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What The Bible Says About The Horrific Events Of Our World Today

Imagine the shockwaves sent through a nation when news breaks of an attempted assassination on a former president. Such was the case with the attempted attack on former president Trump. If you want to understand these events and the horrors of our world today, many look to the Bible for wisdom and guidance.

Now, this isn’t just about one incident, it’s also about the broader context of global unrest, violence, and uncertainty. It raises a question: What does the Bible say about these upheavals? Scripture doesn’t shy away from discussing the presence of evil or injustice in the world. From the books of Daniel and Revelation to the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels, the Bible foreshadows times of trouble and calls for steadfast faith.

It’s important to acknowledge that many people seek solace in the scriptures when faced with such troubling events. I believe the Bible provides a foundation not only for understanding the nature of these trials but also for finding hope and direction. Passages in Psalms remind us to seek refuge in God, while Thessalonians urges us to ‘pray without ceasing,’ especially during trying times. It tells about the biblical perspective on ‘such a time as this’ and the encouragement it offers. This includes recognizing our role in prayer and the vital nature of our relationship with God as we navigate through the storms of life. The sense of personal and collective responsibility towards prayer and action is a thread that can be traced throughout biblical scripture, and it serves as a beacon of resilience as we confront the chaotic events of today’s world. Fall to your knees in prayer…

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Helllo Barbara,

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, I believe in prayer 🙏💯

Without God life is futile!

Stay blessed and be safe :)

Kind regards

Thank you, Erica, for not being afraid to share. I know I can't do anything without God. You are right without Him, life is futile.
Barbara Hickman

You are welcome 🙏

thanks for sharing your thoughts, after all I thought it was freedom of speech, as so many people speak some horrible things and they do not get persecuted!

Wishing you a wonderful new week :)


Thank you for this post. It is well said.

You are most welcome WT! Thank you for your kind words.
May God Bless you,
Barbara Hickman

Hello Barbara

This would be more suitable for your website then your WA blog. It is well written and would be good content for your website. Keep up the good work. All the best to your success.



Yes, it is suitable for my website, so I have it on it. But it is also ideal for WA as the millions here need to know where MY foundation is. Thank you for your critique as I always need that.
God bless,
Barbara Hickman

WA rules ask us not to post the same article on our website as on WA and that we don't post religious content.



Hi - if this is on your own site, and it is posted here too, then Google will assume it is duplicate content.

WA is a website like any other, and the posts published here are indexed pretty quickly.

So, when Google finds it on your website too, it will assume you have copied it, it has no way of knowing that you wrote the original.

This will affect the ranking of this post on your website.

Thank you for not being afraid to stand up for God! Th
anks for the information regarding Google.

Hello Barbara

You're welcome and thank you for your reply. There is nothing wrong with sharing your story or your intended niche but as I previously stated this post is more suitable for your website rather than your WA blog.

Also as another member pointed out WA rules state no posting the same content on WA and on your website and also no religious content on WA.

I'm a Christian to and I believe highly in God and angels but you must remember there is a time and place for everything.

I hope this helps you and makes sense. I wish you all the best with your website and I look forward to seeing your ongoing progress and content. God bless you to. All the best to your success.



Thanks Timothy for your comments.
Barbara Hickman

If this comment is addressed to me, I am not "standing up for God" as I don't follow any religion.

And as Teri kindly pointed out, the official posting rules do say "No faith or religion based posts. We all have different beliefs and values, please do not use Wealthy Affiliate as a medium to discuss faith or religion. To avoid any form of conflict, we are a religion-neutral platform."

Plus, I think you misunderstood what I was saying about Google because having a duplicate post here on WA will potentially harm your website.

Romans 8:28

You're welcome Barbara


Hello Barbara

Please listen to what Diane is saying. She is a well trusted member here on WA and you need to read the posting rules she linked to.

You need to refrain from quoting bible verses as this is religious and is not suitable for WA. If you are not willing to follow the rules you may be seen as a spammer and could get into trouble. Please read and follow the rules on WA.



I’m absolutely not a spammer, Timothy, I just write from my heart.

Hello Barbara

That's great Barbara but please follow the posting rules on WA. That's all we ask of you. All the best to your success.



Have you read the other replies here? When were we given these rules? I have had a hard journey with my illnesses and the death of my brother, my x husband and my precious son, Chris within a three year period and this has been my coping mechanism.

Yes I have read the other replies here and I'm very sorry to hear about your illness and tough time. We were given these rules quite a while ago.

Everything is explained in the posted Diane linked to in her comment which is a post from Kyle. Thank you for your understanding. All the best to your success.



Thanks for your continued support.
Barbara H.

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