you are intrinsically motivated.

However, if you are here because you want to learn about making money on the internet to make increase your opportunities to become a high-income earner or to provide a better life for your self and your family, then your motivation is more extrinsic in nature.

motivation is self-initiated and achievement that you enjoy this way provides no external reward or benefit. You do it because you want to, for your own enjoyment and self-fulfillment. In other words, you control your reasons for achieving.

motivation is driven by external gratification and rewards like money, recognition, praise, promotions and fame. When you are extrinsically motivated, you rely on others and things outside of your span of control.

Whilst both are relevant and appropriate, you would tend to be more highly motivated if you intrinsic reasons out-weigh your extrinsic ones.

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LMH1968 Premium
Wonderful training thank you very much for sharing
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
You are welcome, Lisa.

Thank you for your feedback.
Aparna155 Premium
Classy Cassi
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Thank you, Aparna.

Have a good day.
JohaneG Premium
Excellent training, Cassi. Thank you.
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
You are welcome, Johane.

Thank you.
JohaneG Premium
It's my pleasure.
gnoose Premium
Excellent Cassi!

CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Thank you very much, Greg.

I know that most WA Members are more interested in the "money stuff" but, as you and I know, these aspects are the unseen foundation that will sustain us and our businesses.

I will keep putting content like this out so it is available when needed.

Have a good day!
YvonneBray Premium
I like your post CassiOfTroy. Its very interesting
CassiOfTroy Premium Plus
Thank you, Yvonne.

I wish you much success at WA.