How to Make Money with Gold Frankincense and Myrrh

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Christmas is only a week away and many have heard the Biblical story of the three wise men, Magi, giving Gold Frankincense and Myrrh to Mary and baby Jesus. Did you know you can make money with these three?


You are probably wondering how you can earn an income from the gold portion of the three gifts given by the three Magi. The answer is quite simple once you know the truth about what that gold really was.

Within the past ten years I have been doing a lot of Bible studying. I am also learning more about lifestyles back 2000 years ago. Growing up a Catholic and going to church, didn’t teach me much about the Bible.

I have had many questions about things that just didn’t make sense, only to be told, "well that’s just how it is" or some answer that made even less sense. I’ve learned a lot of hidden truths in these past ten years.

One of the many revelations I learned was that the “Gold” in Gold Frankincense and Myrrh was actually the spice Turmeric, also known as Golden Spice. The gifts were three spices. This makes perfect sense now.

Did you know that Turmeric was called “Gold” during the Spice Trade in Biblical times? Not only for its golden color but also because it was worth far more money in the same weight than the metal gold.


All of us at some point begin looking for a niche that is not being targeted by many people. A saturated niche can be a No-Go, depending on that niche. However, a fresh new niche with potential is perfect.

What makes the Gold Frankincense and Myrrh a niche worth considering? Other than the Christmas and Biblical significance, this niche is not saturated because most people assume the "Gold" is literal gold.

If I had to guess, I would say that about 90% of everyone who has heard of the three gifts given to baby Jesus by the Magi, still think actual gold metal was part of the gift and not the Gold Spice. Think about this...

With you being able to educate your website readers on the truth about Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, as well as their similar health benefits, you will attract a lot of attention. That's what you want in any niche.

You do not need to be a Bible scholar to explain this truth. Much of it is common sense. However, I suggest learning a little about the Spice Trade and Ayurvedic Medicine's use of these three spices. Here’s why.


Ayurvedic Medicine is the oldest established form of medicine in the world, even older than Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ayurveda is a medical practice originating in India and the surrounding regions.

Using spices such as Gold “Turmeric” Frankincense and Myrrh separately as well as synergistically, dates back more than 4000 years. They were then and are today, successfully used in Ayurvedic Medicine.

Based on where the three wise men were from, Persia, India and Arabia, all three knew the practical, healing and spiritual aspects of each spice. It makes perfect sense the Gold was Turmeric and not the metal gold.

Health and Wellness is an extremely huge and profitable niche. It is an Evergreen Niche, meaning it will never become outdated or saturated. People will always want to know how to better their own health.

Of course, you will have to narrow down this very broad niche market. I feel that by focusing on how to make money with Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, is the ideal way of creating income with a narrow focus.


Plant-based medicine is alive and well today, just not as open in western cultures where pharmaceutical or allopathic medicine is the norm. It is mostly all about the money and you can’t patent a natural spice.

Just because it isn’t popular where you are from, does not mean it isn’t effective, safe, nor does it mean that no one would purchase products in this niche. You’d be surprised just how profitable this niche is.

You could base your entire niche around Turmeric Frankincense and Myrrh. Each spice can heal people of a major problem in healthcare today, Inflammation and Pain. It was good enough for Jesus, why not others?

Think about it. If your chosen niche was focused solely on the health benefits of Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, it would be unique because most people still believe that actual gold was given and not Turmeric.

The best part? There’s an affiliate program already providing these exact same three synergistic spices in a formulation called the Magi-Complexx. They also offer other organic supplements that treat the whole body.


I personally use turmeric every day for various reasons with great success. When I started writing this blog I looked for a product containing all three of these healing spices. That is when I came across Organixx.

I immediately checked to see if they had an Affiliate Program. They do. Then I went searching for their affiliate information. They offer a 30% Commission, a 60-day Cookie and a low $5.00 cash out threshold.

Those are really good numbers. What I like more is the information they provide to educate their customers and affiliates. This is an approach you can mimic on your own website with their help to earn income.

Though I always suggest a person have more than one affiliate program within the same niche, the Organixx affiliate program is a great starting point. Check out their affiliate program here. This is NOT an affiliate link.

You can rake in some serious commissions with this niche that hardly anyone is targeting. It is an Evergreen Niche, similar to the ones I’ve listed here, that can generate you Christmas profits all year long.

Building an affiliate marketing website here at Wealthy Affiliate, will help you tap into this obscure sub niche with Biblical and Ayurveda roots. Now you can make money with Gold Frankincense and Myrrh.

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comment section below. May you and all of your family, have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays.

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Recent Comments


Inspiring, as usual, thanks for always sharing

You are welcome Carol. I am always happy when I can share some knowledge and niche ideas.

A great read here Rob, thanks for the share my friend!

You are wlcome Nick. I am happy you liked it.

I did indeed Rob, thanks again!

Very interesting to read your thoughts on this. I've also seen a difference using turmeric. But who knew you could make a niche out of it. Great food for thought. Thanks for sharing.


You are welcome Susan. There are a few ways one can make a niche out of turmeric. However I feel that the best and most narrowed approach would be to make the niche about all three spices and how they helped Mary and Jesus combat the pain and inflammation of child birth.

Interesting take on this. Hadn't heard it before. Can see how it would work.

Good advice.

Thank you. There is a small group of Theologians and Bible scholars who are well versed in the culture of that time, that have exposed this new truth. Once I learned it, it made perfect sense. Whereas the metal gold and two spices made no sense.

Appreciate the input.

I absolutely enjoyed reading your article about gold Frankincense and Myrrh. I really like how it can be used for healing inflammation and pain. Ill definitely be looking more into that. I am building out my website about health and wellness to help people be more healthier. This story really makes me very happy. I personally research and look at a lot of health alternatives online to see what really works for me. Want to say thank you very much for your great knowledge.

You are welcome Andrew. I personally use Turmeric to treat pain and inflammation. It is far better than any kind of drug and it has no negative side effects.

Turmeric is so good at relieving pain and inflammation that the drug companies have been trying to copy it for the past 20+ years so they can make a patented expensive drug.

So far every attempt has failed and Turmeric is still gold. This is further proof that natural plant-based medicine is still the best form of medicine for many chronic conditions.

Wow! I love research minded approach! Being real is not so common though. Thank you for sharing!


You are welcome Shahlla. It seems like there is a shortage of reality in this world today, at least that is what some of my research is pointing to.

Wow, Rob! This is a compelling article, indeed! Well done, my friend, along with some excellent research! It only makes sense to use plant based medicines!


Thanks Jeff. It has become a fascination and a bit of a hobby to unlock truths about things regarding theology, while at the same time seeing if there's a niche that can come from that new knowledge. It certainly makes for non-saturated niche ideas.

I totally agree, Rob! That is definitely "thinking outside the box"! Well done!


Thanks Jeff. Thinking outside of the box is something I have always done since becoming a member of WA. The only problem is not having enough time to explore all of the ideas I come up with. lol

I completely understand, Rob! Time is something that is scarce, and we all seem to lack sufficient amounts of it!


This gold thing- a lot like learning about Santa many years ago!

I have become more interested in finding out about the actual lifestyles of people while Jesus was here on earth. I grew up Baptist with the same vague answers to questions I had. I can also blame a straying away from learning as well.

Thanks for the lessons, This could be an opportunity.

Hey Sami, how are you? - It always amazes me when I find out things I often wondered about that make the puzzle of theology come together. However it requires removing yourself from man-made religions.

Though I have always known from clues in the Bible that Jesus was not born on December 25th, I had to study Hebrew traditions of their early priesthood to get at least the correct month, which makes more sense.

This thing with the Gold not being metal and in fact being Gold Spice or what we today call Turmeric, was learned by studying connections between the Spice Trade and Ayurveda during Biblical times. This is like my new hobby. Maybe a future niche?

Great hobby, the Bible and its many revelations, including health. I have seen the health connection for many years, but missed the turmeric/gold one. Essential oils, i.e., frankincense and myrrh, also a good niche. Thank you for the excellent post.

You are welcome. If I were to promote these three spices as part of a health and wellness niche, I most definitely would promote their essential oils. All three are powerful natural healers of pain and inflammation.

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