I lost my Google Traffic-Recovering From COVID-19

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(cover image: laptop on a wooden table showing Google search page)

Hi Wealthy Affiliates,

The last time I wrote, I discussed how some of my traffic was going down after the August 2024 Core update. Well, it looks like I did not recover from it.

That website is now DOA—pretty much. I can hear Lizzy's voice with a shrug: " Haha, didn't I tell you so? " Yeppers, you sure did. I am not doing any better on Medium or Pinterest.

I guess no one is interested in that niche, which is promoting WA. I think I am not doing something right. Google has de-indexed so many articles. I have done a lot of edits and rewriting, and still, Google refuses to budge. It refuses to index any of them again.

Several weeks ago, I got stricken with a skin infection on my legs and several boils on my buttocks. I sit in an electric wheelchair, so I had to be bedridden until that healed. Then, the staff who came to work positive for COVID-19, having no symptoms, spread Covid 19 to me and other residents. I was sick as a dog for a few weeks with Covid-19. It caused me to lose my taste, appetite, and sense of smell. Now that has returned. Whew!

I am in the recovery phase. I completed the facility's rules for the ten-day isolation. I feel more tired than usual since Covid 19 hit me. The skin infection and boils have cleared up. My immune system is out of whack. I have MS so that makes it much worse for my immune system. Frank, the doctor in this house, told me to rest and take it easy. I did listen to that. I spent a lot of time sleeping to get away from the illness that felt like I was dying. I also have asthma. It's a good thing I have my nebulizer mask so I can use that to help me breathe while dealing with the peak of COVID-19.

See screenshot from Google Search Console

Google Search ConsoleI have a lot of impressions, a total of 97 clicks, but in the last 28 days, there have been zero clicks, so you can see September is down. I am not sure if I should continue to rewrite those articles, which I think will never be revived because Google refuses to index them because it doesn't think they're helpful, even though I think they are. I wrote in my own words and my experience. I guess that isn't enough. I am also not motivated to write new ones either. I am sure they will deindex those as well. I felt really down about this. I am thinking of just leaving it, not bothering with it.

I have my name as my domain and am considering using that one to start in a different direction and do something else in a different niche. I am just not sure where to go from here. Continue to try writing new articles on the one where I am losing traffic or start that new site with my name. It will be my brand, this time a different niche. I used to be confident about my writing, but not since I got sick. My brain is just not there. I thought it would get better if I focused on my brand.

Can I pick your brains here- what do you all think? I know you can't decide, but my ambivalence is intense. Not sure where to go from here. I know I need a motivational kick in my arse. I welcome it from all of you.


PS- Have you lost your traffic since the August 2024 Core update?

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Hi Brenda

You’ve been through quite a lot with your health, but it sounds like that is slowly moving in the right direction, now. 😎

I’ll send some prayers your way for a continued recovery. 🙏

As for Google, don’t let that bother you and focus on staying positive so you can continue to get well. I recommend you take a little break from online marketing for now.

The sad reality is that we can no longer count on Google to index and rank the best content.

Yes, my site was hit by Google, as I suspect the majority of WA members were.

So, please don’t second guess your writing abilities.

All the Best!
Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank! 😀

You’re welcome, Brenda. 😎😎

Sorry to hear you contracted this strain of flu again Brenda...

Hope you recover soon and fully...

As for Google... I have been playing the same game for many months now!!

And I will continue to play it!!

Get well soon my friend and keep on moving forward!


Flu, it isn't the flu, man; COVID is worse than the flu—nasty stuff. I hope I never experience it again. Doctors say COVID is a respiratory illness that can be life-threatening for some people, just like influenza. I had them both, and I think COVID is the worst I have ever experienced. I had pneumonia before, but COVID was the worst experience ever.

I hear you Brenda! I was diagnosed with COVID in the past and felt fine...

But some bouts of flu I have had knocked me off my feet for weeks...

We all have different reactions to different illnesses I believe!

Just get better soon my friend, your wisdom has been missed here! :-)

Aw, Nick! Merci beaucoup! Tu es très gentil!


I am glad that you are recovering. I agree with Kyle with regards to your website.

Thanks 😀.

I am glad you are feeling better, Brenda!

Do you have other things that you have not written about but are passionate about? Maybe explore that as a niche?

Not really.

Anything in the skincare or health niche?


I know how you feel about wanting those articles indexed under Google even though Google seems to have it's own opinions about that subject which is why I'm myself am hesitant about writing anything knowing that google may index it or not.

Hopefully you will find a better outlet to the solution, Brenda.

Myra ♥️

Hi Myra, yes, thanks for sharing your feelings about it. I feel the same way. But sometimes I have to do it. I decided to move forward with a new site and try to focus on doing better than the previous one.

Sounds great that you're moving forward to a new site and hope it all works out for you in the end. :)

Myra ♥️

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