Facebook quietly ditches 'It’s free and always will be' slogan from its homepage


The change happened sometime around 06th Aug. Read the story here:


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Thank you very much for sharing this post. I really appreciate it.

I have not used FB very much as I am reluctant to post my life online. However I will be using FB for my business, so that is an issue.

For anyone who may have missed it, the eternal promise by Facebook "free and it always will be" has silently vanished and you can kiss off that promise which Facebook made to its potential and actual users at the altar of hopium and deceit, in front of the entire world in attendance.

Enter "the new and improved" Facebook, which as of earlier this month has silently removed that promise from its login page: opting instead to only remind us that "It's quick and easy" (please read that as a PG-13 statement only). Somebody better look into the "pre-nuptial agreement" for any silently, unilateral, self serving and self terminating agreement clauses.

I mean who wouldn't want to have a solid, trustworthy partner like that?

And so it goes, the hits just keep on coming, yet some, imprevious or aware of it but beholden to the Stockholm Syndrome are still going for the ride with their abductor.

Yeah, so big deal, Facebook promised to always be free, untl Facebook decided that "always will be...free" is synonym with "not always and not free", the victims of that syndrome will argue in defense of their captor.

Well heck, we wish that the Pavlovians will enjoy their ride, just know that it is not free and that always has but a fleeting meaning, as in running out of gas or worse. As they drive off together towards the cliff, one cannot escape the stench of false advertising and deceit.

Enjoy the ride...err wreck! Sorry but no tow truck is going into the abyss to "recover" that bastion of "free" and so it may wind up "always" where it lands.

I will try to look up the definition of "always free" once I regain my composure from the utter "shock and disbelief" it has caused me...Heading into a safe space in the rebar reinforced bunker to process this "unexpected" betrayal...


MN! Right?
Coming to a theater near me.

I love your great posts.



Incoming, take cover on the Maidan, quickly.


That was the second time I was there. Most amazing shit I ever saw in my life. It was watching history being made every single day. Every single hour.
Seeing those priests bearing the cross standing with the fires burning behind them was un-worldly. Like a giant movie that I was in. I did not sleep 8 hours the whole week. My condo only about a one beer walk to middle of Maidan.

Thanks for the heads up. Im not really using it much yet but good to know

Thank You Ash, as I've said in my recent posts, Facebook is now only "Pay to Play", and this ditch only provides further proof:)

Love this!!

Thanks for the share.

Say ir matters nor what Facebook does and what rights of its users it violates, way too many are still in the car for the ride with their abductor in a prima facie case of the Stockholm Syndrome.


Why am I not surprised. Jim

Ya...facebook have been taking video subscription payments for a while now..

They should not be trusted at all. I can get in to my FB at all these days. and they are not sending the special code to my phone...the other options has all the radio buttons disabled so....basically..I'm outta FB.

I don't care either but it is a HUGE warning for facebook crypto..what if I had some coins in there....

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