About WBlaisure
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665 followers Joined January 2017
Mission statement: To reach as many as possible with things which build faith and do this in a fun manner. NOW AT 37, 464 followers and 34





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asked in
Getting Started

Directions please.

Hey, Warren hope you are well.

I just got through doing just that. But I see you already have it worked out.

So I hope it helps, but I am leary in my case because I haven't had that much traffic yet.

Who knows got to try anything that might help.

Have a great evening, Chet.

Hi - do be aware this code does not put ads on your website.

It simply allows them to inspect your site to see if it is suitable.

They will send an email to let you know if you have been approved.

Got it figured out. Abie helped. Thanks Diane.

I let Site Support do mine. I don't know my way around those areas, so I was afraid to mess with it myself.

Hi Warren,
If you have access to the theme editor, you can place the code there as well
<head> code </head>
section and be sure to save that file.
Also, Frank's suggestion is excellent.

Choose what is safer and easier for you. Happy work.

Slavka 👋

Hi, Warren

Grab the AdSense HTML and paste it in the header section of your site by using a WordPress plugin like Code Snippets or Ad Inserter.

You’ll find the HTML code in your AdSense account.

Easy Peasy! 😎

Frank 🎸

Used Ad Inserter. Thanks, Frank.

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How do I find the html for my website? trying to put adsense code in it to start ads.?

How do I find the html for my website? trying to put adsense code in it to start ads.?

asked in
Getting Started

Directions please.

Hey, Warren hope you are well.

I just got through doing just that. But I see you already have it worked out.

So I hope it helps, but I am leary in my case because I haven't had that much traffic yet.

Who knows got to try anything that might help.

Have a great evening, Chet.

Hi - do be aware this code does not put ads on your website.

It simply allows them to inspect your site to see if it is suitable.

They will send an email to let you know if you have been approved.

Got it figured out. Abie helped. Thanks Diane.

I let Site Support do mine. I don't know my way around those areas, so I was afraid to mess with it myself.

Hi Warren,
If you have access to the theme editor, you can place the code there as well
<head> code </head>
section and be sure to save that file.
Also, Frank's suggestion is excellent.

Choose what is safer and easier for you. Happy work.

Slavka 👋

Hi, Warren

Grab the AdSense HTML and paste it in the header section of your site by using a WordPress plugin like Code Snippets or Ad Inserter.

You’ll find the HTML code in your AdSense account.

Easy Peasy! 😎

Frank 🎸

Used Ad Inserter. Thanks, Frank.

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