Sunday’s Entertainment Blog #14 – Amazing and fun to see


We all create our websites to eventually make money in the future. When creating them most of us want them to look and function good. I say most because I have seen a few that personally I feel look kind of flat and doesn't make me want to read it. I believe that someone's first impression matters a lot and if they see a website that is all words without many pictures, they may just quickly leave.

I like a website that has some color to it and it definitely needs to have at least 2-3 pictures per page. Like Kyle says in the training, you need to have images on your pages and posts because people are visual by nature. Plus when it comes time to use social media effectively to market your website you need to have images.


Personally I like being entertained and that comes in many different ways, though each way is visual. It is one of the reasons why I spent my entire career in the video game design industry. There are many kinds of video games and though some may think video games are mostly for kids, the majority of people who play them in a 3 to 1 ratio are adults.

Because I have designed and tested video games of all types I love visually entertaining things, as is evident with many of these Sunday Entertainment Blogs. So today I am going to share some of the things that I find visually entertaining and I hope you enjoy them too. I'll even end this blog with a photo puzzle casual game I helped to develop for ESPN. Those of you from Canada will like some of the visuals.


The following images are definitely not what they seem. I often wonder how these are created because the artists that do them need to be not only visionary but extremely talented to make them seem so real. So enjoy these things that are not what they seem.


Things that are amazing can be many things. I have shared videos of Scottish-born Trials Cyclist Danny MacAskill’s precision performances before and he is always AMAZING to watch. But the amazingly visual precision of the video below is definitely entertaining as is evident by the applause given to these performers. These guys are REALLY good! Click picture below.

Wow! Wasn’t that video great? The creativity that went into that and the practice had to have been long and hard but it all came together to create something great. The same holds true for all of us creating our websites. Everyone has their own style, their own look but we build and write and practice and eventually we will all have a great looking website that we can be proud of. It just takes time and practice and tweaking your routine.

The same is true when working on a video game for 6-8 months in a row, which is why most of the games I have worked on I do not like playing after I am done with them. But there are some games that I do still like to play and they are puzzle games, not really video games but what are called casual games. So I end this blog with a link to one of the games I worked on for the ESPN Arcade website.

This game is a Photo Hunt game, one of 14 that I worked on. It is two pictures side by side and you have to find 5 things that are different between the two pictures before time runs out. You can click on the differences in either picture, you get 2 extra chances should time run out, and you get 3 free guesses by clicking one of the tree cameras. Look closely because some of the differences are subtle like an ear missing or Canada spelled with an upside down A. Just click the picture below. – ENJOY!

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Very fun post. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your Sunday. Best regards to you!

Thank you Jeannie. I'm glad you enjoyed it. You have a great Sunday too.

Great post .... as usual! Happy Sunday!

Thank you Melody. Have a great Sunday!

Yes, you are right, visuals are an important part of a great website. But, what about some of us that aren't good at photography or designing? I shake too much to take decent photography.

There are plenty of royalty free images available online and lately I have been looking at incorporating YouTube videos into my content as well. Plus if shakiness is a problem you can always use a tripod or monopod, depending on the type of camera you are using, they even have them for smartphone cameras.

Thank you for yet another so engrossing. How does one get all the fantastic images you come up with?

You're welcome Neil. I have a huge library of images on my computer from years of saving.

Terrific, like that too, real art drawings, I love MC Esscher, had to look closely to that guard, saw there was something not right, but what..have a nice sunday too Robert, greetings Loes

Thank you Loes. You have a great Sunday too!

thank you for this post. It's nice to learn more about WA members. I also tried the game. Your statement about visual appeal is so true. Since people do not interact with us directly and we don't have a physical store/office for our customers to come to. Our online business is the extension of ourselves. My motto: Look your best, do your best, be your best.

You are welcome Robin. I'm glad you liked my post. Our websites are in fact a store front but a much different one than an actual brick and mortar store front which is why I feel it needs to be visually appealing while still offering quality content.

That being said we all need to still concentrate on creating great content but with relevant visual enhancements. This is where your motto comes into effect, which I agree with.

Boy, I so TOTALLY agree with you! I have been to so many websites that are alive with color and action and humor, and they just draw me in. I try to design my sites to be the same way. It's more interesting for the reader and WAY more fun for me!

I'm always astonished to see websites that have drab colors (or none at all), and then row after row of monochromatic script that cites statistics, directions, or rules. Y A W N! I can't get out of there fast enough.
Great post as always, Boomer. Thank you! I always look forward to your Sunday messages.

Thanks Patti. I personally like to offer some color in my websites because it makes things stand out but I am not in favor of colorizing content other than peppering it with some bold once in a while. The only text I will colorize will be Heading Tags.

Then using relevant visuals such as pictures, images and videos help to keep the reader engaged with your website content. I know I am starting to source videos for upcoming posts and for some of the ones I already have to improve my content.

Great info!!! I agree with you. I am a totally visual person and if all I see is words, unless I'm VERY interested in the subject, there's a good chance I'll just click out of there. I probably won't read all the words eve if I AM interested. Thanks, Robert!

Thank you Carla. One of the reasons I have started using videos is because more people enjoy visuals and videos will hold a persons interest longer and better than just pictures. Visuals of both along with great will do well for future websites.

Awesome post. Thanks for sharing. .

Thank you Jean. I'm happy you enjoyed it. Have a great Sunday!

Thanks Robert - I always love the visual art pictures like this. I'm in awe of such artists. Thanks for sharing.

I am too Beverley. I just can't imagine how you could even start painting something like that.

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